Returning The Car

Driving an Audi A4 in Sanlin county was not too eye-catching. At most, it was above average.

Of course, Cheng Xu did not expect to run into an "acquaintance" when he got out of the car.

"Eh? His clothes and his figure... He looks like the kid who drove the three-wheeled motorcycle the other day."

"I also think so."

"I love you, but look, other people can drive an Audi."

In the past few years, Sanlin county, a small county, had been connected to the urban area.

The former vegetable market street could now be considered a low-end urban pedestrian street.

It was noon in the summer, and the air was hot, but there were still many people on the street. Most of the people were wearing all kinds of work clothes.

Whether it was the local residents or the people who worked here, they all loved to come here for lunch.

Cheng Xu found a side road with shade and parked the car on the sidewalk. Occasionally, traffic police would come to issue tickets, but as long as he did not park the car on the main road, he would not be caught.

Due to the large flow of people, this market street had a variety of food. It was extremely rich, which also attracted more people to come and eat.

Another advantage of having more people eating was that it indirectly guaranteed the freshness of the dishes. The dishes here were hot and hearty. It was the most suitable for filling the stomach.

Walking on the street of the vegetable market and smelling the fragrance of all kinds of food, Cheng Xu could not help but swallow his saliva. He was also triggered by the difficulty of choice.

"Let's eliminate the noodles first. I've had enough of those at home."

Cheng Xu looked at the spicy noodle restaurant and shook his head. Besides, he would not be full even if he had a full bowl.

"There are too many people in this restaurant. There are no seats left. This place is not good either. It's okay, but it's too slow."

After much hesitation, Cheng Xu chose a restaurant that sold personal hot pots.

The food here was good, and he rarely ate here, mainly because he did not have much money before.

He called the waiter over and ordered a beef hotpot. Cheng Xu smacked his lips when he saw the price. It was not too expensive, only about 20 yuan.

Of course, if he used the money to buy groceries, it would still be enough for him to eat for a few days.

Within a few minutes, the beef hotpot was served.

A lot of the meat here needed to be cooked in advance so that the dishes could be served quickly. Everyone's lunch break was only so long, and if they waited for too long, it would affect their business.

Cheng Xu took a deep breath and exclaimed at the taste!

There was an alcohol stove below, and a small stainless-steel pot on top. The pot was covered with cooked beef slices. One look at it and one would wonder if the owner was doing charity.

However, when he flipped open the top layer of beef, he found that the bottom layer was made of vegetables. Cheng Xu thought to himself, "It's only 20 yuan, what's the point of complaining?"

Cheng Xu had three servings of rice. Eating alone was perfect. He could eat at his pace.

Cheng Xu touched his stomach and suddenly realized that his abdominal muscles were almost gone. He hurriedly exerted force on his abdomen and found the hidden lines before he heaved a sigh of relief.

There would not be any good food in the market at this time. He thought about it and decided to go to the supermarket.

He pushed open the curtain and a gust of cold air hit him in the face.

"It's comfortable now."

The reason why he chose the supermarket was that there were many options. The air conditioner in the supermarket could not only save Cheng Xu from the hot sun, but also the vegetables would not wither easily.

"I think I'm running out of shampoo. One bottle of that, two bars of soap, and how much toothpaste do I have left? Forget it, I'll take another box. This thing doesn't expire easily anyway..."

Cheng Xu, who had only wanted to buy groceries, suddenly felt like he needed everything and wanted to buy everything after entering the supermarket.

Walking out of the supermarket, Cheng Xu, who had spent a little more than 200 yuan and carried a large bag, suddenly felt a little regretful.

He threw the food into the trunk. He had originally planned to return the car to Huang Junjie, but now he had to change his mind. It was better to go home and put the food away. This thing was really uncomfortable.

Huang Junjie's house was not far from his, but it was built in a rather imposing manner.

The three-story country villa was painted in a gray paint that was not easily out of date. The corners were decorated with some European embossed pillars, which made it look quite western.

Their family had houses in both the county and the city, but they had been living here all this time.

He was about to honk when he drove to the entrance, but after thinking that someone might be taking a nap at this time, he gave Huang Junjie a call.

He was playing a game at this time and had never had the habit of taking an afternoon nap since he was young. In his words, taking an afternoon nap would delay his playing time.

"Hey, open the door and let me in."

"I'm here, I'm here. I'm in the middle of a team fight."

He had been spectating on the sidelines when he received a call from Cheng Xu. He started the team fight decisively, and as expected, his teammates did not follow him. He was surrounded and beaten to death in the crowd.

The screen turned gray.

Soon, Chen Xu saw Huang Junjie running down the stairs in his slippers and opening the door for him.

"Bro, you're in too much of a hurry. It's such a hot day, and you're still here to give me a car."

After Cheng Xu drove the car into the courtyard, he immediately led him into the house.

Although the air conditioner was not on in the living room on the first floor, the temperature was still much lower than it was outside.

"Let's go upstairs to my room."

"You're playing video games again?"

As soon as Cheng Xu entered the room, he saw a golden question mark on his computer screen. He could not help but laugh at him.

Huang Junjie's room was quite big, but there were many things in it, making it look a little messy.

There were many posters of comics on the wall, and there was also a string of yellowed paper cranes.

Cheng Xu had heard him tell him many times about the origin of this string of paper cranes. It was the only gift he had received from a girl since he was young, and he had not lost it even after so many years.

There was also a small refrigerator next to the computer desk. It was probably for the convenience of having drinks at any time.

Huang Junjie went to the room and gave Cheng Xu the highest courtesy of the summer— a can of iced coke.

Then, he quickly sat in front of the computer and moved the mouse to let his character walk out of the resurrection point. At the same time, he typed something in the dialog box.

[Guys, stop yelling. Just now, someone came and I logged off for a while. Haha.]

He was the one who had to be blamed. Originally, everyone was scolding him for being a flake, but suddenly, the direction of the wind changed.

[Wow, you have a girl home, huh?]

[Waaah, I feel bad for her!]


Cheng Xu was stunned for a while before he reacted.

Cheng Xu ruffled Huang Junjie's hair as he asked, "Excuse me, why do they think I'm a girl?"