Can You Learn From Cheng Xu

"Bro, don't. My hair is messy. My permed hair has straightened out."

He twisted his body to avoid Cheng Xu's big hand while using both hands to operate the computer.

Cheng Xu only stopped when he saw that Huang Junjie's head had completely turned into a chicken's nest. He remembered what he had to do.

"So, the car is basically fixed for you, but there are a few parts that are too worn out to repair. My friend suggested that you go to the automobile repair shop to replace the original parts."

"Waah! Bro, I'm so touched. How should I repay you?"

"You don't need to repay me. Give me a knife and I'll stab you to death."

After Huang Junjie finished his game, Cheng Xu was ready to leave.

"I'll go back first. You can go ahead and have fun. You don't have to send me off."

"Don't, Bro, how can a game be more important than you?"

Huang Junjie followed him with a smile on his face and sent Cheng Xu to the roadside.

At night, when Huang Junjie's family was having dinner, his father, Huang Zhigang, remembered the car in the courtyard and asked, "You said you'd give the car to Cheng Xu and let him fix it for you?"

Huang Junjie picked up a piece of meat and said as he munched on it, "Yes, he sent it over this afternoon."

"Did you pay him?"

Huang Junjie immediately stopped chewing and smacked his head. How could he have forgotten about this?

Perhaps it was because they often played together, so they had never thought about money.

Huang Zhigang looked at him and knew that he did not pay. He said angrily, "It's normal for you to not talk about money when you help each other out. But repairing a car is not a small amount of money. You can't just let it go."

"Dad, I know. I just forgot about it."

He had seen the second-hand car that his son had bought. There were indeed many problems. It would cost at least a few thousand to repair it.

"Son, you should know what's going on with Cheng Xu's family. I'll give you some money later and you can send it to him." Zhang Ying, who had been listening without saying anything, finally spoke.

Hearing this, Huang Junjie blamed himself even more. He had only been thinking about playing his game and did not remember.

In fact, all the residents living nearby knew about Cheng Xu's background.

There were only so many people in the village. It was impossible to have one more person without everyone knowing.

In fact, after knowing that Cheng Xu was adopted, everyone loved him even more. If any child dared bully him, they would definitely be beaten up when they got home.

Since elementary school, Huang Junjie and Cheng Xu had been good friends. His parents had also always wanted him to treat Cheng Xu as his own brother.

Cheng Xu did not let down everyone's expectations of him. Since he was young, his academic performance had always been among the top few in class. He had never participated in fighting, playing truant, or playing games.

When he was young, he liked to excavate treasures in the yard where scrap was piled up.

Sometimes, he would find some old toys. He liked to play with the old bearings and gears rather than the toys.

Of course, what he looked forward to the most were the old books. Most of them were magazines, but occasionally, there would be some famous works. In his eyes, these were more interesting than the old toys.

Having read a lot and interacting with people with his grandfather, Cheng Xu's thinking was more mature than his peers.

After graduating from junior high school, Cheng Xu was admitted to a key high school. His body had also developed, and he had finally become someone else's child.

"Can't you learn from Cheng Xu?" had become the catchphrase of many parents and an example of how to educate their children.

Perhaps it was because of this sentence, or perhaps it was because he liked to be alone, or perhaps it was because he lived in a scrap recycling center, but Cheng Xu did not have many friends. The most loyal one was Huang Junjie.

"Kid, when you were young, you had a conflict with someone at the game hall and got blocked by them. It was Cheng Xu who ran twenty kilometres to our house to tell us. Do you remember?"

At the mention of Cheng Xu, Huang Zhigang began to talk about Huang Junjie's bad experience as a child.

Of course, Huang Junjie remembered. Although he was not beaten up by the hoodlums, he was spanked by his parents when he returned home.

"When you were in junior high school, he would come to tutor you every day after school, but you didn't put any effort into improving."

Huang Junjie could not help but cover his face when he heard his mother talking about him. He did not know the importance of studying at that time. All he could think about was eating, drinking, and having fun.

After the meal, Huang Junjie took the 10,000 yuan that his father had given him and went to Donweist Scrap Recycling Center.

"Eh? Why are you so free today?"

Cheng Xu opened the door and could not help but tease Huang Junjie when he saw him.

"Bro, didn't you just help me fix my car? I forgot to pay you, so I came to find you."

Huang Junjie, who had just been exposed to the world, was no longer spouting nonsense.

"You came here just for this? Didn't I already say that we're friends and money doesn't matter?"

Cheng Xu waved his hand with a smile, indicating that he should not mind.

Huang Junjie, on the other hand, was a little anxious. He quickly said, "That won't do. You're helping me. Here's 10,000 yuan. Keep it."

Seeing him take out so much money, Cheng Xu retreated even more.

It was a piece of cake for him to repair Huang Junjie's car, and it would not take much effort for him to do so, so he did not want Huang Junjie to spend the money.

"If you don't accept the money today, I'm not leaving."

Seeing that Cheng Xu kept rejecting him, he also began to act like a rascal.

"Sure, my bed is quite big. It's enough for the two of us. Come, follow me into the house."

Cheng Xu smiled and was about to pull Huang Junjie in.

The two of them exchanged a few rounds, but neither of them could convince the other. Under Huang Junjie's constant questioning, Cheng Xu had no choice but to come up with a lie.

"My friend only charged me 800 yuan. I really don't have much. If you really feel bad, just give me 800 yuan."

"Who are you lying to? What can you do with 800 yuan? I don't believe it."

"I already said we're friends. Do you understand the friendship discount?"

"That won't do either. You still owe him a favor."

The two of them argued for a long time, but they still did not know how much it would cost to repair a car.

In the end, Huang Junjie threw 1000 yuan in the yard and ran away.

Although Cheng Xu also needed money, he really did not want to take his friend's money. It felt like he was a middleman earning the difference.

But he had no choice. Cheng Xu could only pick up the money and make other plans next time.

The next day, Cheng Xu found a box and packed 40 grams of gold. He then rode his three-wheeled motorcycle and planned to deliver the goods to Mr. Wang.

Originally, it would have been more secure to go after a day but seeing that the 100 grams was just in front of him, Cheng Xu could not be bothered to care about these minor details.

"Looks like this is the place."

Looking at the sign on the door, Cheng Xu dialed Mr. Wang's number.