Are We Being Watched?

Knowing that Mr. Wang was inside, Cheng Xu took the box and went in.

He had only taken two steps when he saw Mr. Wang coming out of the room.

"Mr. Cheng, you're quite efficient."

He walked towards Cheng Xu with a smile on his face.

Cheng Xu had no choice but to exchange a few polite words with him.

"I definitely have to pay attention to Mr. Wang's business. It's just a matter of time."

There were many people coming and going in Mr. Wang's company every day, but most of them were middle-aged. Occasionally, there were a few young people who were apprentices.

It was rare to see a student like Cheng Xu being addressed so politely by Mr. Wang.

A few people who had come out for a smoke looked Cheng Xu up and down, trying to see what was so different about him.

"Come, let's talk inside."

The office was not big. There were a few bags of materials scattered on the ground and a large safe in the corner.

The smell inside was not pleasant. The faint smell of smoke mixed with the smell of low-quality plastic kept assaulting his nose.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Cheng."

Wang Dahai took a look at the box in Cheng Xu's hand, then turned his head to the door and shouted,"

"Hu, come in and make a cup of tea."

The person who came in had tanned skin and was very thin. He looked to be less than thirty years old.

"Mr. Wang, let's take a look at the goods first."

Cheng Xu blew at the boiling hot tea and placed it back on the table. He opened the box with both hands.

Wang Dahai toyed with the gold he had brought for a while before passing it to Hu, indicating for him to inspect the goods.

"It weighs 40 grams. Its purity..."

Hu rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not seeing things.

"Its purity is above 99.99%. It's amazing."

Upon hearing this, Wang Dahai immediately took two big steps forward.

"Let me see."

He picked up the gold and tested it on the instrument twice and found that there was no mistake.

"Amazing! Mr. Cheng, this is your skill."

Wang Dahai gave Cheng Xu a big thumbs up with a big smile on his face. He then leaned closer to Cheng Xu and whispered, "What do you think of the material I provided? There's still a profit this time, right?"

Cheng Xu pursed his lips and nodded with a smile.

In fact, it was not too difficult to refine gold to 99.99% purity. As long as the technique was up to standard and the person was willing to make the effort, this purity could still be achieved.

However, Hu had been here for two or three years, and he had never seen anyone refine the gold in the gold-plated scrap to such a high purity.

This was because the environment of most small workshops was very poor. Even if dust did not fill the air, it was still many orders of magnitude worse than a laboratory.

In addition, the purity of the chemicals that many people bought was not high enough, and the quality of various processing utensils was also worrying, which made it difficult for them to refine high-purity gold.

However, this was also related to Wang Dahai's acquisition requirements. After all, 99% was enough to pass. No one would put in the effort.

"It's good that Mr. Wang thinks the goods are up to par. When do you think the next batch of materials will arrive?"

Wang Dahai was very satisfied with Cheng Xu. After all, gold of different purity percentages would fetch different prices. Hence, he said happily, "Mr. Cheng, how many goods do you want this time?"

"Of course, the more the better."

"Sure, Mr. Cheng, you're bold, and I'm not a petty person..." Wang Dahai waved at Hu and continued, "Let's go. We'll accompany Mr. Cheng to get the goods."

The warehouse was not big, but the metal door was very thick and heavy. There were two locks on the door, and beside the door was a huge wolfhound collared to a metal chain. It was sticking its tongue out at Wang Dahai.

With a sharp creak, the door of the warehouse opened.

There were no windows inside, and only a few beams of sunlight could be seen from the roof.

To Cheng Xu's surprise, there were not many things in the warehouse. There were only a dozen boxes of gold-plated material and a few boxes of old mobile phones.

"Mr. Cheng, actually, it's not easy to collect the materials recently. Look, I only have this much." Wang Dahai pretended to sigh and continued, "In fact, there are several other dealers who cooperate with me like you, Mr. Cheng. Everyone wants to make money, so I can't be biased, right?"

Cheng Xu nodded perfunctorily. He had said so much nonsense to express one purpose, and that was that he did not have much stock for him.

"How about 30,000 yuan of scrap material?"

"Of course. Mr. Wang, you have the final say."

Although Cheng Xu wanted to earn more by taking more materials, he had enough stock to gather 100 grams of gold, so he agreed readily.

"Mr. Cheng, you're indeed a fine young man. You're straightforward."

Wang Dahai called Hu over again and asked him to bring some materials to weigh and calculate.

In fact, he had really misunderstood Wang Dahai this time. Although not many of the words that came out of his mouth could be taken seriously, he still spoke some truth today.

Wang Dahai's stock was indeed limited. If he gave too much to Cheng Xu, he would give too little to the others.

In this small county and even in the neighboring areas, Wang Dahai was the biggest in this business.

Therefore, there were still many small workshops that actually relied on him to make money. When he gave Cheng Xu a batch of goods last time, those people already had some doubts, but no one said anything.

After giving Cheng Xu so much this time, he would have to come up with an excuse to deal with them later.

After checking and calculating the goods with Hu, the two of them reached a number that they were both satisfied with and reached an agreement.

Cheng Xu did not rely on their equipment throughout the entire process. Although it was a little taxing on his brain, he could still calculate the data himself. Who knew if their equipment had been tampered with? There were simply too many pitfalls on the road of business.

However, it had to be said that the results calculated by Cheng Xu and Hu through the instrument were not much different.

"Could it be that Wang Dahai is a kind businessman?" As he thought about it, he had already signed the contract.

"I'll get Hu to drive you back?"

After signing the contract, Wang Dahai heaved a sigh of relief and took a puff of his cigarette.

Who knew that Cheng Xu would just wave his hand and point outside the door, saying,"

"There's no need to trouble yourself, I rode my bike here."

"Hahaha, sure. Be careful on your way back."

Under Cheng Xu's guidance, Hu also pushed a small cart and moved the two boxes of goods to his three-wheeled motorcycle.

Although the quantity this time seemed to be similar to the last time, the gold content was far worse. Cheng Xu conservatively estimated that these two boxes could also be refined into 110 grams of gold.

"It's been hard on you, Hu. I'll take my leave first."

Cheng Xu waved at Hu and stomped the pedal hard.

Hu did not seem to be a talkative person. He only smiled at Cheng Xu before turning around and going in.

However, what Cheng Xu did not know was that someone was staring at his car.

Watching the two boxes of goods carried in by Hu, Zhu Laosan frowned and fell into deep thought.