I Gave You A Chance

Cheng Dafa, who was outside the courtyard door, was an old acquaintance, and he was no stranger to the woman with heavy makeup next to him.

Zhao Pingying was Cheng Dafa's wife.

She did have a job at an electronics factory nearby, but just like Wang Fangping, who had come to sell things to Cheng Xu, she was not very clean.

When she was a teenager, she stopped going to school and followed Cheng Dafa. At that time, she felt that he was tall and could do well wherever he went. It was quite honorable to ask him to be her man.

Later on, she understood that this kind of person who seemed to be feared by everyone was actually someone that everyone looked down on.

However, it was too late to regret it. Accompanying him had made her lazy, so they might as well just muddle along. Anyway, in this era, no one would starve to death.

Not to mention their child. He had been pilfering and bullying his classmates since they were young.

The two of them did not care when the teacher came to their door. They even praised him for being capable when he snatched the living expenses of the students in school.

Under the influence of such a family background, he finally became an adult and successfully earned a bad reputation because he robbed dozens of yuan at knifepoint. He did not have to worry about food and drink for the rest of his life.

They had come today because of the issue of inheritance.

Zhao Pingying had scolded Cheng Xu a lot at the time, but she had to go to work sometimes, and she was a woman, so it was usually her man who went to her house to wrangle.

Compared to Cheng Dafa's straight-forward personality, she preferred to play dirty. There were so many rumors about Cheng Xu's family background.

Some said that Cheng Xu was the son of a murderer and that his parents had been shot to death. Others said that Cheng Xu was a jinx who had jinxed his family to death.

The most outrageous thing was that Cheng Xu was the result of Cheng Dafa's father fooling around outside. When Cheng Xu's grandfather heard it, he was so angry that he almost got hospitalized.

It could be said that this woman was both stupid and evil.

Her goal was nothing more than to let her child get more assets in the future, perhaps even all of them.

Who knew that the old man had used up his last bit of savings in the hospital? If it was not for Cheng Xu who had been watching over him, she would have stopped the old man's medication.

"What's with all the noise in the morning? You're disturbing my grandson's sleep, you know that?"

Some people from the nearby residences couldn't stand it anymore and CAME to scold them.

"What are you guys doing here? What's there to talk about?" Cheng Xu said coldly as he looked at the two people outside the courtyard.

"Cheng Xu, open the door first. We'll talk inside."

At this time, Zhao Pingying did not want to embarrass herself in front of everyone.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here," Cheng Xu said with a disdainful smile. "What's there to say inside?"

"It's just this scrap recycling station! If you're so capable, go to court and sue me. I'll definitely be there. How about it?"

Cheng Dafa kicked the door again and said fiercely, "Open the door if you have the guts, you little b*stard. 

"I'm telling you, if you're obedient today and give us a portion of the money, I'll let this go. If you don't hand it over, I'll have to find your school and make sure you can't go to school."

Zhao Pingying crossed her arms and sneered, as if she felt that victory was in her hands.

She knew that in a situation like this, even if Cheng Xu called the police, it would be useless. It was still a family dispute, and the police could only play a counseling role at most.

However, as long as she was willing to make a fuss, Cheng Xu would not be able to get away with it. If Cheng Xu dared hit her, that would be even better. If she did not extort him for a hundred thousand or so, she would not be living up to her name.

Cheng Xu tried his best to control his emotions and could not help but think, "It seems that I was too kind last time and didn't teach them a lesson."

"Alright, come in. I'd like to see what else you can do." 

He opened the courtyard door after he finished speaking.

He also knew that today's matter could not be solved by not opening the door. If he did not make them feel pain, this kind of thing would happen again.

If he did not use some special means, they would only become worse. Zhao Pingying was completely capable of doing what she said. These people had no bottom line.

The nearby residents also frowned when they heard this, but there was really a limit to what they could help with this kind of thing. At most, they could only help to build up momentum.

After swaggering in, Zhao Pingying spoke again.

"This is not the first time we've talked about the inheritance. We don't want much, just 80,000 yuan. You can continue to live in the house, and you can continue to do the scrap recycling business." Zhao Pingying paused for a moment and continued with an evil smile on her face, "My man fainted at your door last time. Shouldn't you pay for his medical expenses too?"

Cheng Xu found her words funny.

"Your man fainted that day. Everyone saw it. I didn't even touch him."

"That's right. Cheng Dafa's body is weak. What does it have to do with Cheng Xu that he fainted? "

"We all saw it. Are you guys shameless? You're still blackmailing us."

"Who knows what dirty things Cheng Dafa has done outside. Maybe he's infected with a disease. Zhao Pingying, you should pay attention to your health."

The residents outside could not help with anything else, but it was not a problem to mock them.

"Motherf*cker, I dare you to say that again!"

When Cheng Dafa heard him say that, he panicked on the spot and glared at him while scolding him.

"I said, do you dare hit me?" 

Uncle Liu was really not afraid of him. As long as Cheng Dafa dared come over, he would fight back.

"Putting the facts aside, Cheng Xu, don't you have any responsibility at all?"

Zhao Pingying's shrill voice was heard. This really made Cheng Xu feel helpless. 'You've already thrown the facts aside, what else can I say?'

"F*ck you, are you going to give me the money or not?"

Cheng Dafa could not win against Uncle Liu outside, so he could only vent all his anger on Cheng Xu.

Who knew that Cheng Xu would just slowly go to add more fire to the stove and ignore him.

"Little b*stard, I'm talking to you! You're deaf?"

Cheng Xu continued to ignore him and fiddled with the stove, a faint smile even appearing on his face.

Cheng Dafa's face was red from the rush of blood, and he could no longer control his emotions.

"You're still laughing? You motherf*cker!"

After he finished speaking, he kicked the stove that was boiling water.

For a moment, sparks flew everywhere, and a few extremely bright sparks fell on Cheng Dafa and Zhao Pingying's pants.

What was even more unfortunate was that the sparks did not go out immediately, nor did they burn a hole in their pants. Instead, they burned intensely, emitting a dazzling white light.

It was as if they weren't wearing ordinary clothes, but the kind that had gunpowder sprayed on them.


"Why is it burning? Water! Go get water!"

With the woman's screams and the man's roars, the fire had spread from their pants to their upper body. No matter how hard they tried, they could not put it out.