
Cheng Xu was also shocked by the scene in front of him. Fortunately, there was a tap in the courtyard.

He quickly walked over, turned on the tap, and hosed them down. He also asked the residents to call an ambulance.

The fire on their bodies was finally suppressed by the water from the tap, but they could no longer speak. All that was left were painful wails.

Cheng Xu's eyes suddenly turned cold as they landed on the two people on the ground. He said in a voice that no one could hear, "Isn't it good for everyone to live in peace? I've given you all a chance."

Then, he immediately returned to his frightened and panicked state.

Ordinary sparks would not have such an effect when they landed on clothes. At most, the slightly larger sparks could burn a hole in the clothes.

However, with the addition of high concentration of oxygen, it was a different story.

Combustion was essentially an oxidation reaction. He had been taught that in school.

A normal iron wire would only be burned red when it came into contact with fire. However, if a high concentration of oxygen was added at this time, the iron wire would burn violently.

When Cheng Dafa and Zhao Pingying came in, they had already stepped into Cheng Xu's trap.

He kept infuriating Cheng Dafa. With his temper, he would definitely make a move.

After all, with his vocabulary, he could only use a few vulgarities. It was impossible for him to reason with Cheng Xu.

That was why he had been luring him to attack near the coal stove. The silence, ignoring him, and fiddling with the coal stove later on had even transferred part of his anger onto the item.

Of course, this was just his analysis and prediction. What if he still wanted to make a move on Cheng Xu?

If he had kicked Cheng Xu, then he probably would not have the chance to speak again in this life.

He would use his will to redirect Cheng Dafa's foot to the coal stove. This way, in everyone's eyes, he would be the one who kicked over the coal stove and caught on fire.

However, the fire would burn more intensely and for a longer time. Whether he could be saved would depend on his vitality.

Fortunately, his actions were all part of Cheng Xu's plan. He kicked over the coal stove, and the sparks and charcoal in the stove were controlled by Cheng Xu's mind in the process of splashing, landing on Cheng Dafa and Zhao Pingying's pants.

Then, the oxygen in Cheng Xu's dimensional pocket appeared. With the large amount of oxygen reacting, the sparks on their pants spread all over their body like prairie fire.

In fact, the whole process from the start of the fire to the end of the fire was only a few dozen seconds. Of course, Cheng Xu walked over when he was using the water pipe, afraid that the fire was not strong enough.

However, he did not really want to burn the two of them to death. If he did, the nature of the case would change, and he was afraid that it would attract the attention of countless people. The unreasonable points in the whole process would be carefully investigated by the police, and the risk to Cheng Xu would be too great.

Secondly, Cheng Xu was not that ruthless. Although these two people were not good people, they did not deserve to die.

The last point was that this was where he was going to live. If two people died in the yard, he would have nightmares every day.

A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived. The doctor who got out of the ambulance was obviously stunned.

Why was he here again? Why was he still here?

The two of them were carried away by the ambulance.

The residents at the side also gathered around and saw that Cheng Xu's pants had a few holes from the fire, and they all expressed their concern.

"Are you alright, Little Xu? I hope you're not burned?"

"I think these two people have done too many bad things and have received their retribution."

"The fire in this furnace is a little too powerful. Child, you have to be careful when you boil water in the future."

Cheng Xu's face revealed a shocked expression as he replied, "I'm fine. I just put some charcoal in the furnace when I started it. I didn't know it would burn people like this. What should I do?"

A few uncles and aunties quickly comforted him.

"It's okay, Little Xu. You're not to be blamed for this. They got themselves into trouble."

"That's right. No matter how you talk about it, it's just their own feet that are itching. It has nothing to do with you."

After this incident, people from the village also came to ask about the situation. After all, this incident happened in full view of the public. The facts were in front of them. In the end, it was determined to be a safety accident caused by the improper use of fire.

Naturally, no one was free enough to call the police for them. However, after the incident, the village publicized the knowledge of how to use fire safely for several days.

These few days, Cheng Xu's life was relatively monotonous. Most of his energy was spent on studying the new materials in his mind.

It was indeed a very painful thing to learn if one was unable to master it. He only got half the result with twice the effort.

However, as he gradually delved deeper and found a way to learn, he could feel that he was improving at all times, and learning became fun.

As he delved deeper and deeper into studying these materials, Cheng Xu also gradually immersed himself in them. Of course, this was also inseparable from some of the basics he had learned from his professional courses in college.

After calculating the time, Cheng Xu remembered that it was almost time to deliver the goods to Mr. Wang. Otherwise, others would think that he had run away.

He had no choice. He did not have enough gold, so he could only make up for it with cash. He estimated that after this delivery, his wealth would return to its pre-liberation state.

But it did not matter. Knowledge was priceless. When this thing was registered as a patent, he might need to exchange it with gold bricks, many gold bricks.

"Mr. Wang, I'm here to deliver the goods again."

"Come in and sit down, Little Hu! Make some tea."

This time, Cheng Xu was more familiar with the process.

"Mr. Wang, I'd like to clarify some things before delivering the goods."

"Oh? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Wang Dahai asked curiously.

"That's not it. It's just that I didn't tell you before that I might buy some gold from you later."

Cheng Xu still had to explain to him why there were only about 30 grams of gold left from more than 100 grams.

After all, he still wanted to continue with this business. It would take a long time for the knowledge in his mind to be turned into reality.

Therefore, it was not a bad idea to earn some living expenses by doing a part-time job of refining gold in the short term.

Wang Dahai laughed and said, "That's not a problem at all. Mr. Cheng, just tell me how much you want. I don't have much here. I can take out a few hundred grams only."

Cheng Xu waved his hand.

"I don't need so much. I just want 70 grams."


Of course, Wang Dahai did not think it was too little. After all, it was almost 20,000 yuan.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, the batch of materials we signed last time was 100 grams of gold, right?" Cheng Xu asked with a smile.

Wang Dahai put down the calculator in his hand and looked up to answer, "Yes, didn't I give you a discount of one or two hundred yuan?"

"That's good. Mr. Wang, please check the goods."

Cheng Xu took out the 30 grams of gold in the box.

"I'll pay another sum of money to buy the 70 grams."