Chapter 38: Mang Biao, Second Master of the Island

As for the Sword Dao Afterimage, because it did not have considerable scriptures like the Humanoid Weapon, it was instead very profound and difficult for people to comprehend.

However, after contemplating for nearly a year, he had made some progress and believed that results would soon be achieved.

In this manner, he practiced alchemy, cultivation, and pondered over Divine Skills.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

It was on this day that a group of uninvited guests arrived outside the island pillar.

"Island Master, the Alchemy Master lives in the island pillar ahead. I've followed Jin Suanpan and confirmed his whereabouts," one of them said.

"To be an Alchemy Master and yet live in such a place? It seems he truly hasn't joined any faction. Haha, today we will capture him and take him back."