Chapter 37 Body Refinement Cultivation Technique, Art of Mind Refinement

Upon seeing the two depart, Yang Ji's expression slightly condensed, aware that his dwelling had been exposed. He spoke to Jin Suanpan and then left the island pillar.

After flying for several dozen li, he found a new island pillar and carved out a stone house to live in.

It was already deep into the night, but Yang Ji still had not slept; in fact, his spirit seemed even more invigorated.

Inside the stone house, he was currently urging on the Earth Spirit Fire, burning a piece of rotten hardwood.

The hardwood's superficial scraps continuously turned to flying ash and dissipated in the Spiritual Fire. As time passed, the rotten wooden surface was finally completely burned away, revealing the jade interior of the Jade Slip.

With a trace of excitement, Yang Ji immediately extended his Divine Sense into it, acquiring the mysteries of the Great Divine Abilities "Humanoid Weapon".