Deep Sea Cave

After passing through the magnificent and magical rich sea, in the depths of the pitch-dark sea, a crevice at the bottom of the sea, which was emitting a faint light, appeared very suddenly in front of him, like an entrance to a different dimension.

The underwater crevice was very huge. It was at least 50 to 60 meters wide!

It lay across the uneven seabed like a wound torn by an earthquake. It was extremely sinister and eye-catching.

The submarine's automated steering system did not alert Meng Lei at all.

As Meng Lei was curiously admiring the sea view, it passed directly through the undersea jungle formed by seaweed and plunged directly into the crevice.

Only then did Meng Lei finally react. He hurriedly returned to the central control screen to check.

He discovered that the automatic navigation route was guiding the Bottomless Valley deeper into the crevice.

Meng Lei realized that he should have already passed the basic stretch of map of the birth point and was advancing to the next stage of the deep-dive route.

However, what surprised Meng Lei was that he had originally thought that this deep-dive route would have been a gradually-sloped dive on a relatively flat terrain, and that even if the depth of the sea had increased, it would still be on the surface of the earth's crust, and the location of the gathering place of the outpost was also be built in a flat sea region on the surface of the earth's crust.

However, from the current situation, it seemed that this was not the case.

After entering this underwater crevice, it was equivalent to having gone deep into the seabed.

If in the next part of the journey, he did not continue to float upward and then come out from another exit, he would be equivalent to entering the earth's crust.

The mere gathering place of the first outpost had been built deep in the earth's crust.

It was difficult to imagine how deep this voyage would eventually get to!

Meng Lei suddenly had a feeling that this alien planet survival game was not just about survival.

If it was just survival, the game settings should not be so complicated.

"It looks like I have to reevaluate this world. I can't just treat it as a game…"

Meng Lei pondered for a moment and a seed of doubt was quietly planted in his heart.

However, at this stage, thinking about these things was meaningless. It was still too far away.

The setting of this world might only truly unfold to the players when they arrived at the gathering place of the first outpost.

Currently, the only goal of the players was survival!

He had to ensure that he arrived at the gathering place of the first outpost alive before the ice in the shallow layer collapsed.

After thinking this through, Meng Lei tidied up his messy thoughts and started to focus on the exploration of resources again.

As the submarine continued to dive, the huge underwater crevice gradually enlarged in his field of view.

Like a huge mouth of the abyss, it swallowed the Bottomless Valley bit by bit.

That terrifying feeling made one shudder.

When he got closer, Meng Lei realized that the faint light he had seen earlier was a strange seaweed attached to the rock wall.

This kind of seaweed was like moss, covering the entire surface of the crevice. It emitted a faint blue glow and was very misty and magical.

Meng Lei focused his gaze on a piece of seaweed. The game cheat did not provide any notifications.

Clearly, these algae did not have any value for it to be harvested. They were just mostly ornamental.

On the sonar detection system, he did not detect any anomalies in the vicinity.

Helpless, Meng Lei could only turn around and sit back in the driver's seat. He watched in boredom as the submarine continued to dive bit by bit in the darkness.

After getting through the entrance of the crevice, the submarine descended another hundred meters or so.

A huge gap suddenly appeared on one side of the rock wall with the crevice. It was like the entrance to a cave standing on a mountain.

Under Meng Lei's surprised gaze, the automatic pilot controlled the submarine, made a turn, and dived in again.

"Damn! Is the route to the gathering place of the outpost so complicated? Without the guidance of the automated driving system, the players would not have thought of coming to such a place even if they scratched their heads!"

Meng Lei complained silently and watched helplessly as the submarine was swallowed by the endless darkness again.

This time, after the submarine had entered the cave, it did not continue to dive. Instead, it drove steadily forward.

However, from the coordinates on the central control screen, the overall trend of the submarine was still in descent.

Currently, Bottomless Valley was already more than 2,300 meters below sea level.

If it dived another 100 meters, the huge water pressure would reach the limit of what Bottomless Valley could withstand!

Fortunately, when the depth reached 2,376 meters, the dive finally stopped. The submarine started to go further into the darkness ahead on a relatively parallel course.

At this moment, through the illumination of the searchlight, Meng Lei discovered that the submarine seemed to be inside a hollow cave structure.

On the walls around the passageway, there were a large number of dense mountain cavities and countless cave entrances.

Those with trypophobia would definitely feel their scalps tingle when they saw the density.

The submarine's sonar detection system had also presented the sonar feedback signal on the three-dimensional virtual map.

In the straight passageway of the mountain, there were complicated cavities and caves everywhere.

Many of the cave passages already far exceeded 500 meters. It was impossible to tell where they led.

In addition, the sonar detection system, which had not reacted for a long time, finally detected an anomaly in the vicinity again.

Meng Lei quickly looked over. The System notifications had also changed here.

[480 meters away, there is a stretch of copper ores here with a considerable amount of copper. If you mine it completely, you will definitely gain a lot. Please don't let it slip!]

"It's actually copper ores?! This is simply timely help!"

Meng Lei was overjoyed.

Previously, there were already three units of iron ore mined in the barren zone.

This time, the System had clearly indicated that the yield of the copper ores was considerable and the gains were remarkable.

No matter how small the number was, it was estimated to be at least five units.

In this way, he would be able to gather the materials needed to make the freshwater extractor!

Immediately, Meng Lei turned the submarine to manual control mode with excitement. Then, he personally piloted the submarine closer to the anomaly in the darkness.

Two minutes later, Bottomless Valley stopped in front of the entrance to a huge cave.

The three-dimensional map showed that the copper ores were in the depths of this cave.

However, the entrance to the relatively huge cave was very narrow. With the size of Bottomless Valley, it was impossible to pass through.

At this point, Meng Lei could only continue on foot for the rest of the journey.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Lei did not delay.

He turned around, picked up his diving knife and harpoon, and put on his diving suit. Then, he went directly into the deep dark cave.