Fright in the Grotto

Boundless darkness enveloped Meng Lei like ink.

In the empty and huge underwater cave, Meng Lei held a knife in one hand and a harpoon in the other as he slowly felt his way forward in the darkness.

The searchlight of the submarine behind him gradually faded as it continued to go deeper.

Everything around him seemed to have turned into nothingness. It was hazy and he could not see clearly. It made him feel very uneasy.

In this dead and dark environment, Meng Lei was extremely cautious with every inch he swam. He did not dare to let his guard down at all.

Moreover, as he gradually went deeper, every once in a while, Meng Lei would use the diving knife in his hand to carve a mark on the rock wall beside him.

The environment in the cave was too complicated. There were many forked paths and holes everywhere.

If one was not careful, one could easily get lost.

If one were to get lost in such a place, there was no doubt that there would be no chance of survival.

Once the oxygen was exhausted, there was only death.

In addition, although the sonar detection system had not detected any danger in the cave, on the surrounding rock walls, in the holes that led to somewhere, Meng Lei had a feeling that something was squirming in the darkness, as if it would attack him at any moment.

Even though this was only his imagination, it had caused him great unease.

That chilling nervousness kept disturbing his nerves.

Unknowingly, Meng Lei's breathing had become hurried. He subconsciously tightened his grip on the harpoon in his hand.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way.

From time to time, some strange-looking deep-sea fish would swim past Meng Lei's eyes, sizing him up curiously.

Meng Lei did not choose to make a move on these "dinners" that were within reach.

Firstly, he was not confident enough to successfully capture the other party before they escaped.

Secondly, he was unwilling to complicate matters in such a terrifying environment.

If in the process of fishing, some wounds were caused, resulting in bleeding, then the stench of blood would easily attract something bad.

If that happened, it would not be worth it to lose his life before he could even settle his dinner.

A few minutes later, when Meng Lei followed the three-dimensional virtual map in his memory and turned a corner, the light above his head clearly reflected that in the cave passageway in front of him, a large pile of red ores stood quietly in a corner.

"Found it!"

Meng Lei was delighted. He quickly kicked his legs and swam faster toward the pile of ores.

The System notifications were indeed correct.

The quantity of copper ores was indeed considerable. It could be seen from the size.

Previously, he had been able to mine three units of iron from that piece of iron ore which was the size of a human head. This pile of copper ores, which was half a person tall, would probably produce at least ten units!

"Now, not only do I have enough materials for the freshwater extractor, I also have more than enough for the restoration of the gravity ball. This underwater trip is worth it!"

Meng Lei was overjoyed. He immediately took out his mining tool and approached the pile of copper ores. He went up and cut them crazily.

[System notification: Received Copper*1]

[System notification: Received Copper*1]

[System notification: Received Copper*1]

The clear and pleasant System notifications kept echoing in his mind.

One fist-sized piece of copper after another was separated from the pile of ores and put into Meng Lei's diving suit backpack.

Soon, the pile of ores, which was half the height of a person, shrunk significantly.

At this moment, Meng Lei, who was focused on mining ores, had not discovered that about seven to eight meters behind him, in the infinitely dark underwater cave, a yellow light spot suddenly lit up.

The light was very weak and hazy.

Like a firefly that had suddenly appeared in the night, it was floating and moving.

It was also like the eyes of an unknown beast, strange and sinister.

The faint light had lit up very suddenly without any warning. In the dark environment, its entire body could not be seen clearly.

Like a ghost in the deep sea, it was silent.

It slowly wandered toward Meng Lei, who was engrossed in his work.

Meng Lei did not sense this at all.

At this moment, the mining of the copper ores was about to come to an end.

The pile of copper ores, which was half the height of a person, was divided up, and reduced to 20 centimeters in a short period of time.

So far, this pile of ores had already provided Meng Lei with 11 units of copper, occupying three slots of space in his backpack.

After the rest of the ores had been mined, Meng Lei's harvest this time would probably be at least 15 units of copper.

"I've made a killing this time!"

At this moment, Meng Lei was in an extremely good mood.

Unbeknownst to him, in the darkness behind him, an inexplicable crisis was slowly approaching him.

At a certain moment, when the last fist-sized copper ore separated from the rock wall and was put into Meng Lei's bag, the pile of ores hidden in the deep sea cave had finally been mined.

Meng Lei let out a long sigh, a smile on his face.

He hung the mining tool back on his waist and was about to turn around and leave.

From the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw something strange in the darkness beside him.

The feeling at that moment was extremely terrifying, making Meng Lei's scalp tingle.

He was shocked and he suddenly turned around.

As his body turned, the light on the diving suit's hood also scattered light into the darkness beside him.

A strange-looking monster fish could be seen less than two meters away from Meng Lei. It was staring at him with its large pale eyes.

Its large mouth, full of sharp teeth, opened and closed slightly, emitting eerie light in the light's reflection.

And above its head, a long fleshy spike was bent and hanging down between its eyes. At the end of it was a round unknown organ, glowing faintly in the darkness.

Overall, it looked very scary.


Meng Lei was shocked and could not help but shiver.

In the next moment, an endless chill surged into his heart. This sudden terrifying scene frightened him so much that he kept retreating.

"What the hell is this thing? When did it come?!"

Cold sweat instantly drenched his back. Meng Lei's heart was beating crazily, and his soul was almost sent flying.

This strange fish had appeared too suddenly. He was not mentally prepared at all.

In addition, its strange appearance was like that of a monster from a horror book. Anyone who saw it for the first time would have their scalp tingle!

At this moment, the strange fish, which had wanted to sneak up on Meng Lei from behind, saw that its prey had already sensed it, so it stopped hiding.

In the darkness, a huge bloody mouth suddenly opened. Sharp fangs flickered with a cold light as they bit viciously at Meng Lei!