Fighting in the Water

The strange-looking big fish was nearly a meter long!

And its mouth, which was full of sharp teeth, was even larger than an adult's head when it grinned!

After being discovered by Meng Lei, not only did the strange fish not escape, it even attacked and bit at Meng Lei.

If it were to bite him, even if he did not die, he would be half dead.

More importantly, with the toughness of this ordinary diving suit, it would probably be very difficult to withstand the bite of the strange fish.

Once the diving suit was damaged, the decompression system would be destroyed.

In this deep sea of more than 2,000 meters, the consequences were unimaginable!

A huge sense of crisis assaulted him, and Meng Lei's scalp turned numb.

The moment the strange fish moved, Meng Lei subconsciously retreated.

At that moment, he did not have the time to think about why this strange fish had inexplicably appeared here.

His life was more important. At this moment, the only thought in his mind was not to be bitten by this strange fish.

Otherwise, everything would be over.

At this moment, as Meng Lei focused his attention, he locked his gaze firmly on the strange fish.

The faint golden System notifications appeared in front of him again.

(This is a mutated carp, a common fish that grows in the oceans of the alien planet. It is ferocious by nature and usually uses the glowing organ on its head to lure prey. Although it looks terrifying, it is not difficult to deal with. You can subdue it with an ordinary harpoon!)

"Harpoon! Oh right, harpoon!"

Meng Lei did not have the time to read the long fine text. However, when his gaze inadvertently swept across the word "harpoon" at the end, he suddenly realized that he still had the harpoon, a defensive weapon.

Then, Meng Lei hurriedly felt for the harpoon hanging on his back.

However, at this moment, the huge strange fish had already swung its sharp fins and opened its ferocious and terrifying mouth to bite at him.

The distance between the two of them was less than half a meter!

At the critical moment, Meng Lei instinctively turned around.

Fortunately, he usually exercised, so his reaction speed was not slow.

This was almost a fatal blow, and he had dodged it narrowly.

The ferocious and ugly strange fish almost brushed past the surface of his diving suit and swam past him.

If Meng Lei had been a little slower, he would have definitely been bitten by this strange fish.

However, because the two parties were too close, the water carried by the strange fish as it swam surged over in the darkness. It inevitably affected Meng Lei and flipped him hard onto the ground.

"Damn, this cursed fish is really strong!"

Meng Lei got up from the ground with difficulty and cursed fiercely.

He dared not delay further.

Taking advantage of the short period of time when the strange fish was turning around, Meng Lei quickly pulled out the three-toothed harpoon slung on his back. Then, he leaned against the rock wall where the ores had been mined and locked his attention on the strange fish again.

At this moment, as the water continued to surge, the nearby seawater gradually became turbid.

A large amount of sediment scattered like dust, blocking the visibility.

With insufficient light to begin with, his field of view had also been affected. Such an environment was undoubtedly fatal.

Meng Lei could only stick close to the rock wall and slowly move toward the exit, trying his best to get away from this area.

In the darkness, the strange fish had failed in its first attack. At this moment, it had already gone into hiding and did not launch a second attack immediately.

With its huge body hidden in the depths of a murky stretch, it stared covetously at Meng Lei.

Meng Lei did not dare to breathe loudly. He was extremely nervous.

In water, any movement would be greatly affected. It would be far inferior to the agility on the ground.

In such an environment, humans were naturally at a disadvantage. Taking the initiative to attack was definitely not a good choice.

Escape was even more impossible. No matter how fast he swam, he would not be able to escape the pursuit of the strange fish.

At this moment, he could only wait for the strange fish to make the first move, and then find a flaw before counterattacking.

Time passed slowly in a suffocating confrontation.

Meng Lei was on guard against the strange fish that might rush out of the darkness at any moment as he slowly moved his feet.

At a certain moment, when he was about to reach the edge of the cave, the strange fish finally moved. It moved its sharp fins and charged out from a dark corner like lightning, pouncing on Meng Lei!

Meng Lei frowned and immediately stopped in his tracks. At the same time, he held his breath.

The tip of the harpoon, which was diagonally in front of his chest, stabbed out. Meng Lei grabbed it tightly in his hand and assumed a defensive posture.

When the strange fish came close, he would stab it ruthlessly.

Soon, in just a few seconds, a huge shadow rushed out from the darkness and arrived in front of Meng Lei.

Its ferocious and terrifying mouth was like a huge mouth of the abyss. It bit down hard on Meng Lei's head.

Meng Lei held his breath and focused. When faced with this strange fish, he no longer panicked.

His mind was working rapidly, constantly analyzing various possibilities and then rehearsing.

When the strange fish was less than half a meter away, Meng Lei's eyes froze.


He held the harpoon tightly with both hands and stabbed forward like lightning.

The strange fish did not seem to know the power of the harpoon. It did not dodge at all. It maintained its offensive posture and collided violently with the sharp harpoon.


The tearing sensation of a sharp weapon cutting through flesh came from the tip of the meter-long harpoon.

Meng Lei seemed to have heard a splitting sound that should not have existed.

As expected, the sharp harpoon plunged directly into the mouth of the strange fish.

Dirty blood gushed out crazily from the wound, quickly dyeing the surrounding seawater red.

The strange fish was in pain and started to twist its body crazily.

Meng Lei gritted his teeth and held his harpoon tightly with both hands, not daring to slack off at all.

The strange fish was also very strong. It dragged Meng Lei and he swayed uncontrollably on the spot, and was almost sent flying.

During this process, Meng Lei continued to stab.

At the same time, he continued to exert strength in his hands, twisting the harpoon crazily in the strange fish's body!

At this moment, the two sides were competing in endurance.

Fortunately, Meng Lei had always exercised.

Although he was not as agile as the strange fish in the water, in terms of endurance, Meng Lei was definitely not inferior to this strange fish.

Moreover, the strange fish was already injured. No matter what, it could not outlast Meng Lei.

This stalemate lasted for about two minutes.

Finally, the resistance of the strange fish gradually weakened.

During this period, Meng Lei kept twisting the harpoon back and forth in his body, enlarging the wound.

In the end, the strange fish lowered its tail weakly and struggled on the spot for a while before stopping completely.

At the same time, the System notifications echoed in Meng Lei's mind.

[System notification: You have killed the mutated carp and obtained a carcass. You can bring it back to the submarine for decomposition.]