Encountering the Fertile Belt Again

From the moment they entered the underwater fissure until now,

it had taken more than an hour to cross a distance of ten or more kilometers.i

This huge tunnel nestled in the middle of the rocky seabed had finally come to an end.

The moment Bottomless Valley emerged from the cave, Meng Lei suddenly felt his field of view become clear.

The unchanging structure of rocks and caves which brought a great sense of oppression had finally disappeared.

In its place was an empty and boundless dark space.

At this point, Meng Lei suddenly had an inexplicable illusion.

It was as if he had entered another world, an unfamiliar sea that was located deep under the sea, not within the Earth's crust.

Because from the way Bottomless Valley had advanced, after entering the underwater crevice, he did not float up the whole time.

It had been a relatively horizontal course, and he had followed the tunnel and headed east.

Logically speaking, even if he came out of the tunnel, he should be below the surface.

However, the current sonar detection system showed that there were no terrain obstacles 500 meters above him.

This also meant that there was a boundless void above his head.

Meng Lei frowned suspiciously.

He secretly pondered. There were two possibilities for the current situation.

It could be that the underwater crevice he had entered earlier had a geological fault at the exit, and that the moment he came out, he had indeed arrived at an unfamiliar sea.

His current location was not deep in the earth's surface; he was still above the earth's crust.

The auto-navigation route planned by the submarine had chosen the underground grotto tunnel for this reason.

It was very likely because the terrain on the surface fluctuated greatly during this ten-kilometer journey.

Perhaps the highest point had already been frozen by the ice, making it impossible for the submarine to pass through, so an alternative route was taken.

There was another possibility.

He could actually be deep underground.

This might be an extremely vast underground cavity!

As for the rock layer on the surface, in this short ten kilometers, its thickness increased explosively!

By now, the earth's surface was well over 500 meters above him!

As he thought to himself, Bottomless Valley gradually sailed out of the underwater tunnel located in the rock layer and began to wander aimlessly in the boundless darkness.

Meng Lei looked around and sighed silently.

"The geological structure of this ocean is too complicated!"

"If there is no navigation guidance and let the players have to figure out their way to the gathering place of the first outpost, I really don't know how many people would be lost along the way…"

"In addition, the size of this alien planet is more than ten thousand times larger than the Blue Planet! Perhaps someone will be lost in the deep sea for the rest of their lives and not be able to get to the destination!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Meng Lei took a deep breath and kicked those crazy thoughts out of his mind.

No matter where he was now, he had to persevere on this path.

Even if he eventually stepped into the abyss, it was still the choice of fate.

The boundless darkness once again enveloped Bottomless Valley.

Meng Lei sat limp in the cockpit and scrolled through the communication channel in boredom.

In this strange time and space without social networks or communication tools, the regional communication channel of the sea route became the only recreational tool to pass time.

Fortunately, the luminous jellyfish that swam past the window from time to time were like spirits in the darkness, bringing an odd touch of interest to the depths of this lonely and dark abyss, so Meng Lei was not too bored.

However, ever since he left the underwater tunnel, nothing changed during the subsequent half hour of the journey.

The submarine kept moving at full speed in the darkness, and no other scenery appeared along the way.

Above him was a boundless void, and below him was a bottomless abyss.

In this empty environment, he could not even find an anomaly.

Moreover, the current depth of the sea where Bottomless Valley was located had already reached 2,400 meters!

With only 100 meters left, it was approaching the pressure threshold that Bottomless Valley could withstand.

Therefore, Meng Lei did not dare to dive deeper readily.

He could only sit there and let the auto-navigation system guide him deeper into the darkness.

In the end, another half an hour passed.

The scene in front of him finally changed.

In the boundless darkness, a faint purple light appeared.

In the deepest part of the darkness, it was like a flower that had bloomed in the netherworld. It was miserably bizarre.

At the same time, the terrain at the bottom of the sea began to gradually change.

On the sonar detection system, traces of the seabed were gradually reflected.

It continued to rise at a rather rapid pace and soon approached the established course of Bottomless Valley.

Seeing this scene, Meng Lei instantly came to a realization.

The area he passed by just now happened to be an abyss similar to a sea trench, so he could not detect the edge of the bottom.

After crossing the sea abyss, he finally arrived at the sea area of the gentle belt.

Ten minutes later, the terrain at the bottom of the sea gradually flattened.

Bottomless Valley came to where the purple light was.

Meng Lei held his breath and left the pilot seat in shock. He leaned against the glass of the porthole and looked out.

What a magnificent sea view it was. Words could not describe it.

In front of him, short purple seaweeds, rooted in the seabed, were emitting a faint light.

Under the surging sea currents, it was as if a breeze had blown past, and they swayed wantonly.

The seaweed was very densely distributed.

He looked into the distance.

In the boundless darkness, it was like a sea of purple flowers blooming, dazzling and magnificent.

In addition, there were also some huge plants that looked like mushrooms growing in the sea of flowers.

Schools of fish and jellyfish were swimming among the seaweed and mushroom plants.

Like birds wandering in the forest, soaring freely in the sky.

For a moment, Meng Lei was stunned.

The scene in front of him was not inferior to the fertile sea area before the submarine entered the crevice at the bottom of the sea. In fact, it was even better.

The density of marine life was comparable.

In addition, large red anomalies appeared on the sonar detection system one after another.

At the same time, the game cheat also clearly indicated that there were a large number of plant resources nearby.

After a long while, Meng Lei came back to his senses.

He slapped his thigh, took a deep breath, and shouted excitedly, "What a great place! This is really a damn treasure land!"

"If I could catch and sell all these fish, how many resources can I exchange them for! And there are so many plant resources!"

"I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Meng Lei was overjoyed. He immediately steered the submarine forward and hovered over a patch of seaweed.

Then, he turned around and left the pilot seat. He ran to the storage chest and took out the small gravity ball.

He quickly put on his diving suit and brought his harpoon and diving knife.

Meng Lei rushed out of the door and plunged into the water.

He could not wait to see the power of the gravity ball.

If this thing was really as awesome as the introduction, he would definitely make a killing this time!