A Great Harvest!

The icy seawater enveloped Meng Lei.

Under the illumination of the submarine's searchlights, Meng Lei held the white gravity ball in his hand and slowly swam forward.

Currently, Bottomless Valley was hovering at the place where the sea of purple flowers was most lush.

The lush purple seaweed rippled with the waves, swaying slightly under Meng Lei's feet.

Groups of fish swam through the seaweed. The number was shocking!

It was no exaggeration to say that if the gravity trap created by the gravity ball could absorb small fish regardless of the number,

then Meng Lei's harvest this time would definitely shock the entire Channel 66671!

Full of expectation, and paddling with his legs, Meng Lei followed the school of fish and wandered around the submarine for a moment.

He tried to figure out the movement patterns of these fish, so that when the fish passed by, he could maximize the gains of the gravity ball.

However, in the end, he realized that there was no pattern to the movements of these fish.

Helpless, Meng Lei could only give up.

He randomly found a more well-lit place for the next observation.

Meng Lei casually switched on the gravity ball and threw it forward.

The gravity ball, which weighed about five kilograms, floated quietly in the seawater.

After a short activation time, a pale blue light shone from the complicated electronic patterns on the surface of the gravity ball.

In the next moment, Meng Lei felt a powerful suction force pulling him toward the gravity ball uncontrollably.

"Damn, this gravity trap is quite effective!"

"If I, weighing nearly 200 pounds with my equipment, can be pulled over, those palm-sized fish will definitely be nothing!"

He quickly swung his legs.

After struggling for a while, Meng Lei successfully broke free from the gravity trap with a smile on his face.

Then, in order to obtain more detailed data on the gravity ball, he did a few more experiments.

In the end, he discovered that the gravity ball could create a gravity trap with a range of about five meters.

The probability of the target breaking free was related to its size and weight.

On the other hand, it was linked to the target's power.

If the target's power was strong enough, it could still successfully break out of the trap with brute force.

The main function of this gravity trap was to pull and absorb. It would not directly lock the target.

"It seems that one gravity ball is not enough. These deep-sea fish are very agile. Once I get close and scare them, it will be easy for them to escape."

"I have to find something and catch it from afar!"

Meng Lei pondered for a moment.

"The harpoon is fine, but its length is limited. It might not be too effective, and it's inefficient."

"What should I use besides the harpoon?"

After a short moment of thought, Meng Lei had no clue.

He finally decided to check the production list of the manufacturing station to see if there was anything he could use.

He placed the small gravity ball in place and it continued to exert its effect.

Meng Lei used his hands and feet to quickly return to the submarine.

In the production list, there were a lot of basic blueprints.

At the beginning of the game, Meng Lei only skimmed through it briefly and did not have the time to take a closer look.

After reading it carefully, he realized that there were so many items that could be manufactured, it was simply dazzling.

Other than using resources to make items, there were also some magical things that could be bought with mileage points.

For example, Meng Lei had discovered some skill books in the consumables list that could increase his various abilities.

Proximity Combat Instruction, Cannon Operation Instruction, Deep Diving Instruction, Captain's Guide…

and so on…

Obviously, these skill books could increase the proficiency of players in all aspects to deal with the more cruel survival tests.

However, corresponding mileage points would need to be consumed in order to purchase them from the manufacturing station.

Therefore, before the players had enough strength to kill the alien planet sea monsters, it was impossible.

Meng Lei just simply browsed and skipped over these consumables that were impractical at this stage.

His eyes flashed.

Meng Lei focused on the basic equipment.

After searching for a while, he finally found a suitable item.

[Fishing Net Gun: Iron 3/3; Plastic 2/2; Aluminum 2/2]

(A small handheld fishing net launcher that can fire a net the size of 5x5. Due to the lack of power in the muzzle, the firing speed is relatively slow. Under normal circumstances, it's very difficult to obtain anything. It is mostly used to restrict the movement of crustaceans.)

"This thing is good!"

Meng Lei's eyes flickered with surprise.

"For others, this thing might be a little useless and not of much use, but it's perfect when used with the gravity ball!"

The introduction given by the game cheat was very clear. The slow firing speed was the gun's greatest weakness.

In the early stages of the game, it was purely useless.

Not many people would be willing to waste precious resources to create such a useless thing.

However, to Meng Lei, this fishing net gun was extremely suitable for capturing the fishes that were drawn by the gravity trap!

"I don't have to think more, this is it!"

Meng Lei had a lot of reserve resources now and could directly meet the manufacturing requirements.

Without any hesitation, he immediately pressed the manufacturing button.

A white light flashed, and a new fishing net gun appeared on the manufacturing station.

With the fishing net gun, he naturally needed the most crucial fishing net.

He looked at the materials used to make the fishing net. It required ten units of plant fiber.

Meng Lei frowned slightly.

Previously, in the cave tunnel, he had only collected a total of five units of plant fibers. He was still short of half the requirements.

Fortunately, the plants in the sea in the vicinity were quite abundant.

After entering the water, Meng Lei harvested a total of 20 units of plant fiber.

He fabricated a fishing net and carried the fishing net gun on his back.

Meng Lei came out of the water again and returned to the position where the gravity ball was hovering.

At this time, almost half an hour had passed since he set up the gravity ball.

When he arrived near the gravity trap, the scene before his eyes instantly caused Meng Lei's heart to stir!

He saw…

Dozens of colorful fish that were about the size of a palm were attracted by an invisible force and firmly absorbed around the gravity ball.

The dazed and confused small fishes did not know what was going on at all. They were instinctively wandering in the gravity trap without any intention of escaping.

Meng Lei suppressed the excitement in his heart and swam forward carefully.

He stopped seven or eight meters away from the gravity trap.

Then, he raised the fishing net gun in his hand and pulled the trigger without a word!

The dark brown net left the bow and headed towards the gravity trap at a relatively slow speed.

After floating for a short while, the net was pulled by the gravity trap and suddenly sped up.

In an instant, it gathered all those dozens of small fish!

At the same time, a clear and ethereal system notification sounded in Meng Lei's mind.

[System Notification: You have captured the Big-Eyed fish x6]

[System Notification: You have captured Dart Fish x10]

[System Notification: You have captured Reef Back Fish x8]