
At this moment.

As the huge body of the aberrant horned snake fell to the bottom of the sea, it was completely lifeless.

Everyone in Channel 66671, regardless of their nationalities, regardless of whether they were male or female, regardless of whether they were resting, collecting resources underwater, or peeping at the screen in the communication channel, in short, all the players put down what they were doing and stood there in disbelief. They were unprecedentedly shocked!

This sudden System notification came too suddenly.

Moreover, it was sent out to everyone in the form of a channel announcement, directly affecting their minds.

Therefore, no matter what they were doing at the time, no one could ignore this notice.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

No one would have thought that just as they were struggling to survive for a mouthful of water and food, someone had already left them far behind and even killed those terrifying alien planet monsters!

This was simply unbelievable!

A huge question mark involuntarily appeared in everyone's hearts.

Although everyone transmigrated at the same time, was this really a game?!

In the early stages of the exploration period, cou;d he actually kill the alien planet sea monsters?!

What kind of international joke was this?!

However, despite the doubts, no matter how unbelievable they were, a moment later, everyone had no choice but to accept this fact.

Since the System announcement had already been sent out, what reason did they have to question it?

Hence, the communication channel that had not completely calmed down erupted with another uproar.

Moreover, this time, it was a real sensation throughout the entire channel!

Even those who liked to dive and had never spoken rushed in to join the heated discussion.

[Divine Wind: Bottomless Valley has created another miracle. It single-handedly defeated players from all countries in the entire channel and strengthened the might of Nine Provinces! The big guy is awesome!]

[Great Aspirations: The big guy of Bottomless Valley is invincible! Please give me your coordinates. I want to join your fleet. I want to be your lackey!]

[Stubborn: To be fair, although I don't understand it either, I have to admit that Bottomless Valley has done well! This time, everyone is on the same page. Let's see what those Westerners have to say!]

[Zina: Oh my god! Can someone tell me what's going on?! How did this person from Nine Provinces do it? I seriously suspect that this transmigration was planned by the people of Nine Provinces! Otherwise, why would this player from Nine Provinces be so far ahead of us?!]

[Ancient Warrior: Yes, Zina is right. I want to protest, I want to make a report, I want to complain! Cheating, Bottomless Valley must have cheated!]

[Frank: Although Nine Provinces has been in decline for some time due to various historical problems, you have all overlooked how powerful this ancient country with the largest population on the Blue Planet is in terms of vitality and creativity!]

[When everyone is on the same page, no country could compare to them!]

[Bottomless Valley's achievements are the best proof!]

[Peter: We can't hold on to the ethnic conflict anymore. We should unite! After all, we're all from the Blue Planet. In this unfamiliar world, we should advance hand in hand and resist the unknown enemies hidden in the dark abyss!]

[Miles of Rivers and Mountains: Hey, you up there, don't try to smooth things over here. If your house is broken into, smashed, and burned by despicable villains, you can then come over and say such things again! I'll f*cking hold on to the past grudges and not let go. I'll beat you up every time I see you! Damn, the more I speak of this, the more mad I am. If you have the ability, report your coordinates. I'll go over and stab you to death with a harpoon now!]

[Park Not Dead: Hehe, a bunch of ignorant people. Bottomless Valley is clearly from the Stick Country! Only Stickers can be so extraordinary!]

[War Deity: F*ck you, f*ck your grandmother!]

In the first six hours of the game, Bottomless Valley had taken the first kill in the channel, causing a huge commotion in the communication channel!

The chain reaction that followed was also incomparably intense.

With the loss of legal and institutional constraints, everyone's speech is no longer restrained.

As a result, various historical problems were exposed.

International disputes and public opinion replaced the topic of Bottomless Valley's achievements.

Players from all over the world stood in a clear line, arguing in the communication channel!

That chaotic scene seemed to have triggered the third world war!

On the other hand, Meng Lei, who was at the center of the storm, did not have the energy to pay attention to everyone's reactions.

He sat on the revolving seat in the cockpit in a daze and looked at the huge and twisted sea monster carcass in the depths of the lavender sea of flowers outside the porthole.

Meng Lei let out a long breath. He was extremely excited.

He clenched his fists excitedly. Only then did he realize.

It turned out that his palms were already drenched in sweat.

Although he was fighting quite fiercely just now, and he had the upper hand, in reality, he was also in danger. It was impossible not to be nervous.

Whenever that mutated snake approached the submarine, its head, which was more than half the size of the submarine's cockpit, would only need one bite to severely damage Bottomless Valley.

At that time, it would be hard to say who would win.

Moreover, during the battle just now, regardless of whether he made a big mistake or his accuracy decreased, it would be difficult to kill this strange snake.

With only 5% of reserve ammunition left, it could only mean that he had won by a narrow margin.

Once he emptied this box of ammunition, he could only sit in the submarine and watch helplessly as the strange snake swaggered away.

Fortunately, the outcome was not bad.

The consumption of nearly a box of electromagnetic ammunition in exchange for an alien planet sea monster was not a loss.

Most importantly, he had obtained the first killing of the entire channel!

Apart from the regular rewards, there was also an additional 50 reputation points!

Just these 50 reputation points were better than any reward!

He took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Meng Lei opened the basic information of Bottomless Valley. The data displayed on it had changed.

Among them, the figure in the reputation column had changed from 2 points to 57 points!

His reputation had increased by 55 points!

Disregarding the additional 50 reputation points, it meant that killing this aberrant horned snake had provided him with 5 reputation points at once.

To be honest, although it did not seem like much, it was really not little.

One had to know that sharing a hidden System setting in the communication channel only rewarded 1 reputation point.

Even if he were to speak five times a day, and all were used to share information, through this method of gaining reputation points, the upper limit was only 5 points per day.

It was obvious how difficult it was to obtain a reputation.

In addition, after killing the aberrant horned snake, the mileage points of Bottomless Valley had also changed.

From 0 to 100, there was a qualitative leap!

From now on, he would gradually move from being a poor man with nothing to a wealthy business tycoon.

It had to be said that the gains from this battle were indeed huge!