Where's My Gravity Ball?!

A mutated horned snake, excluding the 50 reputation points from the first killing reward, the basic reward brought Meng Lei a total of 5 reputation points and 100 mileage points!

At this moment, the reputation rankings had also undergone a huge change as Meng Lei completed the first killing.

With a reputation value as high as 57 points, he jumped from the bottom to the top of the rankings.

He had left the Sailor far behind!

With a difference of 52 reputation points, it would be impossible for the players behind to catch up in a short period of time.

With the 57 reputation points, he was still in a neutral relationship with the Alien Planet Alliance.

However, he was only less than half of the 100 reputation points required to be on friendly terms.

From neutral to friendly, while Meng Lei did not know much about the change in the status in between, he knew that it would definitely bring him great benefits!

In addition, Meng Lei was the first to open the wealth code.

The wealth ranking was also activated.

Meng Lei was also ranked first on Channel 66671 with his accumulation of 100 mileage points!

Furthermore, he was the only player on the entire ranking!

Based on the current situation, before the other players had enough strength to kill the alien sea monsters,

Meng Lei would probably have to remain alone on the wealth ranking and look down on everyone!

After all, the only way to obtain mileage points at this stage seemed to be to hunt sea monsters. No one had found another way.

Sitting in the pilot seat of the submarine, Meng Lei looked at the lonely ranking with a smile on his face.

From this moment on, he could finally be considered to be far ahead of all the players and was at the forefront of this deep-dive voyage!

Even a joint fleet like Divine Dragon might not be able to catch up to him for a long time in the future.

While there was strength in number, there were also more aspects to be taken care of.

Food, fresh water, energy, a submarine structure strong enough to resist the pressure of deeper waters…

These were the most basic headaches for the fleet commander.

A huge deep-sea fleet was definitely not that easy to build.

With only one mouth to feed, Meng Lei's individual development speed was definitely far faster than the fleet!

As for building his own fleet…

Before his various needs were completely satisfied, he would definitely not think about it.

In any case, he was not in a hurry, and he did not have any ambitions to dominate.

Living freely was more important than anything else.

"With the mileage points, the submarine's energy problem can be perfectly resolved for the time being."

"I wonder how much energy will be consumed to replenish it."

His gaze swept across the various data on the central control screen and finally stopped at the energy options.

Meng Lei touched the interface and opened it.

The submarine's current energy reserves were 75%.

From this, it could be seen how much energy the freshwater extractor and electromagnetic turret consumed.

Under normal circumstances, the submarine only required to consume about 30% of the energy to maintain its operation in 24 hours.

However, now, only six hours had passed, and the energy reserves had been consumed by half of the daily requirements, which was really fast and scary!

However, this was no longer a problem for Meng Lei.

On the right side of the energy list, there were two options.

One was to replenish, and the other was to purchase.

Through the game cheat's hint, Meng Lei understood.

Replenishing energy required the consumption of energy ores stored in the storage chest. Currently, he had yet to mine energy ores, so that option was grayed out.

The other option to purchase was available because he had already obtained mileage points.

He opened the purchase option.

The System directly gave the corresponding notification.

[System notification: Current energy consumption is 25%. It will cost 75 mileage points to purchase it.]

"A ratio of one to three? It's quite cheap…"

Meng Lei stroked his chin thoughtfully.

In his opinion, 300 mileage points could replenish the submarine's energy from zero to 100. This was definitely not expensive.

One alien planet sea monster could bring him 100 mileage points.

If he killed a few more, he would not have to worry about energy for a few days.

As for the consumption of ammunition, it was even less worth mentioning.

Two fish could be exchanged for a box of electromagnetic shells. Was there a cheaper deal than this?

Without hesitation, he chose to buy it. The 75 mileage points were instantly taken away by the System.

The submarine's energy level immediately jumped from 75% to 100%!

After replenishing his energy, he finally felt relieved.

Now, he could completely turn on the freshwater extractor 24 hours a day.

He got up from the pilot seat and inadvertently looked at the lavender sea of flowers outside the porthole.

At this moment, Meng Lei suddenly realized something.

He had only been happy just now. The carcass of the aberrant horned snake was still lying quietly at the bottom of the sea and he had not had the time to retrieve it.

"Hiss! This damn thing is so big that it can't even enter the airlock. How should I break it down?"

"I can't chop it up into pieces bit by bit and move them in, right? That would be too troublesome!"

Meng Lei frowned slightly.

For a moment, he was at a loss as to what to do with this huge strange snake.

At this moment, his gaze landed on the strange snake's carcass.

The faint golden words appeared again, giving him a hint.

(The carcass of an adult aberrant horned snake is not exactly rare, but it still contains considerable value. Through the scanner at the bottom of the submarine, you can effectively deconstruct some of the materials. You just need to hover the submarine above the carcass.)

"This is quite convenient. Why didn't I realize before that this exploration submarine has such a function?"

Meng Lei chuckled and immediately steered the submarine to attack without saying anything.

When he got closer, he did not need to do much.

A pale blue halo emitted from the bottom of the submarine and enveloped the strange snake's carcass.

A moment later, a familiar System notification sounded in his mind.

[System notification: You have deconstructed the alien blood plasma*10L through scanning.]

[System notification: You have deconstructed bone powder*50kg through scanning.]

[System notification: You have deconstructed an aberration factor*1 through scanning.]

[System notification: You have deconstructed an unknown genetic material*1 through scanning.]

A series of System notifications sounded. Every material that had been scanned and deconstructed was automatically stored in the submarine's storage chest,

until the huge and twisted carcass of the aberrant horned snake turned into a ball of blue light and disappeared.

From the beginning to the end, Meng Lei had not heard anything about meat being deconstructed.

However, on second thought, this damn thing had already mutated into such a state, even if it could deconstruct meat, Meng Lei would probably find it difficult to swallow.

Truly, this thing looked too terrifying. Anyone would feel disgusted!

At this moment, he thought of fish meat.

Meng Lei suddenly thought of a problem and was stunned.

Then, in the dark cockpit of the submarine, an indignant scream resounded in all directions.

"Damn! Where's my gravity ball?! Where did my gravity ball go?!"