Lost and Found

The dim yellow cockpit light shone on Meng Lei's face.

At this moment, Meng Lei, whose face was filled with joy a second ago and whose entire body was immersed in excitement and joy, had an extremely ugly expression.

The corners of his mouth drooped. He wanted to cry but had no tears. His eyes were filled with grief and indignation.

If one was close enough, one could vaguely hear him muttering something.

"Gravity ball… My gravity ball…"

Meng Lei's current state could not be more appropriately described with the words 'lost soul'.

The sudden encounter had caught him off guard.

At that time, the appearance of the mutated horned snake had drawn Meng Lei's attention completely.

At that moment, he was so focused on fighting that ugly monster that he forgot that he had thrown the gravity ball out of the cabin.

The ensuing pursuit caused him to leave the sea area he was in.

When he came back to his senses, other than the boundless lavender sea of flowers, where was the trace of the gravity ball?

"It's over, it's over!"

"I'm so unlucky to have lost the gravity ball. I've lost so much blood in this battle!"

Meng Lei pulled a long face, feeling extremely aggrieved.

To be honest, for a divine tool like the gravity ball, not to mention an alien planet sea monster, even if he were to exchange ten sea monsters for it, it would definitely be a loss!

In particular, no food could be deconstructed from these alien planet sea monsters. They were all strange resources that he could not understand.

Other than obtaining reputation points and mileage points, hunting the alien planet sea monsters was useless for his current development.

It was absolutely incomparable to the value of the gravity ball!

"No, I have to get the gravity ball back no matter what. Otherwise, my exploration speed will be severely affected!"

"Such a precious divine tool for catching fish can't be lost just like that!"

A moment later, Meng Lei adjusted his mentality.

The chase just now had caused him to leave the area where the gravity ball was fishing.

However, overall, he had not gone too far. At most, it was only about four to five hundred meters.

This was because the electromagnetic cannon's firing speed was extremely fast, and the entire battle did not take long.

Therefore, Meng Lei felt that there was still a chance to salvage the situation.

At that moment, he could not be bothered to check the materials that had just been deconstructed from the aberrant horned snake.

He steered the submarine and turned around on the spot. He followed the route of pursuit in his memory and returned the way he came.

A radius of four to five hundred meters did not look very big.

However, in a deep-sea environment, it was completely different from being on land.

In the deep sea, one's field of vision was greatly limited. Beyond the range of the searchlights, it was completely pitch-black.

Moreover, the gravity ball was not very big. It was only the size of a football.

One could imagine how difficult it was to find a football hidden in the darkness within a range of nearly 200,000 square meters!

Fortunately, because of the existence of the vast lavender sea of flowers in this sea, relatively speaking, the light was still considered adequate, and the darkness was not too complete.

In addition, from the coordinates of the submarine, Meng Lei had not completely lost his reference.

He could use the coordinates to constantly narrow the search.

This way, the difficulty of the search would be greatly reduced, making this almost impossible salvage work a certain possibility.

After about half an hour, Meng Lei, through the calculation of the coordinates, had almost explored the nearby sea area once over.

During this period, he encountered many huge undersea plants that looked like mushrooms.

After the battle with the mutated horned snake, including the hint given by the game cheat, he now knew that this mushroom-like plant was actually called the Snake Mushroom Tree. It was a natural breeding ground for mutated horned snakes.

Under normal circumstances, aberrant horned snakes usually lurk in the Snake Mushroom Tree.

Only when they foraged or encountered invaders in their territory would they take the initiative to kill their way out of the Snake Mushroom Tree and devour all the enemies in their territory.

Of course, not all Snake Mushroom Trees had aberrant horned snakes.

Every aberrant horned snake had its own territory. In every territory, there would only be one adult aberrant horned snake.

Otherwise, if every Snake Mushroom Tree all had that strange and huge monster lurking…

Once besieged, not to mention Meng Lei's small broken boat, even if a deep-sea fleet came, they would probably die on the spot!

Half an hour later, the surrounding sea gradually became familiar.

The lush sea of flowers and groups of fish seemed to be the most iconic symbol of this sea area.

Under the guidance of a group of luminous jellyfish, Meng Lei finally found the gravity ball that had almost been lost in the sea of flowers near the seabed.

At this moment, the effect of the gravity trap had been active for a long time.

The gravity ball once again relied on its own force field to pull in a large number of fish.

In the gravity trap of within a five-meter radius, various types of small fish were wandering aimlessly under the pull of gravity.

Among them, it even caught some small jellyfish that were emitting a faint glow.

It was these restrained luminous jellyfish remaining in activity in a small area for a long time that formed a rare source of light in the dark deep sea environment, which attracted Meng Lei to this place.


Sitting in the cockpit, Meng Lei let out a long sigh.

"It's all thanks to these little luminous jellyfish leading the way. Otherwise, who knows how much time would be wasted!"

Meng Lei was in a good mood after finding the gravity ball again.

He immediately decided to release these cute jellyfish later.

Most importantly, these jellyfish had no value. There was no point in keeping them…

Currently, the gravity trap of the gravity ball was approaching saturation.

If it continued to operate, it would be difficult to attract more fish.

Meng Lei turned around and walked out of the cockpit. He put on his diving suit and dived into the cold and lonely deep sea with the fishing net gun.


The five-by-five-meter net slowly opened up like a huge hand that held up the sky, catching all the prey in the gravity trap in one fell swoop!

At the same time, the System notifications on the harvest began to flood Meng Lei's mind.

This time, his gains were far greater than before.

A total of 100 to 200 live fish were collected into his bag. Just the sounds of the System notifications alone rang for no less than two minutes!

It was not until Meng Lei dragged the huge net that was almost his height back to the airlock with difficulty,

that the ethereal and pleasant System notifications finally came to a stop.

Looking at the lively little fish in front of him, Meng Lei was overjoyed!

This time, he could finally escape poverty and become rich…