An Unknown Terrifying Existence


It was cool and refreshing, with a hint of sweet fresh water blooming in his taste buds.

The next second.

The fresh and smooth smell of grilled fish filled his nose.

Deep in the ocean 2,400 meters below sea level,

Meng Lei sat crookedly in the pilot seat of the submarine, looking lazy and comfortable.

In his left hand was a plastic bottle filled with fresh water, and in his right hand was a fresh grilled fish.

He took a sip of water and a bite of fish.

Freshness and sweetness were two completely different flavors. After being decomposed by the stomach acid, they turned into various elements needed by the body and quickly filled the missing energy in his body.

That feeling was too nourishing.

Just when the other players were buried in the darkness where danger lurked everywhere, struggling to survive, and had to suffer the pain and torture brought about by the darkness and threat, just for a morsel of food, Meng Lei had fully realized the freedom of self-sufficiency and began to adapt and enjoy this strange and adventure-filled underwater life.

The essence of the survival game had changed after he repaired the gravity ball.

At this moment, Meng Lei felt that he was not playing a survival game. Instead, he was gradually developing in the direction of a simulation business game.

This feeling was simply too satisfying!

"The meat of the big-eyed fish is smooth and tender, fat but not greasy. Especially those big eyeballs, they're fresh, fragrant, and juicy. They're really delicious!"

"The reefback fish is bouncy. Its bones are crispy. When you take a bite, the aftertaste is endless. How can the mere description 'fragrant' do justice to it?!"

"Also, this dartfish tastes like grilled chicken wings. Its bones can even be used to pick teeth. There's no dross on its body; all can be made the best use of! The direction of its evolution is simply to be served on a plate. It's selfless! Its spirit is commendable!"

Meng Lei was like a gourmet expert. As he ate, his mouth was dripping with oil. At the same time, he kept commenting on various fish.

A palm-sized fish could only be used to line one's stomach. One would not be full at all.

Food that could be considered a life-saving straw to others, was piled up almost like a mountain in the storage chest of Bottomless Valley.

Therefore, Meng Lei did his best to eat until his stomach was full.

At the same time, he could satisfy his curiosity and try as many different flavors of grilled fish as possible.

In other words, there was no suitable platform in the current environment, otherwise, Meng Lei would have created a special column to rank grilled fish on the alien planet.

He believed that when the time came, a large group of people would definitely crave it to death!

He put up the 200 small fish he had just harvested in bulk on the rack.

Since he had nothing to do during dinner time, Meng Lei went to the communication channel to continue watching.

His goal was not to kill time, but to see if he could gather some valuable information.

However, there were too many messages in the communication channel.

Especially when he put a large amount of food on the market at the same time.

The communication channel, which had finally calmed down from the first killing, was once again in an uproar.

Meng Lei decisively did not look at the rapidly increasing number of unread messages. Instead, he swiped upwards.

Furthermore,only when he encountered a key word of interest would he occasionally stop to take a look.

At the beginning of the game, most people did not pay attention to the number of chats.

Therefore, there was not much useful information in the channel.

However, after a round of screening, Meng Lei still discovered something.

Many players who passed by some unfathomable abyss at the bottom of the sea expressed that they had heard some kind of ethereal and terrifying loud sound.

The sound seemed to come from some unknown terrifying creature. There was no fixed frequency, and it was extremely terrifying.

Even the sonar display could reflect wave-shaped feedback sound waves.

It was obvious how vast that sound propagation was!

Furthermore, that sound was extremely penetrating.

There seemed to be some kind of strange magic that could affect one's mind.

A few players said that after hearing that terrifying sound, for a period of time, they all had a certain level of auditory and sensory hallucination.

They felt like something was whispering in their ears, saying something obscure and incomprehensible. From time to time, it would let out an eerie, shrill laugh that made their blood run cold!

Some people saw an unknown ball of light that could not exist in the deep sea.

It was like a door to heaven. The distortions emitted an enchanting aura that made one involuntarily go near.

When the players got closer, they realized that there was nothing there. There was only a rock wall covered with strange rocks.

The hideous protruding rocks were like the fangs of a ferocious beast, thick and sharp.

If one were to really drive a submarine at full speed to hit it, it was indeed possible to go straight to heaven.

However, most players who had experienced this before said that as long as one could accelerate through the sea abyss where there were strange cries, one's rationality would quickly recover.

So far, there did not seem to be any side effects.

Meng Lei frowned when he saw these statements that were filled with a sinister and bizzare aura.

It was a bottomless abyss that far exceeded the reception range of the sonar detection system.

He had encountered it not long ago.

However, at that time, he did not hear any strange loud noise and passed smoothly.

However, Meng Lei did not think that these players were deliberately creating a terrifying atmosphere.

From the names of these players' submarines, it could be seen that they did not belong to the same country. There was even a certain ethnic dispute between them.

This eliminated the possibility of them working together to fabricate a lie.

Perhaps, in the depths of the endless darkness, there really was a terrifying monster that could affect people's minds.

After all, even an absurd and strange thing like the mutated horned snake had appeared. There was nothing impossible about it.

Moreover, compared to the information provided by these players, it was not enough to be considered strong evidence.

Meng Lei believed in the so-called survivor bias!

Because only those who survived were qualified to say these words.

There were probably many people who were affected by the strange sound and eventually lost their lives!

As for whether there would be any after-effects, only time could tell.

Regardless, the gathering of this information made Meng Lei, who had just relaxed, become nervous again.

Compared to those monsters that actually have a physical body and could be destroyed physically,

this unknown existence that could not be seen or touched and could affect people mentally was the most terrifying!

As most players gradually entered the deep abyss, this alien planet that was completely wrapped in seawater also began to gradually reveal its strange and terrifying side.

Meng Lei frowned as he sat in the pilot seat. His trembling fingers were covered in grease, and his gaze was complex.

At this moment.

There was a lingering thought in his mind.

If at some point, he encountered a similar situation, then, would the friendly hints from the game cheat be equally effective against this invisible potential threat?