Modifying the Submarine

Meng Lei's perspective was very comprehensive, and he was also quite picky.

He learned that other than the terrifying and deformed alien planet sea monsters in the deep sea, there was actually a terrifying existence that could affect one's mind.

He immediately thought of his game cheat and wondered if it was equally effective against such an existence.

After all, the faint golden text only appeared on objects that he could see.

It was difficult to even determine the location of such an invisible and untouchable existence.

How should the game cheat work?

Meng Lei pondered for a moment. He had no clue at all, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Currently, he knew very little about this terrifying planet.

The bottomless abyss was only the tip of the iceberg.

There were still a lot of unknown backgrounds waiting for players to explore.

All the secrets needed time to be revealed.

All he could do now was to collect as many resources as possible and develop himself.

During the period when the game cheat could maximize its effect, he would seize the opportunity and make good use of it.

Otherwise, in the later stages of the game, the effects of the game cheat would be greatly weakened.

After all, his strength alone was limited.

The other fleet had hundreds and thousands of players. No matter how slow the resource collection speed was, it was definitely not something he could compare to alone.

Therefore, from the look of the current situation, the game cheat could only help him to a certain extent in the early stages, allowing him to be far ahead of the other players.

In the later stages, it would be able to help him avoid potential dangers in advance during the exploration.

It was of little help to the collection of resources.

Of course, this was only what Meng Lei could think of at the moment, and it was a standalone situation.

As for how reality would develop, no one could be sure.

This included whether the game cheat had other hidden functions, which he needed to slowly discover.

He pushed aside his messy thoughts and wiped his greasy fingers on his clothes.

Meng Lei opened the trading market and checked the food sales.

After half a day, more than 200 fish meat had been swept clean!

From this, it can be seen that market demand is still considerable.

Or rather, everyone had a certain sense of worry and deliberately hoarded food.

After all, besides Meng Lei, very few other players could achieve the freedom of self-sufficiency and have a stable source of food.

No one knew what was waiting quietly in the darkness for the next anomaly they would encounter.

If one was unlucky and disturbed the alien planet sea monsters, one would be finished!

Therefore, at this stage, players were still quite resistant to going into the water to scavenge.

From the information provided in the transaction records, he briefly sorted out his gains this time.

More than 200 fish had been sold, bringing Meng Lei more than 600 units of different types of resources.

If Meng Lei had not had the foresight to upgrade the storage chest to 100 slots, it would really be difficult to devour such a huge transaction.

Even the 100-slot storage chest was completely filled with this surge of more than 600 units of various resources.

Among them, carbon and iron were the most, occupying nearly 50% of the share.

In addition, aluminum, lead, and copper each occupied about 10% of the resources.

The rest were a myriad of various items.

Titanium, rubber, plastic, fluorescent grass, plant fibers, edible fibers, and so on…

There were even some resources that Meng Lei had never heard of.

For example, calcium, phosphorus, tin, and so on.

As Meng Lei had set 20% of the products to be freely traded in this transaction with no restrictions on the requirements, his gains were thus very varied, greatly enriching the type of resources he had.

Meng Lei was still unclear about the use of these resources.

However, if he collected as much as possible, he might be able to deal with emergencies at some point.

"A few hundred units of basic resources is enough for me to expend for a while!"

"At the very least, I can upgrade some of the key facilities of the submarine!"

Meng Lei had a smile on his face and a hint of satisfaction.

After the experience from the previous transaction, he could already accept such a huge amount of resources calmly. His mood no longer fluctuated too much.

Because everything was expected, there were no more expectations or surprises.

The gravity ball continued to exert its effects outside the cabin. In a short period of time, he would have an endless stream of supplies.

If calculated according to the current exchange ratio, after tonight, he would not have to worry about supplies until he reached the outpost.

He got up and returned to the submarine's living quarters. He opened the list of submarine modifications on the manufacturing station.

A series of modification projects appeared in front of him.

Meng Lei carefully browsed through them.

Staring at the modification projects on the list, he held his chin with one hand and thought for a moment.

At this stage.

As the voyage continued deeper, the main problem he had to face next was the deeper pressure.

If he wanted to continue forward, he had to upgrade the submarine structure and increase the upper limit of pressure resistance.

Therefore, the upgrade of the submarine structure should be the first priority.

In addition, the sonar detection system was also a top priority.

A wider detection range could help him avoid the threats lurking in the deeper layers to a greater extent.

Moreover, even if he encountered an emergency, such as an attack by the aberrant horned snake previously, the early warning of the sonar detection system would also give him more time to react and further prepare for the crisis.

Even if he wanted to escape, he would be able to run further than he was now. The chances of him escaping would be higher!

Next, the submarine hull could also be upgraded appropriately.

No matter what, a more solid hull protection could make people feel more at ease in the deep sea of more than 2,000 meters.

With the electromagnetic cannon, ordinary sea monsters were almost unable to get close.

However, there was a chance that the sea monster would suddenly rush forward and slap the submarine upfront.

If the fragile outer hull of the submarine was torn apart, there was no need to even save it. He could just wait to be crushed by the endless water pressure.

After careful consideration, Meng Lei finally decided to upgrade these three facilities one by one according to the current order.

As for the rest, it would depend on the amount of reserve resources.

He used the resources in the storage chest to gather the necessary materials for the upgrade.

His finger gently touched the screen, and the option to upgrade the submarine's structure was activated.

A pale blue halo appeared again.

This time, it completely enveloped the entire submarine.

Two minutes later, the bright light faded.

A familiar System notification sounded.

[System notification: Congratulations on completing a modification of the submarine's structure. Its pressure resistance has been improved to a certain extent. The submarine can currently withstand the pressure limit of 2,800 meters!]