The Most Shocking Problem, There's No Toilet in This Game?!

A faint blue halo dissipated in front of him.

As the System notification sounded, the overall structure of Bottomless Valley changed. It was somewhat different from before.

Meng Lei stood in the living quarters and looked around.

Although through the appearance of the interior, there was not much change on the surface.

However, he could vaguely sense that the structure between the hull and the inner wall seemed to be more sophisticated than before.

Meng Lei took a deep breath with a smile on his face.

Although 300 meters was not a lot, and could be covered in less than a minute on land,

but if it was a vertical drop, it would be more than a hundred floors high!

Such a large distance was enough for Bottomless Valley to dive into some small abysses.

However, this level of improvement still did not meet Meng Lei's expectations.

There were still a lot of supplies in the storage chest. Keeping them would take up space.

Meng Lei's principle was to make the best use of everything.

The most important thing was to use everything he could to strengthen himself.


Meng Lei continued to focus on the submarine structure, and made two more consecutive upgrades.

It was not until he raised the pressure limit of Bottomless Valley to 3,200 meters that he stopped.

"The water depth is 3,200 meters, which is an increase of 700 meters from the initial structure."

"This level of extreme pressure should be enough for me to dive for a long distance."

With an increase of 700 meters in extreme pressure resistance, it was equivalent to the average depth of the largest freshwater lake on the Blue Planet.

Meng Lei felt that he should not have to make any modifications to the submarine structure until he arrived at the gathering place of the first outpost.

It had to be known that the modification of the submarine structure was quite costly.

The modification of the submarine structure that directly crossed three levels consumed a third of the resources stored in his storage chest!

Nearly 200 units of resources were gone just like that.

If it were other players, even if they worked hard for three days, they might not be able to accumulate such a huge reserve of resources.

Therefore, Meng Lei judged that the depth of the sea where the gathering place of the first outpost was located should be about 3,000 meters, not deeper.

Otherwise, among these 100,000 people, it would be a blessing if eventually 1% of them arrived on time!

"Next, it's the turn of the sonar detection system…"

He pressed the upgrade button on the modification station again.

The modification of the sonar detection system did not require synthetic materials like steel bars.

It only required the most basic resources like iron, copper, and carbon.

Therefore, the moment Meng Lei's finger touched the screen…

The corresponding resources were instantly extracted. Then, a pale blue halo shone from the cockpit again.

By the time Meng Lei opened the cockpit door, the upgrade of the sonar detection system had ended.

What appeared in front of him was a more sophisticated sonar display than before.

In addition, the three-dimensional virtual map projected on the side of the pilot seat was twice as big as before!

[System notification: Congratulations on completing a modification of the sonar detection system. The detection range has been enhanced to a certain extent. Current sonar transmission limit is 1,000 meters!]

He looked at the upgrade options for the sonar detection system.

Even if he upgraded the sonar system to the top, there were only three levels.

Meng Lei immediately upgraded the sonar system to the maximum level without hesitation.

This time, he did not spend too many materials.

The upgrade options on the modification station finally changed completely for the first time.

[Primary Sonar System (3/3), unable to continue upgrading. A stronger sonar detector requires the corresponding blueprint to unlock! Current sonar transmission limit is 2,000 meters!]

Meng Lei stared at the System notification given by the modification interface and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

This was not the first time he had heard of blueprints.

However, so far, he had not seen any players who had salvaged a blueprint at this stage.

At the very least, no one mentioned this in the communication channel.

No one in the trading market or auction house had posted a source of goods related to the blueprint.

From this, it could be seen that the various equipment and modification blueprints should not be something that players could come into contact with at this stage.

Or perhaps, someone had obtained some kind of blueprint but deliberately hid it without revealing it.

Or he might want to keep it for himself.

The other option was to wait until most people had passed the difficult exploration period and had a little more resources on hand before selling them for a good price.

Meng Lei was not too concerned about this.

His mentality had always been good.

Precious items like blueprints could only be chanced upon by luck.

If there was a chance, he would take it and strengthen himself. Naturally, he could not let it go easily.

If he was not fated to have it, he could not force it.

In any case, at this stage, he was far ahead of everyone else.

Most importantly, he had a game cheat!

During the voyage, his chances of discovering hidden treasures were much higher than anyone else.

Naturally, this worry did not exist.

After upgrading the sonar detection system, the last step was the submarine's hull.

It was also upgraded twice in a row and he reinforced the submarine's hull.

The 600 units of resources he had just obtained had already shrunk dramatically by more than two-thirds!

It had to be said that upgrading the submarine was a project that consumed a lot of resources!

In the end, it was not that Meng Lei was unwilling to waste more, but that the reserves of titanium could no longer meet the requirements for the third transformation.

Meng Lei had no choice but to temporarily give up.

After this modification, Bottomless Valley's overall rating had increased from H to H+.

Although there was no change in the rating grade, the addition of a plus sign made one feel superior.

It was estimated that after Meng Lei upgraded all the columns in the modification list to the maximum level, his rating would reach G-grade.

But none of that mattered anymore.

With Bottomless Valley's current abilities, as long as Meng Lei did not seek death himself, there should not be too much danger in the shallow zone.

Letting out a long breath, Meng Lei crossed his legs and lay crookedly on the simple air mattress in the living quarters.

He looked around happily. His gaze swept across the freshwater extractor and the electromagnetic cannon reloader, and he sized up the results of his current efforts in satisfaction.

A huge sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously. He was looking forward to the next deep dive.

At this moment, he did not know if it was because he had drunk too much water just now.

Suddenly, he felt the urge to pee. Meng Lei shuddered.

He jumped up from the air mattress and looked around in fear.

In the end, Meng Lei suddenly discovered an incomparably terrifying problem!

"Damn, there doesn't seem to be a toilet in this submarine?!"

From the start of the game until now, all his energy had been focused on survival. From the beginning to the end, he did not feel any desire to excrete!

Now that he had finally relaxed, he finally realized this problem.

However, after searching through the cockpit and living quarters, he realized in despair that the game did not prepare any excrement facilities for players!

This was a little scary!

Meng Lei clenched his legs and scratched his head. He hesitated for a long time before finally casting his gaze at the tightly shut airlock hatch.

"How about…"