Sun Mingrui

"Senior Sister, I don't understand what you mean by that."

Jin Yuchen felt wronged, but he still sighed in his heart.

After all, she was his Senior Sister and understood him well.

In his previous life, he had been influenced by the treasures of the tombs. His heart was not even comparable to a human's, let alone the past.

Although the treasures hadn't influenced him in this life, his habits over the years couldn't be changed overnight.

He was no longer the 22-year-old Jin Yuchen.

Last time, Jiang Hu couldn't tell because of their short time together, but now, after a little more time, she could see the strangeness.

Jiang Hu stared at him for a long time and finally said, " "Let's eat,"

After she finished speaking, she walked toward the kitchen.

When Jiang Hu stepped through the door, the grievance on Jin Yuchen's face instantly disappeared. His eyes narrowed, and in the eyes of the thick-browed youth, he was like a venomous snake hunting for food.

Jin Yuchen pointed at the open-air tap and said, "Take off your pants and go over there to wash it."

The thick-browed young man wanted to resist, but his hair stood on end when he saw Jin Yuchen's gaze. Without a second word, he took off his pants.

The 'bird' shriveled in the cool wind.

'Ha, what a spineless brat. He needs some training.'

Jin Yuchen stroked his non-existent beard.

Time flew by, and Jin Yuchen had been back for a month.

Now that Jin Yuchen had the Nero Gold Coin, he could control people's flesh to a certain extent. He could cure leukemia with a little bit of thought.

After a month of treatment, Jiang Hu's illness was secretly cured.

Jin Yuchen didn't want to say it. There was no need.

Jiang Hu didn't ask him why he had been missing for so long. The two of them returned to the time when they were in the martial arts school.

The only difference was the thick-browed young man, Sun Chuanwu.

"Middle section!


Hearing Jin Yuchen's shout, Sun Chuanwu subconsciously assumed a defensive position.

Then, Jin Yuchen kicked him in the stomach.

This made Sun Chuanwu feel as if his liver was going to be crushed. It was so painful that all the pores on his body began to sweat, and he curled up on the ground, wailing.

It wasn't an illusion, but Jin Yuchen had really crushed his liver.

Jin Yuchen walked over and stepped on the young man's face. Then, he secretly used the Nero Gold Coin to treat Sun Chuanwu's injury.

"Trash, I already said I'm going to hit the middle. Is this how you defend?"

As Sun Chuanwu was being treated, the pain in his body began to ease. He gradually regained consciousness from almost going into shock.

His eyes were filled with hatred upon feeling the shoe on his face.

When Jin Yuchen felt Sun Chuanwu's injuries were improving, he rubbed his foot on Sun Chuanwu's face and moved away.

Sun Chuanwu rested on the ground for a while before standing up and bowing to Jin Yuchen.

"Thank you for your guidance, Master!"

"You're still the same, kid," said Jin Yuchen, amused. "What are you thanking me for?"

Sun Chuanwu lowered his head and tried not to show the hatred in his eyes. "I thank Master for your guidance! Master naturally has his own reasons for doing this."

"Oh, what's the reason?" Jin Yuchen said indifferently. He really felt that this kid was something.

If someone else could still control their temper after being beaten up by him for a month, it could no longer be simply described as having a good temper.

'No wonder Senior Sister took a fancy to him and accepted him as her disciple.'

"I don't know!" Sun Chuanwu replied loudly.

"Very good!" Jin Yuchen laughed out loud and slapped Sun Chuanwu's head.

Sun Chuanwu's eyes turned black, and blood started to flow out of his nose.

"I like this kind of temper of yours. I'm a little curious about what you'll be like when you really want to kill me. I have high hopes for you. Go and insert the sand."

Sun Chuanwu wiped the blood off his face and ran to the side to mix the coarse salt wine.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the martial arts school.

"Don't stop. I'll open the door."

Jin Yuchen motioned for Sun Chuanwu to continue practicing. He walked to the door and silently felt the aura outside.

He could kill 100 old men with one hand.

He opened the door.

Elder Sun's smile froze when he saw Jin Yuchen open the door.

Then, he hesitantly bowed.

"May I ask who Your Excellency is?"

"I'm Jin Yuchen, the head of the Jiang martial arts school," replied Jin Yuchen.

Old Sun hesitated for a moment before he remembered Jiang Hu's Junior Brother.

"Oh, I'm sorry. So you are Master Jin. My name is Sun Mingrui. I'm a disciple of the Xing Yi School and also Chuanwu's grandfather."

"Oh." Jin Yuchen nodded. "I've heard a lot about you. My apologies. Please come in."

He led Sun Mingrui to the courtyard, where Jin Yuchen picked up a table from the corner of the wall and set it up. He then casually brought two chairs over.

"My martial arts school is simple and crude. Please forgive me."

Jin Yuchen was polite but didn't even intend to get a glass of water.

Sun Mingrui felt a burst of anger and some doubts at the same time. The young man in front of him didn't even let him inside. He clearly didn't welcome him.

However, he suppressed his emotions and sat on the chair. "No, no, Master Jin's arrangements may be simple, but there are tricks everywhere."

As Sun Mingrui spoke, he looked around the courtyard. When he saw Sun Chuanwu's face covered in blood, he stopped.

Jin Yuchen smiled when he saw Sun Mingrui's angry gaze.

"What's wrong? Do you have any objections?"

Sun Mingrui did not reply. He only stared at Jin Yuchen.

"Oh, it seems like you really have an opinion."

Then, Jin Yuchen pulled out two Roman daggers from his waist and stabbed them on the table.

"Pull them out. You'll be armed, and I'll be barehanded, so I won't take advantage of your age.

"If you can even touch the corner of my clothes, I'll lose. How about it?"

A cold glint flashed in Sun Mingrui's eyes. "Master Jin, aren't you a little arrogant?" 

At this time, a shout came from the gate. "Yuchen!"

Jiang Hu appeared there with several plastic bags full of vegetables, her face full of anger.

Jin Yuchen retrieved the two daggers at a speed that the naked eye couldn't see and smiled brightly.

"Senior Sister, you're back?"

Sun Chuanwu, who was secretly watching from the side, pouted and mumbled, "It's a dog's face. It changes as it wishes."

Jiang Hu put the dishes aside and said to Sun Mingrui apologetically, "I'm sorry Old Sun. My Junior Brother is insensible. He has offended you."

Sun Mingrui suppressed his shock. He had not been able to react to the speed at which Jin Yuchen had retracted his daggers. If Jin Yuchen had attacked him just now, his head would have been cut off.

"It doesn't matter. It's normal for martial artists of my generation to have a fiery temper."

Jiang Hu saw that everything was fine, so she took out his handkerchief and walked to Sun Chuanwu's side to wipe the blood off his face.

"I'm sorry, I'll strictly control my Junior Brother in the future. Old Sun, what's the point of this trip?"

Sun Mingrui gathered his emotions and said, "I'm ashamed to say this, but I'm here to ask Master Jiang to help me out."