
After Sun Mingrui's explanation, Jin Yuchen and Jiang Hu finally understood why he had come.

It turned out that recently, the dojos in Tianjin had been challenged one by one, and they couldn't take it anymore, so they wanted to work together to think of a solution.

"Hey! I was wondering what it was."

"You've trained so many disciples. Why don't you just find someone to secretly put a gunny sack on him in the middle of the night and throw him to the Seven Li River to wake him up?"

Sun Mingrui and Jiang Hu glared at Jin Yuchen when they heard his unruly words.

Sun Mingrui said, "Let's put aside the fact that this is immoral. Moreover, the other party is a 13-year-old child. How can we do this!?"

Jin Yuchen suddenly sat up straight and said, "Tell me in detail."

Tianjin was known as the home of martial arts, and he knew the level of his peers. There were a few outstanding martial artists even in the late period of the Great Tombs Era.

There could only be one explanation for a 13-year-old child to beat him up so badly.

It was just that this child might have some ability.

He didn't remember any big tombs appearing in the country at this time.

Looking at Jin Yuchen's serious expression, Sun Mingrui continued to explain.

"This 13-year-old child is not Chinese. He was a Muay Thai fighter from Myanmar called Dao Tuo."

Other than this information, Sun Mingrui didn't know much about other things. He only knew that the people who brought him seemed to be from the United States.

Sun Mingrui did not know much, but Jin Yuchen did.

'Honey Badger…'

Dao Tuo was his junior colleague in his previous life and an employee of McRae Corp.

The two of them had similar experiences. Dao Tuo's parents had also passed away, but an underground boxer adopted him. He had shown great talent at a very young age.

'But I remember that he hasn't killed his adoptive father yet. He should still be in Myanmar.'

Jin Yuchen felt a little troubled. He was the first to excavate Nero's Tomb, but some people and things had deviated to this point.

It was a little ridiculous.

Besides, it was not a good thing for McRae Corp. to appear in Tianjin. Jin Yuchen knew the company's style.

This company influenced his arrogant and domineering personality.

Jin Yuchen was trying to figure out which old friend had dispatched him when Sun Mingrui disclosed a particular piece of information.

"What's strange about him is that he has a pair of blue eyes, although he is from Myanmar."

"Wait a minute!" Jin Yuchen interrupted Sun Mingrui and asked, "Are you sure he has blue eyes?"

Hearing Sun Mingrui's affirmative reply, Jin Yuchen fell into deep thought.

In his previous life, Dao Tuo didn't have blue eyes. If it wasn't because of his ability, then it must be something else.

'McRae Corp., blue eyes… It should be the MXL series of serums from Sophie the Executioner.'

Jin Yuchen did not dare to use this kind of medicine. Although it was effective, the side effects were stronger and stronger.

The first sign of poisoning was the blue of the pupils.

It wasn't impossible for a child's physical fitness to compete with a martial artist who had been training for many years. The problem was that Jin Yuchen remembered it should be something that would be developed ten years later.

They couldn't do that now.

'Interesting, interesting.'

Jin Yuchen rubbed his chin subconsciously. Everything was a mess.

Seeing that Jin Yuchen was deep in thought, Sun Mingrui coughed and said, "Master Jiang, Master Jin, what do the two of you think?"

Without waiting for Jiang Hu to speak, Jin Yuchen said, "No problem, I'll take care of this."

Sun Mingrui did not expect Jin Yuchen to be so enthusiastic. He asked Jiang Hu, "What do you think, Master Jiang?"

"We are of the same mind." Jiang Hu nodded.

Sun Mingrui said a few polite words and left. After all, he could see Jin Yuchen's attitude toward him. There was no need for him to stay and suffer.

After Sun Mingrui left, Jiang Hu asked Jin Yuchen casually, "What's the background of this Dao Tuo?"

Jin Yuchen shook his head. "I don't know, but this is not a small matter. Senior Sister, don't get involved. Leave it to me."

Jiang Hu was silent for a while before saying, "Alright, I can ignore it."

Jin Yuchen could understand the underlying meaning. If they could ignore it, then they would. He knew in his heart that today's matter would not be over so easily.

"Come here!" He beckoned to Sun Chuanwu. "Chuanwu, come here. "

Sun Chuanwu walked over with a face full of doubt. Then, he only felt a gust of wind, and Jin Yuchen grabbed his neck artery. He fell unconscious in a short while.

"Okay, actually, I went to Italy this time, Senior Sister."

Jin Yuchen gave a general explanation of things other than his reincarnation. He hid some unimportant information, such as the people on the ship he killed and Vera.

Then, he showed the Nero Gold Coins.

Jiang Hu listened in silence, then asked, "You're using this to peep at me every night?"

Jin Yuchen's thick skin almost burst.

"No, I'm not that kind of person."

Jiang Hu was unmoved and continued to pull a long face.

Jin Yuchen lowered his head with difficulty and said, "I have a special reason."

"I understand. You're already at this age. You don't have to explain in detail." Jiang Hu nodded.

"No, I really have a special reason.

"I discovered you were sick after I got the ability, and it was very serious. Senior Sister, do you remember when you had a nosebleed for no reason?"

Jiang Hu finally believed Jin Yuchen after he explained the symptoms. After all, she felt that her condition had improved for no reason, and even her martial arts level, which had been stuck for many years, had begun to improve.

"No, if you want to treat the illness, then treat it. Why did you follow me when I was taking a bath?"

Jin Yuchen was rendered speechless.

He really didn't expect Jiang Hu to be able to detect his tracking.

This time, he lost a lot of face.

"I definitely didn't follow you when you took a bath! I swear to the heavens!"

"Alright, alright! You don't have to explain in detail." Jiang Hu waved her hand.

"Do you mean that the boy from Myanmar this time is similar to the one you met in Italy?"

"I think so." Jin Yuchen nodded. "But his backer is not small."

"I understand." Jiang Hu nodded. "I won't get involved in this matter. You should take care of yourself too."

Jiang Hu caressed Jin Yuchen's face. "I'm your Senior Sister. Don't hide anything from me. I'm not the kind of person who will drag you down."

Jin Yuchen closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth.

He only opened his eyes reluctantly when her hand left his face.

Then he handed a Nero Gold Coin to Jiang Hu. "Take it. Rub the coin's half a circle in a clockwise direction, and you can activate its ability.

"Don't use it unless you have no other choice. This thing is poisonous."

Jiang Hu hesitated for a moment but still took the Nero Gold coin. "Since it's poisonous, you don't have to use it."