Jiang Hu x2

When he heard that sound, the middle-aged judge's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to step forward to stop it.

However, before he could even open his mouth, Dao Tuo stepped on Xie Chengyun's knee and jumped up, hitting Xie Chengyun's face with an elbow.


The middle-aged man only had time to say this word before Xie Chengyun fell to the ground with a pit on his forehead like a ping pong ball.

Dao Tuo straightened his posture and said "Boring" in Myanmar without even looking at Xie Chengyun on the ground. He then came to the right side of the ring.

Several people carried a stretcher and rushed to the ring, carrying Xie Chengyun down.

Dao Tuo extended his index finger to Jin Yuchen's row of people on the right side of the ring, then drew it from the first person to Jin Yuchen and beckoned with his finger.

"All of you can come at me together."

Although the crowd didn't understand what Dao Tuo was saying, it wasn't hard to guess the meaning of this gesture.

Their expressions were extremely unsightly.

Jin Yuchen could even feel that some of the people in this row were trembling, purely out of anger.

As martial artists, they were able to see the intricacies of the exchange just now.

China's martial arts scene was known for the so-called Southern Fist and Northern Kick. The northern side was known for its leg techniques and was especially represented by Chuojiao.

Fanzi and Chuojiao were the martial art styles that were taught simultaneously.

Xie Chengyun had the physical advantage, so using Chuojiao techniques to attack would be the safest route.

However, Xie Chengyun used Fanzi techniques to counter the attack and even took the initiative to lower his body. This kind of irregular posture would affect his strength, and Xie Chengyun just did not want to take advantage of it.

Unfortunately, this kind of concession had been exchanged for such a merciless attack. In their opinion, it was no longer at the level of disregarding martial virtue.

"I've lived for so many years, but this is the first time I've been looked down upon by someone."

A man with a full beard next to Jin Yuchen spoke first. "Everyone, please give me some face and let me deal with this brat."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"Then let Master Ma do it."

The bearded man, who was called Master Ma, looked at Jin Yuchen, who did not nod and smiled. "Does this Master have any objections?"

"Yes." Jin Yuchen nodded. "You can't beat him. Don't go up and die."

Master Ma's face froze. "Hehe! What a joke!" he said.

Then, he ignored Jin Yuchen and walked straight to the ring. He somersaulted and entered the ring.

"Baguazhang School, Ma Xianzhi. Please enlighten me."

Jin Yuchen didn't care, but he felt it was a pity. Ma Xianzhi could be considered one of the martial artists he valued during the Great Tombs Era.

Ma Xianzhi was a Hui. Xianzhi was his Chinese name, and his surname was Mamaiti, or in Central Asia, he was Mohamed.

As a Hui citizen, he was trained in a martial art passed down from the Middle Ages. He had also joined the Baguazhang School, so the combination of the two formed a unique martial art. After obtaining the ability, he would reach a new level.

Yes, he was a future ability user.

The two future ability users got into their respective positions in the ring.

"It's boring,"

Dao Tuo showed a bored expression. He cracked his neck and shoulders, then made a throat-slitting gesture at Ma Xianzhi.

The bell sounded, and the two of them rushed at each other at the same time.

Meanwhile, in the Jiang family's martial arts school in Ninghe…

Sun Chuanwu was inserting his palm into a gunny sack. The gunny sack was open, revealing the steel balls that had a metallic luster. Judging from their size, they were probably removed from the bearing.

After a month of practice, Sun Chuanwu's fingers were full of calluses, and his nails had fallen off. His hands were like rough tree bark, more like the hands of an old man than a young man's.

However, the pain was much lighter than when Jin Yuchen beat him up.

Just as he was engrossed in his training, there was a knock on the door.

He stopped his practice and looked happy.

Other than Jin Yuchen and Jiang Hu, the only other person who would visit was his grandfather.

Since Jin Yuchen and Jiang Hu both had the keys, they didn't need to knock on the door. There could only be one person who knocked on the door.

Sun Chuanwu almost jumped to the door and smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa!

"Master Jiang?"

His face fell instantly. The one standing outside the door was not his grandfather but Jiang Hu.

However, what puzzled Sun Chuanwu was that Jiang Hu was wearing an isolation gown. Her lips and face were as pale as blood.

"Master, you're sick?"

Jiang Hu stared straight at Sun Chuanwu. Her gaze made Sun Chuanwu's hair stand on end. He was reminded of the first time he met Jin Yuchen.

The two of them remained silent for a while before Jiang Hu smiled.

"I'm fine," she said. "You're going to block the door like this?"

Upon hearing this, Sun Chuanwu jumped up as if he had stepped on an electric gate.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean that."

As Sun Chuanwu moved, Jiang Hu in the isolation gown walked into the courtyard and came to the living room.

She put her hand on the door and then pulled it back.

"Forget it. It's impolite to do so without the master's permission."

Jiang Hu in the isolation gown revealed a disappointed expression. She retreated to the courtyard and looked at its layout in a daze.

There was only the sound of Sun Chuanwu flipping the steel balls in the courtyard.

Jiang Hu paused for a moment, and her eyes fell on Sun Chuanwu's hands.

"How long have you been practicing?"

Sun Chuanwu was shocked and stopped practicing. He wondered what was wrong with his master today.

Why did she look so sullen?

Even though Jiang Hu treated him well, much better than Jin Yuchen, Sun Chuanwu was still afraid of Jiang Hu.

As their disciple, he understood how terrifying these two masters were.

"Master, I've been practicing for a month."

"Oh?" Jiang Hu showed an interested expression when she heard Sun Chuanwu's answer. "It's not bad that you've reached your current level in just a month."

When Sun Chuanwu heard this, he subconsciously touched his head.

He had been hearing Jin Yuchen's insults for so long that his ears had grown calluses.

Jiang Hu wouldn't scold him but wouldn't praise him either.

He had always wondered if he was really a good-for-nothing, but he didn't expect to be praised like this today. It even made him doubt his life.

"Hehe, is that so?"

Jiang Hu in the isolation gown walked in front of Sun Chuanwu, and the faint smell of disinfectant entered Sun his nose.

"You're indeed not bad. Why don't you be my disciple?"

Sun Chuanwu was confused. Wasn't he Jiang Hu's disciple already? Why did she want to acknowledge her as his master again?

Could it be that she did not want Jin Yuchen to teach him? Would Jiang Hu start teaching him instead?

When he thought about Jin Yuchen's animal-like training method, Sun Chuanwu wanted to agree immediately.

Just as he was about to nod, a cold female voice came from the door.

"Chuanwu, who is she?"

Sun Chuanwu was shocked and looked at the door. Then, he looked at his side, and his tongue almost jumped out.

'Oh my God! What happened!? Why are there two Master Jiangs!?!?'

  1. Poking foot
  2. Eight Trigrams Palm
  3. Chinese Muslim