Caught You

At the Xiqing Park Arena…

The battle between Dao Tuo and Ma Xianzhi had already entered a state of white heat.

The biggest difference between the Baguazhang School's martial arts and Wing Chun's Xingyi was that they didn't fight head-on. Instead, the Bagua practitioner used their body techniques to move behind an opponent so that the opponent could not harm the practitioner.

This was Baguazhang's so-called "evasive nature".

However, Ma Xianzhi could use the sneaky fist techniques boldly and openly. He was firm and fierce, and it was obvious that he had practiced to the realm he could do as he pleased.

Moreover, his physique was already stronger than ordinary people's. Not to mention his height of 190cm, his arms could even touch his knees when he stood straight. This kind of arm span was even more terrifying.

What's more, he also had his family's martial arts, which had been passed down from the Middle Ages to Central Asia. This martial art was originally born for riding, and because camels were much taller than horses, it developed a unique way of exerting force.

In other words, this martial art specialized in using physical superiority to bully the strong.

This was almost the perfect counter to Dao Tuo, especially since Dao Tuo was only 140cm tall. He could only be beaten up one-sided.

The sound of body parts clashing rang through the ring. Spots of blood appeared on Dao Tuo's exposed skin, which was constantly being hit. This was a sign of bleeding under the skin. It was obvious that Ma Xianzhi's attacks were not only fast but also powerful.

This kind of injury would have knocked down other people, but not only did Dao Tuo not show any pain, but his ferocity was also stimulated.

His eyes were so blue that they were almost glowing. He didn't dodge or evade but relied on his low position to launch continuous attacks.

Dao Tuo had deduced the ferocious nature of Muay Thai to the extreme, and Ma Xianzhi was injured in exchange for injuries with continuous low sweeps and continuous knee strikes.

Ma Xianzhi was forced to retreat by Dao Tuo. The Baguazhang School's slippery body techniques couldn't avoid these hits, and he was sent flying to the edge of the ring.

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Ma Xianzhi decided not to retreat. His spear-like arms were as round as crescent moons, and he used her physical advantage to hit Dao Tuo's head, which was a fatal spot.

Dao Tuo didn't expect that after restricting the opponent's position, he would be attacked even more fiercely. Blood came out of his mouth and nose, and one of the attacks even made the air enter his ear and break his eardrum.

The ear was a human's balancing system. An ordinary person wouldn't even be able to stand steadily, but Dao Tuo didn't show any signs of losing his balance. Instead, he jumped at Ma Xianzhi's arm.

"Hey! I've caught you!"

Dao Tuo's sharp voice rang out. His exposed teeth were covered in blood, but his face was full of smiles.

Then, he turned around and hit Ma Xianzhi's abdomen with his elbow. This time, he aimed at Ma Xianzhi's liver. He could shatter it with his enhanced physical fitness as long as he hit it.

If Ma Xianzhi didn't go to the hospital, he would die.

The elbow landed on Ma Xianzhi's abdomen, but Ma Xianzhi didn't fall down in pain as expected.

In his shock, Dao Tuo forgot to follow up with an attack and was hit in the throat by Ma Xianzhi's palm.


This was the first time Dao Tuo had stepped back since he started fighting in the ring. Now, when he opened his mouth, he could only make a sound like a deflating balloon. Blood foam flowed out of his mouth, and his face turned purple. It was obvious that he was running out of oxygen.

"Hey, kid, you're not the only one who can endure," said Ma Xianzhi, his face and lips turning as white as paper.

The health of both sides began to deteriorate.

"The match is over!"

"It's a draw!"

The middle-aged judge slammed the bell and announced the result of the match.

Then, the middle-aged judge saw Ma Xianzhi and Dao Tuo charge at each other at the same time.


The middle-aged judge only had time to say one word before the two of them were already close to each other.

Ma Xianzhi used a standard Muay Thai elbow strike to hit Dao Tuo's face, causing his nose to sink in.

Then, Dao Tuo raised his leg, and a blade shot out from the bottom of his foot and stabbed into Ma Xianzhi's abdomen.

With the sound of a water balloon being cut open, the two separated as soon as they touched each other. Ma Xianzhi's intestines fell onto the stage.

Seeing Dao Tuo convulsing on instinct, Ma Xianzhi grabbed the intestines and stuffed them into his stomach.

At the same time, he glared at the middle-aged judge, his eyes filled with ferocity.

"Who asked you to say that we're on par?"

The middle-aged judge swallowed his saliva. He was flabbergasted by this brutal scene and forgot to call the doctor.

"Announce the winner."

Hearing Ma Xianzhi's words, the middle-aged judge raised his right hand as if he had woken up.

"The winner! The Baguazhang School's Ma Xianzhi!"

The whole room was silent. The nurses below the stage finally reacted and carried the stretcher up the stage.

At that moment, Jin Yuchen saw Ma Xianzhi's gaze on him and couldn't help but smile.

The meaning in Ma Xianzhi's eyes was obvious. 'Who did you think couldn't beat him?'

"Master Ma, I'm sincerely convinced." Jin Yuchen cupped his hands.

Ma Xianzhi collapsed on the floor after hearing Jin Yuchen.

Jin Yuchen really didn't expect Ma Xianzhi to win. He had teamed up with a Dao Tuo in his previous life, so he was aware of this guy's abnormality.

In McRae Corp., there were only wrong names but no wrong nicknames.

Dao Tuo's nickname of "Honey Badger" came from its abnormal endurance, which could even exceed its physiological limits.

Jin Yuchen firmly believed that Dao Tuo would be able to survive for a while if his head were to fall off, let alone this kind of injury.

Based on his experience from his previous life, Ma Xianzhi was indeed no match for him, but he didn't expect Dao Tuo to be so much weaker than he had imagined.

'Maybe it's because of the serum or because he hasn't killed his father yet that he hasn't reached the height of his previous life.'

Jin Yuchen didn't bother to think more about the reason for Dao Tuo's weakness and walked straight up to the ring.

"Sir, please—"

When the middle-aged judge saw Jin Yuchen go up the ring, he was about to stop him, but a Roman dagger appeared next to his neck like magic.

"What's going to happen next is not something you can get involved in. If you don't want to die, hurry up and leave."

Jin Yuchen passed the middle-aged judge's stiff body and walked to the side of the doctors who were trying to save Dao Tuo.

"Get lost!"

He drove away the medical staff and stepped on Dao Tuo's bloody face.

"Master Jin!"

Sun Mingrui, who was in the audience, was a little anxious. He had invited Jin Yuchen to take charge of the situation, and now he couldn't even be described as a troublemaker, so he reminded him.

Jin Yuchen ignored him and looked at the vigilant McRae employees below the stage. His eyes stopped on Dwarf Rick.

"It's a waste of time to let this group of people treat it, right?"

After that, he kicked Dao Tuo toward Rick like a ball.

Rick allowed Dao Tuo to land beside him. He did not even bother to look at him.

A few burly men beside him took out a suitcase, took out a few blue-colored syringes, and injected them into Dao Tuo's body.

"Interesting. I've caught you, Master Jin."