dad's anniversary

"it's another beautiful day 🌀" mom was speaking while knocking to my door "mom am coming "i replied actual i forgot today was an important day in our lives as i lost my dad two years back a day like this

i dressed up i just put on my top with my skin jeans with my simple shoes ...i combed my hair wavy style then left to the dinning table where i met mom and my young brother carl . i joined

.... . .**inside the car** ...

" i will have to drop you to yr office after visiting yr father"mom talked

"no mom i aready informed my Secretary david to call max (my driver) to pick me up ,you just have to take carl to school" i replied as we arrived

"dad i really miss you but i have really made a step since you left i have became a model but also i own one of the biggest beauty product company here in NYC... i guess your proud of me coz u always wish i attain my dreams " i kept my flowers then i had to leave as mom and carl proceeded

.....At clawrie beautycompany..

"hey did today our boss doesn't look okay "one of the employees spoke

"you know why today is the very day which miss clawrie's dad passed "the other employee added

"i had he passed away when he was in his mission (he was a soldier) " another added

" hey yoh guys stop gossiping..continue with yr works" the manager who was passing provoked as he was heading to the meeting

soon the meeting began and i had to sot out some stuffs concerning my company and ended well

" david what's wrong with you"as i was moving out of conference i saw david hurrying

" this man is insisting to speak with you .but i explained everything that you have other stuff and you can't cancel yr schedule" he was panting

"so who is this person till i cancel my schedules because of him/her"i asked david while sipping water i arleady arrived at my office

"miss she's the Secretary of longgold biggest and leading company in NYC" he added

" so what's yr suggestion david" i asked

"you should go miss because we might get a fortune to work with them"he suggested

" you know what david i hate when people control me while am having freedom you don't need to worship people or pleed and agree watever they ask for because they have something u have if they need us they will follow us unless u just need to go yrself "i aded

" but miss"i stopped him as i woke up from my chair heading to the door

" i need to see my bestfriend ryt now tell max to prepare the car i will drive myslf"as i left

I really changed since my dad passed away i nolonger put others first before myself dad always did that and on payback he didn't get a return ...