i arrived at lissa's mansion then the security realised me

"hey miss we will help you drive to the packing "one of the security offered coz lissa's parking was a bit far from her house

so i got out of the car and handled him the keys then i stated walking heading to the main house when i had someone screaming toward me

"hey clawrie ..come here you moffo of mine "as she hugged me

"i really missed you little fool of mine you have changed lissa ,your gaining weight what 's going on" i asked

"hey dear since i left my life has changed am soon going to be a mother bestie"lissa commented as we were heading inside her new house

"so uncle knows about this lissa?"i questioned

"okay sit down ..maids prepare the dinning" then she turned back to me

"clawrie let's first eat then we can speak about this "as she stood from the sofa

"cool then ...if you have decided am always here for you no matter what happens you will always be my lissa"as we headed to the dinning there were varieties of foods

"did you prepare all of these yourself "i asked as i stated serving myself

"yes..give a try to this i learned to cook this when i was in miami "as she served me

"wow lissa is super delicious i think i need classes to learn this"as i continued eating

Soon we were done as we left the maids cleaning .we headed to the garden when we stated drinking juice while chatting

"am proud of you clawrie that you made a huge step you are a millionaire ryt now"as she hugged me

" thanks lissa am always proud of you as you are a designer will have orders of a lot of clothes from me"as i chuckled

"So when i was in miami i met this man his name is haydn i fell inlove with him after some days he realised that he impregnated his ex and she's from a wealthy family and he had to take responsibility of her ,so he married his ex after some weeks i realised that i was pregnant ,i had no choice but to come back home and i didn't want to destroy their marriage so i kept quite i will take responsibilities of my child clawrie"

she was arleady crying so i hugged her tight as i patted her

"it's arlight lissa you have me i will be there always for you your babies are also my babies so we are two mothers they wont lack anything trust me"as she stopped crying

" Thanx clawrie your always there when am totally broken and stressed with my life" i chuckled and we continued with our other conversation