Meeting Duchess Melantha

White Sean's POV.

'It's been three long years and it seems that my wife is distancing herself from me more and more, every passing day.'

'I recently found out that she would sneak out at night and go to our son's room. But I guess that's okay, After all that time when he got poisoned I thought it was end of him, It's good that lady Darcia cured him or I would have to find another bait for the family heir, Haha.' Yes, White already knew that someone had poisoned his son. But he didn't feel like investigating the matter. Afterall, it wasn't like he cared for any of his offspring in the first place.

'Let's see how long he will continue this farce of training. I chose the outermost post of trainee for him, So no one would know his identity, even I would have to dig deep to know, Without any influence over the army he would soon come back running. haha' The Duke couldn't be more wrong in his decisions, he would soon come to know just why.

'Anyway, Right now the most important thing is to keep an eye on that Adele b*tch, Her background is not something, a mere Duke like me can fathom. But an enchantress like her makes me forget everything and jump on her. I better behave myself, keke' This Duke was just courting death at this point. But who knew, he would be saved today. Only to die painfully later.

'I hope my kid doesn't get disappointed. because this banquet is just for show. The real reason for the banquet is to meet other strong house of aristocrats and decide for the future of kingdom. The Samara House has also come today. Although they have regressed in power quiet a lot.' The Duke has invited the different house to check which prince they supported.

'Ohh, That little ba*tard is finally here. I haven't seen him, since two years' He looked towards the entrance of the grand hall but was shocked by the scene unfolding in front of him.

Because Travis Sean was entering the hall, While holding hands with someone he didn't expect in his wildest dreams. But someone else was even more shocked seeing this. It was Heath Samara, The Duke of House Samara.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Two hours ago.

A beautiful women in her late 30s was sitting in the carriage, it was Melantha who was reading some documents, A scrawny middle aged man was sitting across her. He said "My lady, Our Duke's father has already visited House Sean before us. So I think Duke Heath Samara will be okay in the banquet without us"

Melantha who was reading just snorted lightly and said "This White Sean is crafty guy, we have to keep Heath in check or else he will surely mess up all the work of that old fart Victor"

The man across was sweating, he said "Please my lady, atleast be respectful to them while you are out of the territory. If someone here heard this words from you , I'm afraid the name of House Samara will be ruined"

Melantha looked at the guy coldly and said "The name of House Samara would've been ruined long ago, if my royal father hadn't made a deal with that piece of tr*sh Victor Samara, So shut up and do what I say"

Melantha Samara was the eldest princess of the Kingdom. This kingdom was known as Norma kingdom, lead by King Alfred Norma from the royal family Norma.

The kingdom has three Dukes, From House Sean, Samara and Eldria. If one were to say the strongest House in the kingdom after the royal family then it would be House of Eldria considering it's military achievements. House Sean is known for it's wealth and House Samara for it's weapon productions but right now the House Samara is at it's lowest point.

Anyway after that the man didn't spoke anything and they reached the gates but heard the name of young master of the House Sean.

Melantha wanted to see the famous trouble maker of this house 'Who knows, maybe I can take advantage of this kid' she thought as she entered the gate and walked towards Travis.

Travis was now ten years old but looked like any other teenager, with 5.5 ft. height, he was wearing red color outfit with tinges of gold on it, It just made his ocean like deep blue eyes look more pleasing to othere. As he heard the announcer, he turned around to look at the Duchess of House Samara, But was stunned for a second, when she was just inches away from him.

However, Melantha Samara was even more shocked when she saw his piercing eyes. It was as if she was standing naked in front of him. She trembled slightly seeing his blue eyes glow a little and then subside. She thought 'What was that? Am I hallucinating or his eyes just brightened there for a second?'

She was really charmed by him, But got over it quickly considering there location, which was close to the entrance. She saw him bowing a little and say "Good Evening Lady Melantha, Would you join me for a chat?"

She just nodded in a dazed manner. He just came close to her and said in her ears in low voice "Maybe you should close that mouth or someone will get a wrong idea!!"

She instantly closed her mouth and her face was flushed. Travis distanced himself and said "I know a good place, let's go. I have some buisness with you"

She raised her eyebrow hearing the word buisness and just followed him. They didn't go to main hall but to an personal courtyard for the VIP guests.

He didn't dilly dally any longer and said "I have some Tier 4 level blacksmith techniques with me, What do you think?"

Melantha was shocked hearing that, And for some reason it didn't seem like he was joking. She paused and said "Our kingdom only had one Tier 4 blacksmith in the past. But It all changed when Samara family patriarch was killed and the techniques were lost, but if what you are saying is true then..."

Travis had a smile on his face, right now his brain was working in high speed, it seemed he was scheming something big and it really was BIG, right now he was just considering the risks and returns, before jumping in the game.

Melantha didn't delay much and said "What is your price, just name it" Travis had wide grin but cold eyes. He turned around from the court yard and looked at the little pond in the courtyard while saying "Well my price is simple, Whatever you make with it, I will get 20% profits and if I buy something from your house, I want special discount" then he turned towards Melantha who was watching him from behind.

She was relieved hearing the price, it would be little hard to convince the elders but it was not impossible. She smiled and said "But why did you asked me about this? I thought you would talk to your fater or my husband?"

Travis smiled coldly and said "You should've realised by now, This deal is between us. No one else has to know about it also why would I ask a guy who is just the patriarch in name"

She was shocked by this statement and wanted to say more but he raised his hand and said "Your secret is safe, And you can decline the offer if you don't like it"

She instantly understood what he meant and she had cold sweat on her back seeing his cold smile. She said little hesitantly "I-is the price you told earlier all? Or do you want something more?"

His smile vanished from his face and he closed the distance between them and pinned her at the wall, she screamed "kyaahh" but he just looked in her eyes and asked "Do you want to give me anything else in exchange for the techniques?" Now there was weird tension between them but she said "N-nno. I am fine with it, I even have a T-3 contract with me if you want to sign it, heh..hehe" she nervously replied.

Travis was happy inside. right now he was dominating the Duchess and royal princess, who was red as tomato. The thrill of it was something else. Now he almost didn't wanna go in army. he released his hold on her and said "Why not? Let's do it right now"

In another hour they discussed other things and more conditions about the contract, one of them was the secrecy of the contract itself.

They were done and about to leave the room, but Travis didn't leave this alone chance with Duchess, he grabbed her hand and said in gentle way "I have a rule, If the deal is successful. I hug if not I kill"

The Duchess was again shocked but kept a cool air around her and thought 'Da*n, this brat is going too far just because I am alone, doesn't he know I am the eldest princess? But who would've' thought he is so dangerous, Travis Sean you are an interesting kid'

She smiled and said "I don't see any reason why not to" She was about to just hug from side a little but she was pulled by him in his embrace.

He hugged her tightly and thought 'With atleast this, I will have total two houses under my control. Now only one to go, haha' he loosened his hands a little and slide them down and stopped at her as*.

She noticed it but didn't say anything, His face got closed to her ear and said "Don't worry, I know you are not satisfied with this Samara's. I will come back soon with more attractive deals" she didn't know if he was talking about house samara buisness or her husband but she felt butterflies in her stomach, she thought 'No one has ever treated me like this!! This ba*tard certainty has guts. I will give him that' He gave her as* a slap and said "Let's go darling, haha"

She had a flushed face and said loudly "Who is your darling? And don't do that again" but he was already out of the room. She chased him and grabbed his hand close to hers and they both started walking towards the main hall of the banquet.

* * *

[A/N: Hey there, keep them power stones coming, haha.

Also comment if you come across any mistakes in chapter.

Thank you for reading ;) ]