Who's Jealous Of Whom?

It seemed like the whole hall went silent for a second as Melantha and Travis entered, Travis was receiving the glares from other Young Master's, Even some prestigious aristocrats family member were also showing little hostility.

It was as if they were saying 'How dare you hold hand with our Goddess' Travis initially wanted to stay lowkey but after noticing this scene, he was simply ecstatic.

As you can imagine, In his previous life as Joe, He didn't get to experience something like this. Jealousy? Yes, But those intense gazes of envy and misty eyes of some Young Master's as they thought scenarios of Melantha and him were just too thrilling for him.

At this moment, Something happed to him, Another layer from his seal was peeled off in his consciousness, without his notice.

[A/N: Don't get too annoyed by this words in the middle. As things will soon be revealed]

But our Travis Aka Joe, the Ba*tard master of Eira had tasted something. That something was the taste of the forbidden fruit. And da*n, it was tasty.

The one thing Eira dreaded the most was this. Joe was a hardworking guy in his past life, He didn't get things that easily, so he kept his eyes on his goals and ambitions and didn't enjoy what he accomplished, but here you see resources, albeit protection and even heaven in form of beauties was provided to him. From here on who knew which path he would take? But one thing he was sure of, Forbidden Fruit was most Delicious one. Now he just had to patiently wait for the right time.

Anyway right now, White Sean was glaring at him. This guy didn't like that his son was this close with someone of that calibre who had influence over people.

Especially Melantha, Who was a beauty and 'influential' in her own right. he asked in a little loud voice "Little brat come here, Where are your manners? you didn't came on time, even on your own birthday"

Before Travis could reply Melantha said in a apprehensive tone "Duke don't scold young master Travis, It was I who wanted to rest and see around the main mansion. He has shown me hospitality and accompanied me around for last two hours, so forgive him" Only Travis could feel a little tease in those word, he smiled observing this bold lady.

But Duke and the other people were now even more angry at this brat, He was with her almost two hours!! even alone? This was unacceptable, but they had to swallow their anger because of there Goddesses pleading.

White smiled at Melantha and said "Ofcourse, how could I punish him for something like that. Then let's go bra-Travis, you should check out your gifts"

Travis nodded and was about to walk but when he saw the smirk on Melantha's face he stopped and said loudly "Ohh, About that matter you asked earlier..." he got closed to her, almost touching her waist. he blew hot air on her ear, she trembled ever so lightly but didn't show any expressions outward, She was screaming internally 'Kyaahh, This ba*tard really has ba*ls of steel, I shouldn't have provoked him'

He whispered in her ears "Enchantress you better be prepared in the future, I am going to slap your as* so hard and so long for today's matter... And I will fu*k you till you're about to fell totally unconscious, in front of that Idiot" he gazed at Heath Samara, who was in turn gazing at him fiercely, he gave him an innocent smile and looked at Melantha who was blushing a little and beads of sweat could be seen from her forehead. He nodded and left.

He walked towards the south of the hall following his father, where on a golden table, various packages of different sizes and colors were lying there.

Honestly there were just too many gift to open and see, And the people here weren't even invited for that purpose, It was all just for show. But they still had to give face to the Duke and House Sean. So only from the other higher ranking nobles gifts were placed there to be opened by the man himself.

He opened the gifts one by one but not many things catched his eyes. There were some fancy piece of arts, jewelery and some even gave gold biscuits with his name on it. He almost laughed at all this bullsh*t things. They could just out right cu*sed him but by sending this gifts, it was show of blatant mockery towards him.

House Eldria gave him some trash movement techniques but House Samara gave him some rare herbs and one of that caught his eyes. He smiled and thought 'Ohh would you look at that, "One man's trash is another man's treasure" you proved it right Heath Samara, haha'

He was almost finished with this gift opening but he was interrupted by his mother who came from behind and said "Dear, Wait and see this gift, It's from your father and ME" she said ME little loudly but he didn't mind and just smiled then grabbed the gift. it was small box wrapped with silver cloth. he opened it slowly and peeked in.

He was little shocked because it was a ring, more precisely a storage ring. Which seemed to be a high end one. He didn't opened it fully and kept it in his pocket and hugged his mother and bowed a little towards his father.

His father said "what's with that, it's just a storage ring don't act like you got some big treasure" it was unknown, if it was meant to defend him or to entice others.

Travis just smiled and was about to leave from spot light but was again interrupted, this time it was Melantha. She also gave him a storage ring, but it was ordinary and everyone could tell it only allowed limited space in it.

They were curious about what was in it but didn't think much and got back to their own conversations among them.

One could observe the ring if they just swept there internal energy on the ring, he checked and was surprised to find two daggers and one long sword close to upper Tier 3 quality.

He was delighted by this and wanted to give a kiss to Melantha but decided otherwise.

He gave her a meaningful smile and said in a low voice only to be heard by few people "Thank you my lady for the gift, I hope I can give you something more good in return on the occasion of your birthday too"

She knew exactly what this shameless guy was talking about and was amazed at this ten year old cheeky brat. She suddenly remembered that slap on her as* and blushed.

Seeing all this her expressions Travis thought 'Harem member plus one, haha'

_ _ _ _ _

Right now there were only some upper echelon and main family members at the table having light dessert after the 'birthday Banquet of Travis'.

"So that's how things stand..." said White Sean.

One of the members of House said "So... House Eldria and almost all other aristocrats are in the favour of crown prince, House Samara is supporting the third prince"

Crown Prince Amaris Norma was eldest prince, who is recognised as the heir to the throne by the king. Well what mainly matters is there power and influence over people. if they have this two then throne will be there's after the old guy took off, ofcourse 'royal bloodline' is also crucial.

White nodded and said "Yes, And as always second prince is supported by one family and a sect. Which is no laughing matter too. Right now situation can go in any of there favour.." they were in dilemma, who to side with. if they chose wrong side then the House will bear many losses and even be wiped in worst case scenario.

As they conversed the door opened and a figure of kid came into everyone's view. Other members didn't say anything to him but white frowned and asked "Travis this is not a place for kids, Go and prepare for tomorrow's departure"

Travis just smiled, his deep blue eyes had a cold glint in it. he said with rather cute and innocent voice "I thought everyone here would be tired after banquet, So I had our cook prepare some drinks for all and I even added some Tier 2 refreshments in it"

The Duke only saw the two man behind Travis and they were cook and a man. they nodded. only then did the Duke allowed the servants to serve drinks and said "Anyway you are already here so just stand aside quietly if you want to listen" They all just continued talking about other Kingdom related matters and seeping on this rather delicious refreshing drinks.

Travis thought inwardly while innocently looking at them 'Drink, Drink and Drink my future servants, haha. You have to keep working hard for your future master'

_ _ _ _

After the meeting, he returned to his mansion and was greeted by a scene he thought he would never see or atleast not very soon?

Because it was Candace Sean lying on his bed, breast out and only in her panties. he first blinked once, twice and then again. he shook his head and locked the door behind and said "Mother, what are you doing?"

Candace just smirked and said "You are going to leave tomorrow, I don't know when I would see you again. So I decided to teach you some things, before you explore the world" she said as she squeezed her left t*ts and a stream of white drops started pouring out. Travis didn't think twice and jumped on the bed and started licking and fondling her bo*bs. She smirked a little seeing his quick reaction speed.

Travis stopped for a sec and he took his head close to her ear and said in teasing manner "Mother, By any chance are you jealous?"

* * *

[A/N: Hello reader's, I was planning to upload this chapter later. But seeing our Novels total power stone and amount of 200+ collections, I felt happy and edited this chapter as fast as possible. For some it might not be a big deal but it is a milestone for Joe Travels Infinitus.

So, Thank you for the support you all <3 ..

If by any chance there are mistakes in chapter, comment them down.

Tell me in comments, what do you think of the novel so far and also Keep them power stones coming, haha

As always thank you for reading :) ]