Sweet Juices Before Departure

Candace Sean was a doting mother, she even knew that she might have spoilt her daughter too much. In comparison to Tatiana, Travis was little distant from her. She didn't notice that until he suddenly caught deadly 'fever'. She realised that she hadn't paid any attention to her only son as much as she should've?

Therefore she decided to connect with her son again. At dinner when she noticed the gaze of Travis, she thought 'Is he missing the milk?' She felt happy that he still thinks about her. And decided to act that time and get close to him.

However, as time passed, she got his son's undivided attention and at last she recently realised that her son was not finding any maternal love from her, instead something else? She was already in her late thirties and felt little old? But by no means she was old looking. Instead this goddess can even arouse an impotent man. But who would've thought she was insecure about herself. She was pleased that her inexperienced son founded her attractive.

However, when she saw him entering the hall with the b*tch of Samara House, Melantha Samara. She was enraged, Not towards Melantha but herself. She thought 'I think I didn't provided enough to Travis, So he must have to find someone else? What should I do? At this rate he will distance himself from me. NOO, I can't let that happen I must have to be more intimate with him' She didn't know at the time but at that very thought and time, she had already crossed the line of their maternal relationship and she was even little obsessive of him?

_ _ _ _

Now hearing what he said about her being jealous, She was stunned for a second and couldn't even refuse him. Her mind was in turmoil, She truly didn't expect that things would turn out like this, by just being near him.

On the other hand, Travis was delighted seeing her expressions. He thought 'Ahh, My Goddess of Luck must be smiling on me, she even let my hands on this holy being, haha'

He licked his lips seeing her figure but calmed down his raging emotions of intimacy towards her. He looked right in her eyes and said in gentle manner "Mother, there's nothing wrong with it. Even in royal family there are cases of incest, it is normal to have this thoughts" he was just bullsh*ting, he didn't even know if she really had this thoughts.

But all Candace needed was a little push. She looked at his now large build, unlike three years ago. he had calm but cold eyes, which was truly attractive and his handsome face. She was amazed at the aura he was excluding. She just had one thought 'I should believe in my son. He is the only man who could calm me down with just few words'

She nodded without thinking anymore.

Travis lifted her chin close to his face and smiled sweetly "That ba*tard doesn't deserve you. A goddess like you should only be treated like a goddess. But he doesn't even pay attention to you"

Candace' eyes were moist, she wanted to say something but didn't had the courage. She again just nodded.

Travis smiled and got close to her lips, he could feel her hot breath and a sweet fragrance coming from it.

He licked his lips and finally said "Candace darling, become my women" hearing this Candace widened her eyes and before she could voice her opinion, Travis grabbed her head and pulled her with force and kissed her.

She tried to resist but his tongue was already inside her mouth finding her's. She looked stunned by this action and just melted in his arms.

He pressed her bo*bs from both his hands and tightly kissed her. he could finally taste this sweet taste of forbidden fruit. He was little on top so he grabbed her neck and released his thick saliva and made her drink it. She widened her eyes but still drank the sweet juices of her son.

After a long time, he finished the kiss and their mouth seperated, a long thread of saliva can be seen as he let her breath. She gasped for breath and looked at him incredulously "How did you learn to kiss like that?"

He acted as if he was shy and said "Did you like my first kiss mother?"

At that candace blushed hard but nodded. Then Travis said "Darling, I have a task for you. But I don't know if you can do it?"

Candace snapped out of her thoughts hearing him. She hastily said "Say whatever it is Travis, Your mother will do anything for you"

Travis shook his head and said little lovingly "I am asking this to you as my women.Candace, the thing is that you have to give White Sean three drop of this potion every six months" he showed her a bottle of colourless liquid.

Candace was shocked and asked "What are you talking about? Don't tell me that is poison?"

Travis unhesitatingly said "I found the moonshine centipede in the mountains. It is very hard to find and tiny. They live on the life energy of the others living creatures and are very rare, I had to waste two whole weeks just to find that little ras*al"

He looked at her horrified expression for a second and said "I have already fed him that with refreshment drinks, haha" He laughed and said annoyingly"But it is very slow process, the centipede is in it's growth phase. So you have to feed this potion to White and make that centipede mature fast"

He said "While it can be hard for someone else. I'm sure you can pull it off. If that thing don't get this potion every six month then it's growth will be slowed considerably, It could even take ten years"

She was very scared by all this. She had just kissed her ten year old kid and now he was saying to poison her husband, and explain everything really calmly at that, He acted as if this was someone else's business. And the one they were talking about was not his own father

Travis noticed this and thought that it was too early for this and said "Do you know he chose the hardest post in army for me. He didn't give me easy time here and now wants to kill me. The fever I had at that time, do you know how did I get that? It was him only to scare me. Lady Darcia was just someone he called for a show. So the family and you think he cares about me, Now you've to choose between him and m-"

Before he could say anything Candace pulled him and kissed him wildly. She had expression of worry on her face and said "You won't die son. Don't worry I will surely kill him. Yes that's right, if I want to save you, I have to finish him off" Travis broke the kiss and said laughing "No no no, you can't just kill him yet, Just do the job I gave you diligently, he is more useful being alive then dead" There was a moment of silence then he got close to her to lighten the mood.

He again started licking her breast and sucked mouthful of sweet and thick milk. Then kissed her fiercely and forcefully made her drink her own milk and smiled at her shocked expression.

Candace said "You shameless fellow, making me drink my own milk, Hmph'"

He kissed her again and said "Who knows if you do your work properly, next time I will make you drink different milk, haha"

She dumbly looked at him and didn't understand at first, but after a moment she realised what he said and blushed, she thought 'He changed so much in this little time.. but for some reason, this change.. I like it' Suddenly she felt something down there.

She noticed that while she was in cross-legged position and he was kissing her by on top of her. Unknowingly his knee was touching at the entrance of her pu*sy. She got really excited and embarrass by it but didn't stop him.

This session lasted a while and finally just by his knee and kisses, she orgasmed twice. Finally they decided to call it a night and she left the room with the bottle of colourless liquid.

He couldn't go all the way in his still young body, But he thought that this much is still far from what he thought before coming to this world. With a passing thought he headed towards the bed 'Edhas is really great, I haven't even explored the one percent of this world. Still I wonder what my disciples are doing?' A figure came in his mind, It was Eira. he shook his head and smiled wryly 'Nevermind that, I think it will be a long journey... But in this life I will make sure to have all the tastes life has to offer me, haha'

He was alone in his room while he laid down on the bed, before sleeping he thought 'The first phase of plane is complete... Now my next step is the Lost Hell Hounds' he closed his eyes and fallen asleep.