Second Prince

Tatiana was already on her way back to Sean Mansion. As the place they were at descended in silence, Travis reached the royal carriage. Although Sean family was wealthiest in the kingdom, the royal carriage was way lavish then their ever could be. Travis thought 'The royal family really is in a league of it's own'

There was only one royal guard standing outside of the carriage with a haughty expression, Seeing the only one guard and his expression, Travis felt annoyed but he knew that this wasn't any official meeting, So he just faced the guard and said coldly "It seems my carriage can't go forward anymore then it already has, May I have an audience with his royal highness the Second Prince, Maverick Norma" he bowed a little while uttering the name of the bastard who just ruined his moment with his big sister a while ago.

The guard still had an cold expression but was surprised inside. Because he didn't expect this brat to know who was in the carriage. As they didn't inform them of their sudden appearance, heck even Duke Sean didn't know about any of this.

_ _ _ _

Inside the royal carriage, A man in his 30s was sitting on a throne and sipping from, what seemed to be a chalice? There was pure and thick red coloured liquid in it. As he heard Travis conversing with the guard, The man smiled mildly. He looked at his right side, where a man in his late 40s was standing. he said "See, Didn't I tell you? This guy isn't some trash of the Duke. Either this was planned by that sly White or this boy is just that good at hiding" After the failure of Tatiana and Travis joining the Lost Hell Hounds, he knew this kid was unique.

The one who just spoke was Maverick Norma. On his right was the Patriarch of the Omera Blood Sect. It was said to be the strongest sect in the whole of the kingdom and at sixth position by the empire's standards.

The Norma kingdom itself was one of the three leading strongest kingdoms of the empire and one of the main reason for it's position in big 3 was Omera Blood Sect.

This is the exact reason why Maverick Norma could go toe to toe with the crown prince, who was backed by the strongest military force of the kingdom, The Eldria Family. This was the exact family, who gave Travis a trash movement technique on his tenth birthday.

Now, In comparison to this two giants and their backing, The third prince was not considered a competition, although he was talented in the way of spear, his only backing was House Samara. He was least expected to be coronated as King. Well his destiny was greater then any of them could imagine. But that story is for another time.

Anyway, As the man heard Maverick, he just snorted and said "You give him too much credit your highness, Afterall it was us who leaked the news of your appearance around here today. If it was someone smart, he would play smart and hide that fact and try to gain more information"

Second Prince nodded and said "Well you are not entirely wrong about that Patriarch Berkan, But you didn't take in the fact that he already has someone loyal to him, who he can rely on, also to me it seems that he already knew about our little mischief of leaking the news, haha"

Berkan didn't find it that amusing, he said "If what you say turns out to be true, then don't you think it will be hard for us to control him, when the time comes?"

Maverick said "Indeed... However if we play our cards right, we can have a trusted pair of eyes in that hateful House Eldria's military" To that Berkan chose to stay silent, he knew the hate of second prince towards House Eldria. It was said that the assassination of his mother was done by House Eldria.

It was because of the unique blood art of Omera Blood Sect that was cultivated by the mother of Maverick Norma, she had unique charm and beautiful appearance with full of vitality. King Alfred was head over hills for her, therefore it was said that House Eldria had a hand in her assassination. She was a threat to them, the unique art couldn't be cultivated by everyone and she was one of the best talent seen in centuries. her death was major event that changed the second prince completely.

_ _ _ _

Anyway, the guard led Travis inside the carriage. As he entered the carriage, he marvelled at the golden interior. But what surprised him the most was the throne inside. he thought 'Holy fuck, How the fuck did they manage to bring something like that inside the carriage?'

Travis really regretted his past life decisions, he thought 'I should have enjoyed the life more, well nevermind, in this one I'll enjoy the life twice as much' he also looked at the handsome face of Maverick Norma and his silver hairs which just added more to his charm.

At first he didn't noticed the man on the right of Maverick Norma. But when his blue eyes glowed and met with Berkan, his heart trembled. Purple woke up from it's slumber and said hastily 'Run, Right now. How the hell did you manage to come in contact with someone like that?'

He ignored her and just reverted his gaze with stoic expression. his aura was stable and he didn't let out even a voice. Maverick smiled and said "Young Master Travis Sean, Take a sit, I heard you wanted an audience with me?"

Travis bowed first then took the sit, he said "Thank you second prince... You might be wondering why I'm here seeking your attention" Maverick just nodded without saying a word.

Travis had a sly smile as he continued "Well it's just that I heard that you were interested in my big sister Tatiana Sean, Is it true your highness? I mean I could help both of you in convincing my father" he paused and added with a deep voice "House Sean will also be glad to be allied with the second prince, you just have to say the word and take care of me a little in the future, haha" he stopped and looked at the both dumbfounded faces.

Truly, Not Maverick, Not Berkan and not even a certain someone hidden in the carriage could have guessed Travis' words. They were amazed by his shamelessness, this guy just came here and directly offered his sister in exchange with the prince's favour. But they soon calmed down, it was not totally unexpected for someone to come with a offer such as this. It was just that they didn't expect this little kid to offer something like this.

Maverick was the first to break the silence, he said "What you say is true, I indeed admire the beauty of your sister" he paused for a moment and thought 'I see, So you want to play it like that. Essentially you are just telling me that you know of our little plan of poisoning you and now offering your service in exchange for your betterment as you can't possibly take action against the perpetrator behind the plan. Not bad indeed, Well as my reward to you, I won't order you around instead offer you a deal'

He said "Well then, I suppose we can have a deal out of it right? Afterall I'm going to be the king in the future" Berkan was shocked hearing this, doesn't this mean that Travis' sister was going to be queen? this wasn't something which they planned beforehand, because the queen was going to be someone from the Omera Blood Sect. Still he chose to remain silent for now.

Travis smiled seeing both of their expressions and said "Yes!! after coming in this carriage, I can now confidentially say that the kingdom is going to be in the hands of the most handsome man, my sister is truly lucky you know brother Maverick, ohh I can call you brother from now on right?"

Maverick just nodded little awkwardly and proceeded to drink from his golden chalice, he thought 'Truly!! Today my eyes have opened to the new world of shamelessness. From now on, I shouldn't believe in rumours'

Travis also added "It seems brother Maverick immensely likes golden colour. I will surely choose something related to gold while selecting the wedding gift, afterall you can't be stingy when choosing a gift for king and queen, haha" The patriarch of the Omera Blood Sect was trembling in anger, he was about to cough up some blood hearing all this bullshit spouted by this stinky brat.

Maverick noticed the change in atmosphere as little bloodlust was escaping from Berkan, he hastily spoke "All that sure sounds good, But right now I am in quite a predicament. I wonder if brother Travis can help me out in this one?"

Travis smiled inwardly, he knew this would come up. The reason he talked about Tatiana marrying to him was that he could gain some benefits from this bastard, Words truly didn't account to shit anyways, he would never let him even see Tatiana. marriage was already a far fetched dream for Maverick.

Travis said "Hmm.. sure brother. If there's something I can help you with my capabilities, I would surely do"

Maverick understood the underlying meaning behind it. he looked at Travis profoundly, he was admiring this kid more and more, he said "Well it's true that you will need some resources in order to complete my task" he then looked at Berkan and said "In the future, provide him with resources, it doesn't matter what is needed by Travis, use the sect resources or my personal one if they can't be found elsewhere" he was thinking of betting all on this horse, in order to have control on a portion of the Eldria House and eyes on the rest this was mandatory.

As he was about to explain about the task, A sweet and heavenly voice was heard from inside a part of the carriage "What gives you the right to just give out our sects resources?" Berkan was shocked to hear this voice and more so the content. because he was damn sure that this lass didn't care about the sect in any manner.

Yes, she was the daughter of matriarch and patriarch of the Omera Blood Sect. she was in the other half of the carriage where one could rest a while, well.. she was just eavesdropping from the start. she was Hazel, one of the three beauties in the kingdom. Whenever the talk about most beautiful and talented girls were initiated, this three were always mentioned Hazel, Tatiana and Selene. Selene was the one whom the previous holder of the body teased. she was Selene Norma the royal princess.

Anyway, Hazel entered the chamber where the three were conversing. Maverick had already planned to make Hazel the queen when he would become the king. he was just lying to Travis for his cooperation. Berkan also understood this after a moment.

Hazel had a slim hourglass figure, red hair and she had a blue veil on her face. Not even Maverick had seen her full beauty until today. But one could see from her gorgeous Hazel eyes that she was top tier beauty. Travis was stunned by her aura and her beauty. he had already decided to make her his, no more thinking needed when it comes to beauties like Hazel.

Berkan said "Ohh, And who gave you the permission to talk like that to his highness, apologize right now and go inside, we haven't reached the sect yet"

Hazel just lightly snorted and didn't say anything. Maverick just smiled wryly in response and said "Okay, Hazel no need to apologize just go in. We are discussing something serious"

Hazel nodded and sneaked a peek at Travis. her bright Hazel eyes met with the cold blue eyes, which seemed to glow a little? At that moment, it seemed like myriad of emotions were transpired between them.

She obediently left the scene. Travis thought 'So, you just came to tell me that you exist. Is that right?'

He cried inwardly 'Ahh, what to do? everywhere I go there seems to be a new beauty lying in wait for me, haha'

* * *

[A/N: Another 2k words chapter for you guyss...

Do tell me in the comments if you liked the new characters.

Sorry for late release guys, I'm under huge pile of assignments and pending projects. so it might be a bumpy road so bear with me. Thank you for understanding :) ]