Deal with the devil

After Hazel left the room, it got quite for a while, Berkan was angry with his daughter because she never interfered in the dealings of sect or for any other, so what gives? he looked at the kid sitting in front of him and for some reason he had a urge to slap him, But he stopped himself.

On the other hand, Second Prince Maverick Norma was annoyed by Hazel, he was finding it more and more troublesome to conquer her. Even that lass Tatiana from Sean House had made it clear, that she would only have any type of relation with him after the marriage.

Still he smiled wickedly when he thought about his next plan on invading the Eternal Blossom Sect of the neighbouring Kingdom. It was a sect only for women, who accepted women from different regions, it is the same sect which Aria was planning to join previously. It was situated near border of the Norma Kingdom and Walster Kingdom. It was also said that Walster Royal Family was puppet of the Eternal Blossom Sect.

Anyway, after seeing Berkan's hostile gaze and prince's creepy smile, Travis felt goosebumps all over his body. he said "So the predicament you mentioned earlier, what is it all about? brother Maverick"

Maverick snapped back to reality and returned his expression to the one before, all smiles. he said "You see... the third prince has no chance of competing with me or Amaris, he just has backing of House Samara. Which is not enough by long shot, the only thing which can be thorn in my way is House Eldria who is behind Amaris, the current crown prince"

Travis smiled and said "Surely you jest brother, Even if that's true. You have whole sect supporting you. And I can sense that you must be at high cultivation stage, so I think you worry too much"

Before Maverick could reply him, Berak snorted and said "Brat, what do you know? It's not just about individual strength or a sect's battle arts, Eldria Family is one of best when it comes to wars. They boast immense military strength and have several generals under them. Even the batallion that you are about to join, also has someone strong and witty enough to destroy his enemies in oblivion, leading all them. You better be careful when you enter their ranks"

Travis' eyes shined hearing this information, This was the exact reason why he was aiming to join them. He did needed strength, but more than that, he needed someone who can guide him to be a better leader and have a proper mindset of war. Who better than a powerful general of a kingdom right? He thought 'Atleast then I will be a better in making decisions in future. I don't want to repeat past mistakes' visions of endless bloodshed and two little twins fighting to protect their mother came to his mind.

He shook his head, in attempt to forget those depressing thoughts, he looked in front of him and said with a sly smirk "Thank you for worrying about me, I will be careful" Berkan just snorted and didn't say anything.

Maverick said "That's why, I want someone who is in their ranks with enough power under them to influence the decisions of the higher ups and give me insurance for my schemes, so I can overthrow the Norma House and establish the Kingdom as Kaal Kingdom" he didn't filter out his words, he knew he was directly asking for him to be a spy. he didn't need to hide any stuff from Travis if he was going to give this task. his mother was from Kaal House and he was planning to make himself the sovereign of the Kingdom as one of the people of Kaal House.

Travis showed a shocked expression, then a understanding smile appeared on his face. He said "Sure, I'll be your's to command in the future, I hope we will co-operate more in the future" he said the last sentence while looking at the patriarch of the Omera Blood Sect.

Berak just gave him a slight nod. Afterall he had to give respect to someone who's also 'serving' the same lord. Maverick also nodded in acknowledgement and said "Perfect. Your first task is to successfully join their 'Seven Hells' Regiment, for which you have to first join the novice rank of Seventh Battalion Of Lost Hell Hounds. It's good for us that you had been already selected for that post. That is also why I directly approached you, you see unlike other parts of army, that regiment don't even consider me their superior or other prince and princesses for that matter, heck even House Eldria is also in dark about them. They really are wild dogs of kingdom and only inform their movements directly to my father, the King"

He stopped talking and looked at the smile on Travis' face and the unwavering deep blue eyes, he nodded in approval, it didn't matter if it's for show or real but Travis had calm expression. Maverick all the more thought that his decision regarding Travis was on point, he will surely use this brat well. he continued "If you are successful in doing that, someone from the Omera Blood Sect will contact you for the next task. Which will directly grant you to look for all the information on House Eldria without suspicion, so take this seriously and perform well. I will reward you accordingly also inform me about their recent activities, even if they are minor"

Travis bowed a little and said seriously "As you command your highness, I will do as you say" he then turned his voice littlle gentle and said "Also brother Maverick, I was wondering if you could provide me with some Tier 4 medicines. I'm tired of all those Tier 3 medicines in the dukedom"

*cough* *coug*

"Are you okay, your highness?" Travis said as he looked at the shocked expressions of the second prince and Berak.

Maverick ignored him and was sad seeing all the red fluids splattered on ground from the chalice. he just looked at Berak for help or he might just kill this brat.

Berak said "Fool.. do you think Tier 4 medicines are candies for sale" Maverick thought Berak would refuse him, but he said "Tier 4 is more valuable than 3, you must trade five tier 3 medicines in order to have Tier 4. you are lucky that you are even getting one because of his highness. Even in the empire, very few Tier 4 medicines are found you know" Maverick was first shocked but then amused with Berak's trick to get something out of this kid. afterall he was young master of Sean House.

Travis understood his mistake in directly asking Tier 4, he might have asked too much but five Tier 3 was also just a daylight robbery. he said "where's this Tier 4 medicine, you speak of?"

Berak took out the medicine from his storage ring and showed him. Travis examined the medicine with his Spirit Truth Seeking Eyes, as his glowing blue eyes landed on the stone shaped fruit, he was pleasantly surprised. Because it was the Bloom Titan Fruit. he had read about them in his previous life when venturing in ancient ruins. he was sure that it had affects on his physique.

He instantly took out five Tier 3 medicines from his old space ring. he didn't needed this trash anyway. Maverick and Berak were shocked seeing his actions. Berak didn't know what to do, he hadn't seen such a medicine before, but the greed for Travis' offer was much worse. he unknowingly gave the heavenly treasure in order to get Tier 3 medicines. In future he would really regret this decision.

Travis took out a new storage ring from his pocket. This was the birthday gift from his mother, he stored the medicines and discussed more details regarding the task.

"Alright we will do everything as planned, I will arrange a good horse for you to travel at your destination, Oh I don't have any other carriage at the moment so you have to make work with the horse" Maverick said.

Travis replied "Sure I don't mind if the horse is good to go at full speed " they started to leave the carriage. Travis smelled one last time in the carriage with a devilish smile. he has found something interesting, while having their conversations.

Maverick thought while seeing the departing figure of Travis 'Kid!! you have just made a deal with the devil, I hope you don't disappoint me'

At that time he didn't know but only time will tell which one was the real devil.

_ _ _ _

Travis was right now headed towards his post where he would report for duty. He had a smile on his face but it vanished as he heard certain someone in his head.

Purple said "Oyee, why don't you respond to me? should I come out"

Travis said with a annoyed expression "For fucks sake purple, stop talking for a minute. You were like this the whole meeting with that bastard Maverick, just stop talking and let me have some peace" he took a long breath to calm down. It was truly annoying, if someone kept talking in your head while sitting in front of monsters like Berak and Maverick.

Purple asked "Did you notice?" at the same time in the carriage Berak asked to Maverick.

"Did you notice?"

Maverick had an evil smile on his face as he said "Yes.. it won't be long before I get to the throne. Then the first thing I would do is to cut open this guy. he has many secrets.. including those blue eyes"

On their way to the post, Travis heard purple and smirked while saying "I would have been long dead in my previous life if I was that ignorant, Berak and Hazel were still fine but that Maverick and the pungent smell... The chalice had a hand in it for sure or the smell would become apparent to others"

purple said "Yeah that aura can't be faked with just blood arts. he must had his hands in some shady matters, as a different being, I could sense the painful cries of the souls around him"

Travis said "I also felt that, The chalice must be helping him to stabilize that power"

Purple said "Indeed, you should acquire that golden chalice for me, it would be helpful to you in the end you know"

Travis had profound look, he said "Is that so? The Golden Samsara Of Densvor can help the Infinitus?"

Purple was stunned and said "How did you know about it's name? Joe.. tell me. are you-"

Travis said cutting her off "Tell me, will it help Infinitus grow or what?"

Purple said "No.. It will help to remove the seals on the Infinitus. In a way you can say that the true power of Infinitus is still sleeping, The Golden Samsara Of Densvor can remove a whole layer of seal with it's soul power"

Travis understood, it won't help the Infinitus itself, but break the seals on it. Travis said "So should I give you a name or call you Infinitus?"

Purple was shocked, she said "wh-What the heck man, how did you know?" she just accepted it. there was no denying him now.

Travis said "Earlier you said to get it for you. but when I said, will it help Infinitus you agreed. so that's that, and as your master I should give you a name"

A purple figure of fairy came out of his left wrist. it didn't have any clear features but the wings were clearly noticeable. She said "Hmph, who said you are my master. you are far from that for me to call you that. As for my name.. you can give me one" she said the last sentence hesitantly.

Travis said "Sure sure, let me think about that a little, Till then tell me more about yourself and Infinitus who knows it might help me to give you a perfect name"

Purple knew this guy won't let this matter go that easily, she said "Well I'll tell you what I can for now about the Infinitus. As for myself... You can say that I am the spirit of the Infinitus"

Travis smiled while riding the horse, he said "It won't take us long to reach there. Let's see what they have in store for me. Lost Hell Hounds.. I'm coming"

* * *

[A/N: hello everyone, I made an Instagram account for upcoming updates of novel. You can follow me there @asrel_writes321

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