Her Magical Name...

'Seven Hells' Regiment, It was very mysterious part of the army. Right now they were having a meeting, while all the seven high ranking members were present. It was unusual to find this seven individual at one place. As many of them were often out of the Norma Kingdom most of the time.

In a dark hall, They were sitting around a round table. They all had a somber expressions. one of them who seemed to be the leader asked "Did you all find anything regarding the recent activities?"

One of them who seemed to be young man said "This weird events have started to occur from last 3-4 years... Something is definitely about to happen, we can confirm it after sensing the the abnormalities in the sea"

The leader asked a man beside him "Did the king said anything?"

A Dignified voice sounded, although little annoyed by the lack of respect in the voice of their leader towards the king, "His majesty's orders are to just observe and report quietly for the moment"

Many from the seven present their scoffed internally at that, but didn't voice out their opinion about the matter. The leader's gaze shifted to an old man sitting furthest from him.

The old man noticed it and said in a mild tone "My hounds haven't found anything of value. The casualty rate is also under the expected range.. Though taking the seriousness of the matter, I have sent my best man there" he was talking about the general of Norma Kingdom.

The leader nodded, but before he could continue, a dissatisfied voice sounded from a hooded figure in black "Also, that person is again at it. This time she is using the name Darcia, she was last spotted at the one of the dukedom of the Norma Kingdom. Please inform her that it will be hard to protect her if she just took of on her own like that everytime"

The leader's eyes flickered but he didn't reply to that, instead he said "Anyways, Looking at the recent events and the situation in the empire, it seems difficult time will be soon upon us. You should all be prepared and keep me posted on any activities happening under you" he looked at the old man and said "Especially you. Keep me posted about all the actions of Lost Hell Hounds and that accursed place, which is unusually quiet for a while now"

Everyone nodded and their figures started to disappear one after another. The old man looked at the dark hooded figure and smiled. The figure opposite of him could see the yellowish teeth of the old man shining in the dark hall. The old man said "Darcia... Haha who could've thought, this time she would use that name. We'll see you next time old friend" he disappeared. The other party yelled "Fuck you.. who's your friend. you are just a dog, go back to your master" but no response came as the old man had already left.

Now the hooded figure was alone in the hall. It didn't disappeared instantly but started walking towards the exit while cursing in its head 'Sh*t, now how am I supposed to complete my job. this b*tch is always one step ahead of us'

_ _ _ _

Faraway from that dark place of meeting of the seven. A young man could be seen traveling across a desert-like area, it was almost dusk, the heat of the desert had died down and now cold air had started to prickle the skin of the young man. yes it was Travis Sean, he was near his destination.

Travis right now was little tired while riding the horse. He said "So I came up with a name. Wanna hear it?"

Purple's figure flashed and she said little enthusiastically "Yeah yeah tell me already.."

Travis smirked and said "first ask me like... Master Joe please give me a name"

Purple went silent but said with little irritated tone "m-Master Joe.. please give me a name" she said the last sentence as earnestly as possible.

Travis was stunned. he didn't think that she would just obediently comply to his order. he smiled internally and said in a little gentler tone "Well well if you will ask me like that.. it can't be helped"

He got off the horse, he looked towards the setting sun beside him a small purple figure of fairy could be seen. Her features were still unrecognisable except her two beautiful wings. They both looked at the orange and red hue around the setting sun, it seemed like the place they were had slightly affected the scenery.

Purple flew around Travis' body, purple's sparkles flickered around him. If someone had seen the both them like this, they would truly get magical feeling. As they both gazed at the setting sun Travis started talking "You know... You are not only the spirit of INFINITUS.."

Purple was dumbfounded hearing him say this, Travis continued "To me you are much more than just some fairy... because I know there must be a deeper reason behind all this.. Anyway, one thing is simple" he moved his gaze from the sun to her purple figure and said "In my second life.. you are something magical. Truly exceptional.. So I couldn't name you something ordinary, as you are also someone destined to be by my side the whole journey... Hence, I named you..." he again looked at the almost setting sun.

Purple looked at his shining blue eyes and was dazed, when she heard him say "From today onwards.. you will be known as Maya.." he looked at her. his blue eyes was unusually glowing today as he continued " You will be my magic... My Maya~"

The sun set and the whole place turned dark, except where Travis stood. the purple light twirled around him, tears of purple color dropped form her almost non-existent eyes. she mumbled "dummy... you have no idea how long I've waited for my name..."

Travis smiled gently and asked "Ohh.. Tell me then. I am all ears for my Maya, haha"

The purple light sparkled more brightly, Maya was stunned hearing the name from his mouth. she felt like the name sounded more sweet when it came from Joe.

"When the time is right, I won't have to say a word. you have to just wait till than... dummy, dummy , dummy..." she said laughingly.

Travis said "Then shall we restart our journey? I think we'll be there by tomorrow morning. we only have to pass small mountain region to be there"

Maya only let out a small "mhm" and vanished from that place, she was too happy to talk right now. only a little purple glow came from his left wirst's symbol and the whole place came to a dead calm silence. Travis got on to his horse and made his way towards the forest.

_ _ _ _

A black figure of a thin kid could be seen traveling fast in the forest. The figure stopped near a cave and said hastily "Lord Blake, There was some unusual purple light in the desert area today, I also spotted a lone horse traveling towards the forest" it was clear from the voice that she was a young girl.

Before long a man came out of the cave adjusting his pants, he grunted "hmph, girl you better have something good this time, I didn't even finish"

The girl was disgusted by her so called lord but didn't show on her face, she had a serious expression and said "But the man riding the horse is heading towards the neutral zone"

Blake smiled wickedly "Ohh, it seems someone wants to die, no? Take few man with you and capture him before those bastards of Dante group reach him" Dante and Blake were rivals on this forest regions. They were used to be comrades before but after the death of their master, they made their own groups to dominate the whole area.

The girl opposite to Blake just nodded and left with 6 mans in tow. She was a fighter captured by Blake few years ago. He promised her, if she completes her all tasks for five years, Blake would send her back to her home.

A lady with plump ass and huge bust came out from behind Blake, she said "My my, I pity her.. she thinks she can escape from here, if she does what she's told, haha" she knew that Blake would never let anyone escape from his clutches.

Blake slapped her and said "And who said you could escape from me?" the lady didn't retort but only looked at him with tear filled eyes, she was helpless and could only survive by giving her body to him.

Observing her helpless appearance Blake smiled wildly and said "That's more like it, let's go for another round" he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her into the cave. he thought internally 'Work hard girl.. I am saving you for the time being, when I kill that bastard Dante, I will fuck you in front of him, afterall our master died while kidnapping you' he took that chance and injured Dante in the moment and took the girl with him.

_ _ _ _

A horse was running at full speed in the forest. It seemed as all the obstacles in it's way were just illusions and it headed towards the destination in unstoppable pace.

Unknown to the man riding on the horse, there were two pairs of man hiding in bushes on both sides of the old road he was traveling.

He was Travis, at the last moment when the four man streched the wire across the road he noticed it and jumped from the horse.

But when he jumped two daggers from top of the tree came his way. He was shocked seeing the coordination of this man in this place.

He took out the tier 3 long sword from his storage ring and blocked the daggers. But it didn't end there as a small and thin figure of a kid suddenly appeared behind him.

The kid stabbed Travis from behind and was stunned when the kid noticed the murderous bluish gaze of Travis looking behind, he said "tch tch, it's bad manners to attack from behind. Didn't your boss taught you that?"

It seemed as if the dagger piercing his back didn't have any affect on him instead it only earned the rage of the other party. the kid was now terrified of the man standing in front of her. she could feel it. she thought 'This time... it seems Dante and lord Blake are in trouble. I better escape before that..'

* * *

[A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to inform you that, due to my exams I will only update three chapters every week until the end of next month.

Furthermore, I will post 1 Bonus chapter at 30 Power Stones, And 1 more when we reach 50. and one more when we reach 100 PS.

Guys also suggest me some good music while writing XD]