Chapter six

Kira shot up, sweating like she had been running. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest and she could still hear the weird hissing voice in her head.

She picked up the dagger that laid by her pillow and stared at it, contemplating on what to do with it. She considered telling Eren but she didn't think he'd understand. She had asked her father for assistance and he said she had to do what the voice told her to do.

She leisurely got up from her bed and headed to the bathing area. As she sat in the tub, she closed her eyes and tried to calm her nerves. "FEED ME!!" She opened her eyes and found a pair of red eyes staring back at her.

"Ahhhhh!!" The image disappeared almost immediately, making her think she had been hallucinating.

She cleaned herself quickly and ran out the room. She joined Eren at the dining area and he frowned as he saw her. "Are you okay?" His deep voice held concern and he stared at her, worry knitting his brows.

"Yes, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?, you don't look so good."

"I just didn't sleep well, that's all."

"Bad dream?"

"Something like that." She didn't say more and she was glad he didn't push further because she wasn't sure she was ready to share what was happening.

Lyra didn't say anything but Kira wasn't surprised because she never liked her.

After breakfast, kira didn't feel like going to her room because the energy she felt inside was unnerving. She decided to stay with Eren, maybe being around him would make her feel better.

He was in the training room and as kira watched him from the doorway, she felt even more attracted to him. He stood firmly in front of a ragdoll, staring at it with an intensity that made her wonder if he was trying to set it ablaze with his gaze.

As he stood motionless, sweat dripping down the walls of his hard back, kira couldn't help but to admire the culminating beauty of his frame. The more kira stared at him, the more convinced she was that he was a god. Everything about him was faultless, from his well muscled arms, to his straight long legs.

"Looking for something?" His voice caught her off guard and she could only nod in response. "What is it?"


"What are you looking for?"

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to see you."

"Okay, is something wrong?"

He fixed his dark eyes on her like he was trying to read her mind and she found she couldn't make eye contact with him. He closed the distance between them and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Kira, you don't have to hide anything from me. You know that right?"

He was right, she didn't have to hide anything from him. He had been very nice to her from the start and kira was sure she could trust him. "Well, I've been having this dream..." She paused and heaved a deep breath before she went on. She told him about how the spirit in the dagger had been appearing in her dreams and telling her to feed him blood. She also told him that her father approved of it, that he felt it would be beneficial to her if she did what it wanted.

"Why are you just telling me this now?" He frowned at her and she lowered her head. "Kira,"

"I'm sorry Eren, I just...I didn't know what to do." She looked up at him and saw that he was still wearing a frown. "Are you annoyed?"

"No kira, I'm not. I just wish you would have told me earlier. I keep telling you, you don't have to hide anything from me."

"I know and...I'm sorry. What do you think I should do?"

He stared at her for a brief moment, and she avoided meeting his gaze. "Where's the dagger?"

"In my room."

"Can you get it?" She nodded and turned and took a few steps but halted almost immediately. "Is anything the matter?"

"Hmm not really, it's just that... I don't want to go there alone."


"I don't know....ever since I've been having those dreams, the room has been...well...a little eerie."

"Oh, should I go with you?" She nodded and he led the way.

When they got to her room, she stood by the entrance and pointed to where it was. She had hidden it in a box under her bed and when he brought it out, a dark energy filled the room. Eren didn't understand what happened but kira suddenly started screaming and she ran out and didn't stop till she was outside the house.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, leave me alone!." When Eren saw her, she was seated on the floor. She hugged her knees to her chest and covered her ears with her hands.

"Kira, are you alright?" He advanced towards her slowly, trying not to frighten her. She kept shaking her head and chanting 'no' repeatedly. He knelt next to her and slowly put his arms around her. He hugged her and she rested her head on his chest, her body was shaking and she had turned pale.

He didn't say a word, neither did he try to get her to leave that spot. He just sat there and held her as he slowly patted her head. Minutes passed, and they just sat there together, Eren didn't even care that he wasn't putting on a shirt and that he could catch a cold, he wasn't even worried that lyra could show up and seeing them together like this would anger her, all that mattered to him was kira.

After nearly one hour, Eren was relieved to  hear her voice. "I'm sorry I got you worried."

"Its okay, you don't have to apologize. Are you okay?"

She nodded then quietly added. "You're cold." She moved out of his embrace and her eyes widened, as if she was just seeing him clearly. "You're not wearing anything." Her voice was slightly loud and her cheeks had turned red.

Eren looked down at his bare chest and nodded. "It appears you're right. I'm afraid I was too worried to notice." She shot to her feet and started towards the building when he got in front of her. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. Why do you ask?" She refused to meet his gaze and her voice had a slightly high pitch to it.

Eren knew she was flustered but feigned innocence of her predicament. "I don't know, you seem to be acting weird." He moved closer to her and placed a hand on her forehead. "You're not having a fever, so why is your face turning red?" He tilted his head to the side and eyed her from head to toe, making her even more uncomfortable. He opened his mouth but didn't get the chance to say anything else when his friends showed up. "Hi guys."

The rest of the protectors shifted their gazes from a shirtless Eren to an embarrassed kira. "What's going on here?" Lyra finally spoke but didn't get an answer. "Well?"

"Let's go inside." Eren stated and headed in, leaving no room for any comment.

Kira sat quietly and watched as the protectors decided on what to do with her. As usual, lyra suggested that she should be locked away, to prevent her causing any trouble. She was supported by her best friend, Jane.

Ever since kira moved in with Eren, she noticed that Jane also abhorred a little bit of hatred for her, probably because she also believed that kira would cause trouble between Lyra and Eren. Or she was also aware of her past and judged her for it.

"You're going too far Lyra."

"Of course. What else would you say?, you know Eren, ever since that demon girl came into our home, you have become an entirely different person." Her tone was harsh, and if kira was just meeting her, she would have been hurt by her choice of words.

"Uh I'm right here." Kira knew lyra didn't care if she was present or not, she would always say what was on her mind and that was one of the things she liked about her. Lyra wasn't the type to talk about people behind their backs, if she hated you, she would tell you to your face.

"Lyra, I think you're overreacting. We all know the damage the dagger can cause, and that if kira were to succumb to the darkness, it could overwhelm her--"

"What?, overwhelm me how?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen because I've decided that we are going to take the dagger from you."

"Take the dagger away?" She repeated slowly, dolefulness clouding her blue eyes.

"Don't be dispirited kira, its only for a while." Jacob's masculine voice filled the room. He had been seating quietly, examining the unlikeness of the baleful weapon that laid delicately on the table. "We are just going to hold on to it till we can find a way to break whatever bond might be between you two."

"Isn't there any other way?, I mean I understand that its dangerous but... Its a gift from my dad and I don't know how I feel about parting with it." Lyra muttered a curse beneath her breath but kira didn't care. Her father might have been a monster but she still loved him and she cherished everything she got from him.

"I understand how you feel but we have to...for your own good." Eren sat with her and took her small hands in his. "I promise you, as soon as we figure it out, you'll get your dagger back."
