
The queen calmed herself down and made arrangements according to the situation. As a leader, she should be the last one to panic. She firstly sent message to General Fergus and asked him to keep on the alert while strengthening guard. Double the soldiers and increase the numbers of guards for night shift. Meanwhile, she asked the elite official to send an official letter to Pulchritudinem kingdom and accused the ambassadors for their personal behavior of assassination, which would severely damage the peaceful relationship between. She also informed the general that she might have to put Amy in the battle if the war is inevitable.

"Evacuate the public from the border. Take them to as near to the center as possible. All the elites can stay in the palace for now."

Some elites were complaining about the decision, who would not like to squeeze in the palace or allow the public to take their residence.

Some said, "it's said, especially those from the deep sea, their entire body is like deep blue, so as their eyes, which is scary and dirty! I wouldn't want them to get in my bubble not only for one second! Plus, why would we care those from the deep sea? They probably wouldn't be affected!"

Some urged the queen to apologize and surrender, "just give them the princess or accept the provision. We don't have to collect the offerings anyway. We can just ask the public to work harder and collect more fish every year!"

Some complained: "It's prince Jonathan's fault of killing that ambassador for no reason. Everything can be argued. We should send prince Jonathan to Pulchritudinem for apology."

Some refuted: "If only the princess could just accept the marriage! I have to say, but your majesty just spoiled her too much!"

All those noises were like thousands of mosquitoes whining around. Katharina could not hold her anger and yelled: "Shut up! Just do what I just said. And if any of your son of bitches got any objection to say to my decision, I'll let the shark bite your throat before king Nero!"

Then, the queen headed to the hospital. Princess Fiona had been there for taking care of Jonathan. She saw her brother and sister and told them to stay here. "I'll also strengthen the force around hospital, so I believe you'll be safe here. You guys take care of yourselves, okay? Don't let me distracted."

Fiona cried: "I'll be fine, sister, but what about you? Is it really that bad? Does it have to start a war? It's all because of me, isn't it? I'm sorry. I should've just taken the marriage."

Katharina comforted her: "Hey, you don't worry, okay? It's not your fault, it's just…" She stopped a little bit and looked at Jonathan, but didn't say anything about him killing the ambassador, "it's something we can't control. And we can't avoid it if the kingdom wants to start a conflict, right? Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. You just help me to take care of your brother and wait for me to come back, alright?"

Fiona nodded.

Then Katharina asked: "Where's Ryoichi? Fiona, send a message and ask him to stay with you."

Hearing this, Jonathan turned his face to black. "Why you care for him?"

Katharina said: "Why? He's Fiona's fiancé, one of the elites. Will you just put down your child temper for a second, Jonathan?"

"Oh, really? Just because he's her fiancé, or it's because he becomes your favorite!"

The queen lost for words for a second, realizing he might know something: "Not now, Jonathan."

Fiona was also shocked: "Your favorite? Sister, you and Ryoi?"

"Right!" Jonathan added, "your loved sister just has an affair with your fiancé! What a joke!"

"Have to go. You stay safe." The queen said and was about to leave, but Jonathan just wouldn't stop cursing: "Not present in such severe situation? He must be a traitor and has turned to the kingdom! Katharina, you jezebel, just fucked with a traitor!"


Katharina turned around and saw Fiona just slapped Jonathan?! She and the prince, whose one hand was covering his face, were both confused.

"What the?"

Fiona sobbed and said: "You can't say that to sister or Ryoi! After all, Ryoi and I, our relation is just nominal. I like him. Not only did he save my life, he's also a nice person no matter what level he is. Indeed, I was jealous of sister because you love her so much. But I never hate her. And my love for her is not less than yours. Sister and Ryoi, they are two wonderful people I love! If they'd love to be together, I'd be nothing but blessing them! Jonathan, my brother, you can decline my affection, but you can't hurt Katharina like this!"

Jonathan cursed in lower voice: "insane!"

Katharina stepped forward and hugged her little sister, "take care. I'm leaving."

Fiona hugged back and cried: "sister, please be safe!"

Just a few moments after Katharina left her sister and brother, she heard a deep explosion from far. She was wondering how could the kingdom be here so far, but then she realized the whole meeting might be just a show, and their force might have got prepared long since.

Without little time to re-consideration, she called a few solders with her and rushed to the cage where locked the shark Amy. She would become a nucleus in winning this war. Although Pulchritudinem had amounts of weapons, they were heavy and not flexible as shark. As long as she could be fast enough and captured or killed their leader by riding the shark, there must still be a chance for negotiation! As long as…

She was having those thoughts until they came down to the cage and saw shark Amy, who was twitching with some blood beside her mouth.

"What happened?! Amy? What's wrong!"

A solder said: "your majesty! Shark Amy seems to be poisoned!"

How come?! Katharina yelled: "check other cages!"

"Your majesty! All of them are like the same! They are already belly up!"

Katharina was about to faint. She started to wonder if Ryoichi was really a traitor? She just showed him the cage and then the ambassadors from Pulchritudinem came for state visit. Then, he suddenly disappeared right after everything happened and shark was poisoned. For now, she had no choice but to force shark to pretend.

"Chain the shark! She's harmless now. You can do it. Feed her some antidote herb and clean the blood. Let's go up!"

Katharina swam up to the light, but she also swam to uncertainty. What was she gonna do in such situation? Would a poisoned shark be able to fool the kingdom? Would she lose? What would happen if she lost? Was Ryoichi really a traitor? Then where was he? Was he heading back to the Pulchritudinem and receiving a reward? Or was he just the leader of intruding her queendom? Why would he do that?

She never felt any colder.