Battle of Border

Right after Katharina took the shark to the border, the submarine squad of Pulchritudinem had also arrived. Led by a as big submarine as the shark, this squad of Pulchritudinem was made up of a dozen of smaller-sized ones and thousands of soldiers with armors like the escaped ambassador Wynne. While on this side of queendom, General Fergus was confronting with only hundreds of soldiers. Seeing the queen come with the shark, Fergus was delighted for a second, but then he realized the loss of other marine organism they had raised. He didn't mention it but looked into the queen's eyes and seemed to get the information from it.

Katharina came forward and said: "Friends from Pulchritudinem, isn't that too serious to have weapons for a state visit? Do I have the honor to know who is coming for a visit today?"

A voice from the leading submarine responded: "I'm prince Rodin from Pulchritudinem. Queen Katharina, how dare you kill our ambassador Thomas and hurt ambassador Wynne! Our kingdom wanted to establish a friendly relation with your queendom. My father, the greatest King Nero, also proposed a marriage between my brother prince Tiberius and your princess Fiona many years ago. However, you filthy fish drivers went back on your words, not only turning down the marriage, but also refusing to pay our compensation. Even worse, you killed our ambassador who went for a peaceful negotiation! Our kingdom will not accept such humiliation! You want the war? We'll give you one!"

"Ambassador Thomas and Wynne tried to kill me! That's why my brother stopped him. I was sorry for breaking the marriage, but I had offered compensation for your loss. Either your king was too greedy to be satisfied, or the ambassadors were bought over by other kingdom to destroy our friendly relations! Prince Rodin, I'm afraid your kingdom is also making some moves behind, or how can your squad get our border that fast?! It's your kingdom who wants to start the war, isn't it?! If there has to be a war, our queendom would not let you go easily!"

"Hahaha," Rodin laughed, "I've heard queen Katharina was brave and resourceful in battle, especially her beautiful posture when riding the shark. Oops, it seems like the shark is not feeling well today. Neither have you brought your fish army. Why? What happened?"

At this time, Jonathan showed up. "Sister! Ryoichi is the traitor. He's poisoned all the fish that can battle and gone!"

General Fergus was about to stop him, but it was too late. Rodin in the submarine has heard it and then started to laugh again: "hahaha, what a pity! I thought I could witness the wonderful fish army. You know, I'm kinda curious of how they fight. But I do believe it would be a big trouble, if they were alive! Hahaha, right now they just become food. Oh no, it's poisonous so not eatable. To be honest, I'm a big fan for octopus. The taste of feet is fabulous. What a waste! I'll report Lord Ryoichi's great contribution to our king."

"Lord Ryoichi?" Katharina was not believing her ears, "so he is the traitor?! You filthy Pulchritudinem, plant a traitor in my palace! You betrayed our national relations first! Where is he?! Turn him over to me. I shall kill him by myself!"

Jonathan came to her: "I couldn't find him. He must have gone back to the Pulchritudinem. There's no chance we can see him. Right now, we should try to establish the relation with kingdom again. Have a negotiation. We wouldn't be able to win in such situation."

Rodin also said: "Your poor woman."

Katharina was infuriated by the fact of being betrayed and losing control of the whole situation. Regardless of general Fergus' obstruction and shark Amy's condition, she suddenly jumped on Amy and rid her rush to the submarine squad. Before Rodin could react, the shark had torn one little submarine up with her teeth. However, the poison slowed the shark down after all. She was not able to dodge all the torpedo and was hit by one. Katharina on it was also shocked off the shark. Fergus quickly took her back but no one could save the shark. Katharina could do nothing but watch the shark blown into pieces. The blood mist suffused the whole area around.

Seeing this, Katharina was frozen. In the blood mist, she seemed to see all the creatures they raised dying in the deep sea by poison. Their dead bodies were floating in the whole sea area. Belly up and eyes open. Every look from them was filled with resentment and unwilling of not dying like this, which seemed to blame Katharina for trusting Ryoichi.

"Queen Katharina!" Rodin also got mad, "if you still act like that, I swear I'll then let your blood dye this sea area!"

The final attack seemed to take all strength of Katharina. She became less aggressive: "What do you want? The offerings?"

"Oh good. Finally you'd love to talk. Of course, we want the offerings, exact percentage as said. Moreover, according to our greatest king Nero's edict, we'd love to show mercy to princess Fiona and exempt her from travelling all along to our kingdom. After all, she's pregnant and a pregnant woman can't help us train the fish, right? So we'd love to invite queen Katharina to live in our kingdom for a long time to teach us how to train the ferocious fish in the ocean. All the affairs of queendom, we'd love to have prince Jonathan to take over for now."

Hearing this, Jonathan was the first one to shout it out: "no, it's not…", but he didn't finish the sentence.

All the other from queendom were infuriated. Two sides began to fight. It could be seen that Pulchritudinem tried to save the bullets so their common soldiers still used swords. However, their equipment was too of the good quality to be broken. Soldiers of the queendom were flexible under water, but their tridents could hardly hurt the soldiers in steel armor. On the contrary, those Pulchritudinem soldiers could easily hurt them back as long as they hit the target. Moreover, the number of them was way more than that of the queendom. That soldiers stood intensively, and queendom soldiers who went up for fight were like getting into the meat grinder. Flesh and blood were floating in all directions.

Katharina and Fergus used their trident to cut through the enemy one by one, but there were too many and they had to strike hard to cut through the armor. Soon after, the number of queendom soldiers was obviously decreasing, only left mutilated bodies.

At this time, Katharina seemed to catch a familiar figure coming from the deep sea.


She rushed and threw her trident hard to him! Hatred deceived her mind and eyes. The trident missed, so she tried to catch him by her hands. However, only one second of distraction, one of the submarines shot a cannon, making all dazzle and ring in the ears. With this opportunity, the Pulchritudinem soldiers had caught her. Everyone left of queendom's side was also seized one by one.

Rodin in the submarine yawned and said: "got the queen? Let's head to the famous Mariana Trench. Let's see if they'll surrender when they face the deepest fear."