
Jonathan received the medicine which was wrapped in a little semi-transparent bag. He was wearing the gown so he could easily hide it in his left sleeve.

When he stepped into the dungeon, he seemed to see a light within the darkness.

That prisoner.

He turned around and they looked at each other. Jonathan had a similar feeling. Meanwhile, he was frightened by the aura around that person. Even within the prison, he showed no expression of fear or panic. The calm he showed, instead, made Jonathan start to feel anxious. Jonathan put both of his hands on his sleeves and stepped forward, while speaking to the person inside loudly on purpose: "Ryoichi, long time no see. I don't know how you can change your face, but how dare you traitor ever come back to this kingdom?!"

Ryoichi replied: "I'm not the person you're talking about. I don't know him. I'm just a random guy who saved the queen."

"Nonsense! You're him! Your disguise can fool everyone else but not me! You say you've saved the queen, but where is she? And just after you came here, Pulchritudinem claimed a war to us. What a coincidence?! Say! Why are you here? What are you filthy Pulchritudinem plotting? Are you doing the spy thing all over again? Just like what you did before? Think about the thousands soldiers and fish army who died because of you. Think about Katharina and Fiona who you betrayed and sold to Pulchritudinem. What did you get from Pulchritudinem? Gold? Beauties? You…"

Ryoichi was trying to be calm, but Jonathan just wouldn't stop talking. He could not stand it and suddenly rushed forward and used right hand to seize Jonathan's neck. The power was so great that he even broke a hole on the prison fence. After all, he was super powerful right now, so he gave up the denial and admitted: "Don't you dare mention those people. If I were one in field at that time, you should fear, kneel, and confess. Cause I know the truth, that Ryoichi ain't no traitor. You are."

Some soldiers were attracted by the noise and came to check.

"Let go of the King!" They shouted but Ryoichi found it very feeble.

"Back up, or I can't ensure that I just hurt the king."

The hand that took Jonathan seized tighter, making Jonathan start to cough, and Ryoichi continued: "So, princess Jonathan, now it's your turn, to tell me what are you planning to? Be careful, I can easily take your life now. So please be honest, or my hand might slip. Why did you identify me as Ryoichi even without a look? Where is Fiona?"

Jonathan didn't expect that. He even started to cough with blood. So he asked all the soldiers to step back. Then he lowered his voice and said to Ryoichi: "Please let me go. I'll show you where she is. As for my plan…"

Ryoichi didn't notice the small move of Jonathan's, who rapidly pulled the little bag from his sleeve and smashed it on Ryoichi's face. The drug powder inside exploded, spread and some was inhaled by Ryoichi. He was choked to cough, and his hand automatically loosened a little, which gave Jonathan a change to get away. This long-lost feeling of choking reminded Ryoichi of the time when he inhaled the poisonous air on the land and the time when he firstly started to learn how to breathe under water. Those strange illusions just couldn't stop twirling within his head, and some things and people were distorted.

Jonathan held his neck and had a few deep breaths. Then, he looked at the staggering Ryoichi, trying to give him a kick to vent his anger, which, however, was dodged unconsciously.

"Get him! You idiots!" He ordered the soldiers.

"Yes, your majesty!" They answered, but no one could easily make it. Either were they hit back, or they just couldn't reach him.

The power Ryoichi showed actually made Jonathan jealous but still excited. Something just popped up in his head, so Jonathan took out a gold bell given by Aaron. He rang it once and Ryoichi stopped and stood still without fighting, just like he fell asleep. Jonathan, then, asked the soldiers to move him to his secret base.

Jonathan's secret base was down the palace where previous queen Katharina raised her shark. Ever since he poisoned it and all the other ocean beasts that could be used in battle, this place became empty. He wanted to store all the weapons promised by Pulchritudinem. However, they expectedly broke their words. Jonathan sold his country and his sister. He got the throne with the help of Pulchritudinem but he didn't get respect from them.

"A traitor just can't be trusted," Pulchritudinem's prince Rodin said: "After all, we helped you get the crown, so all you have to do is just provide offerings to our kingdom every year. No need to possess any weapon."

Thinking of this, Jonathan tightened his fists. He dismissed all the soldiers and then rang the bell again.

Ryoichi wake up. He felt this place familiar but couldn't remember. What was he going to do? Who was this guy in front of him? He looked handsome but repulsive.

Jonathan talked to himself: "You have to have a name, so that it'll be convenient for me to order you. Ummm.. Since I've said that you were him, let's just call you Ryoichi. Your name is Ryoichi."

That was a familiar name, Ryoichi thought.

"You have to answer me. I'm your master, the great king Jonathan."


"What kind of answer is that? Whatever. Next, show me what you've got. You must have something that Pulchritudinem wants."

Ryoichi looked down and checked his hands: "No."

"Let me think." Jonathan started to talk to himself again, "What they might want? Wait, Rodin is so obsessed with the power of controlling the ocean beast. No, no way, all of us have lost it. But, what if?"

He asked Ryoichi: "Can you control some kind of beast? Like a shark or something?"

Ryoichi didn't want to answer him, but somehow, he couldn't control it. He admitted that he had that power, but he tried hard not to say anymore deep inside.

Heard of this, Jonathan was evidently excited. He thought that would worth a fight with Pulchritudinem. Even though they couldn't win, he would have the right again to bargain with Rodin, maybe exchange some great weapons with this person.

He also told Ryoichi the priority was to protect his safety.

"Ryoichi, you're one of our people. You have to protect the most valuable thing in this country, which is the life of mine. Also, Fiona and the kid. You have done something very very awful in the past, so you have to compensate."

Jonathan also instilled the distorted story into Ryoichi's head that it was Ryoichi who betrayed the country. Ryoichi could sense the nonsense of those words, but the effect of the medicine made him unable to think. However, he seemed to seize a few coridal words which didn't make him averse: protect Fiona and people.

After the training, Jonathan got the message that army led by Rodin from Pulchritudinem was about to arrive.

"Great, finally, Rodin. This time, I'll show you what I've got."