
Pulchritudinem army came again.

Instead of fighting over the border, this time, several submarines parked right besides the palace. Like usual, some arrogant ambassadors and Rodin came here like it was their own kingdom. Jonathan and other significant elites were already waiting there before Rodin showed up.

One elite said: "Prince Rodin, welcome! Our corals bloomed because of your visit." Jonathan also put on a smile.

Ignoring that flattering face, Rodin went straight to Jonathan and heavily slapped him on the head, which even made his crown drop. Seeing this, no one on this side would dare to say or do anything but deeply bowed.

Rodin said with a sneer: "You filthy hypocrites. Really hold our kingdom cheap, don't you?"

Jonathan argued: "How come? We would show nothing but respect and allegiance to Pulchritudinem."

"Then how did you assign an assassin to our kingdom. Not only did he hijack Katharina, but he also killed my dear brother!"

An elite interrupted: "Your highness! That's not true! That person's not from our country. He doesn't even look like us. I guess that person is from other kingdom, who wants to frame us!"

"Oh really?" Rodin said, "so you've all seen him? Did you get him, Jonathan? Where is he?"

Realized that he said something wrong, that elite shut his mouth up and nervously looked at his cruel king, being afraid of being punished.

Jonathan didn't pay any attention to him. After all, he didn't plan to conceal it.

"Yes, I've captured him, by accident."

Rodin suddenly turned anger into pleasure: "Haha, good job, Jonny. Finally, you did something. Just give this murderer to me, so that I can reply to my father. What a mistake. We're still alliance, don't we?"

"But I refuse." Jonathan said.

"What?! This son of bitch killed my brother. I should use his blood to console Tiberius' soul! How dare you shelter him? Aren't you afraid of another war between our kingdoms?!"

Jonathan put on an insidious smile: "Oh prince Rodin. We wouldn't dare to do that. But, you know, this person is … ummm, how to say, very powerful. So it cost a lot for us to capture him. After all, we do you a favor to capture this murderer. So don't you think it would be more reasonable if you can sponsor us with something. You know, just to compensate our loss."

Rodin understood that Jonathan also found out the uncommon talent of that person so that he'd love to trade him with some decent weapons that they always longed for. However, a petty person like him wouldn't want to give alms, not even a single bullet. He guessed that since that person chose to save Katharina, it was unable for him to listen to the traitor, Jonathan. Moreover, Rodin thought he was fully prepared with the most powerful combat effectiveness, so he believed he could get that person even with force.

"Hahaha, Jonathan, Jonathan. What a good trade. Let me return the same sentence to you. BUT, I, REFUSE. You'll never get one single bullet, one single nail or a screw from me. Listen. I'll give you one more night to think it over. By tomorrow morning, if I can't see you take that guy and kneel in front of my submarine, I promise, the sound that wakes you up will not be from your clock or your maid, but the blast bomb right besides your ear!"

The negotiation was ended unhappily.

After Rodin left angrily, all the other elites were panic. They tried to persuade their king to take the bargain.

"Your majesty, why are you obsessed with that prisoner? You're sacrificing thousands of our people!"

However, Jonathan didn't listen to them, but left with a saying: "Nothing venture, nothing have."

The next day, these two armies are facing off not far away from the palace.

Compared to the previous battle, Pulchritudinem arranged more force. Except for five submarines for vanguard, Jonathan noticed a huge one behind. That was beyond the eyesight especially under the sea. Just by a simple visual inspection, it must be over hundred feet long. He was way smaller compared to that shit. No, not only him, even the giant submarine was way smaller.

The mother ship! Jonathan suddenly got it. He only heard of it but hadn't got a chance before to see it with his own eyes. It was said that the mother ship Winston was the strongest weapon of Pulchritudinem, which contained over a hundred war submarines with different types, 2 sealed water nuclear reactors, missile launchers, short-range artillery weapon systems, multi-dimensional radar, 3 control systems, radar monitoring system, etc. Each submarine could fight separately. Moreover, it was also armed with cannons, rockets, missiles and guns, and countless bullets. The most powerful missile could just blow this whole place into ashes.

Jonathan was shocked. He had some preparation, both physically and mentally. But seeing this situation made him unconsciously nervous. On this side, he indeed increased the number of soldiers. However, not a single piece of decent weapon or submarine did he have. He also couldn't believe that Rodin would take this shit just for one person. Meanwhile, it also strengthened his thought that Ryoichi must have extraordinary values.

Rodin firstly started the talk: "Little Jonny. Is it your first time seeing this? It's beautiful, isn't it? Does it change anything to you? Such as your decision? Aren't we friends? It's really not that necessary. Just give one person to me, and I won't hurt you or your people or your palace."

Jonathan, although nervous, still laughed to cover up: "Prince Rodin, I bet you'll re-consider the deal after watching this."

"Oh really? I'm just afraid you can't bear one single cannon. Let me shoot one just for the opening of this show. You ready?"

Jonathan really bet all on the talent of Ryoichi. He clicked his fingers. A white flash appeared besides him.

"Ryoichi, show them what you've got."

Ryoichi didn't react, but the lead submarines on the other side had already set up the canon.


He still didn't move with empty eyes.

"If you don't stop them, I'll die! All the innocent people will die!"

A light flashed within those eyes. As one bomb was shot towards them, Ryoichi swam in front of it. Something shined in his hands, which turned into an unusual trident. Then, just a single wave of the trident, and the bomb was cut into half before it could ever reach it. Those two halves exploded right away, but could not hurt him due to the distance.

Both sides were shocked into silence. How could he break a bomb just by the water force by his single wave?

Jonathan suddenly calmed his hanging heart. He thought he bet right, but he was intertwined. Ryoichi's power was so great that he was kind of unwilling to trade him with Rodin. As for Rodin, he was excited about the strength of this person on one side; meanwhile, on the other side, he was annoyed that it might take more to conquer it.

Ryoichi, however, stayed in the middle of two armies with one hand having the trident on his back. He debut was like an angel befalling on the stage of greed and lust. He had no expression on his face, but those empty black eyes seemed to get a little bit brighter secretly.