When a war began

After seeing what just happened, Jonathan burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Rodin, you see this?! Now you know what I've got here."

Rodin was kind of irritated by his words, so he ordered the soldiers to attack. While the troop morale was extremely encouraged on the other side. The two groups of soldiers started to fight.

Ryoichi saw the similar situation where Pulchritudinem soldiers with heavy armors fought with his comrades with light fight suit. He swam down to the crowd, and his trident easily penetrated one Pulchritudinem soldier's armor that normal weapon could hardly hurt. He used the trident to raise that penetrated body. The blood flowed out of the armor and down through the trident until Ryoichi's right hand. He, then, slightly twisted his weapon, and that body was torn up into several pieces, while the blood was also tossed away. Next second, Ryoichi used the trident to horizontally sweep in front of him, which beat off at least ten enemies, as well as breaking their armors. Without the heavy armors, those soldiers were naked and exposed. The loss of armor also dispelled their faith to fight, starting to run away with yell.

The refined armor didn't work in front of that trident! Of course, it could break the bomb, not to say a single piece of armor. Pulchritudinem soldiers had never encountered such situation before, all of whom were stunned and stopped.

Rodin started to get anxious: "Go! What are you doing?! I'll kill those who flee!"

Although unwilling to hurt this precious resource, Rodin had to order three more cannons to shoot Ryoichi. Or, he had a bad feeling of being lose, which he would not allow to happen. Unsurprisingly, not a single one ever touched him. He dodged the first one by a single backward somersault. Then, the second one was destroyed by the Chi delivered by the trident. As for the third one, he rushed close to the submarine which was about to shoot and blocked the muzzle, so that one exploded while knocking the entire submarine out.

The one being dodged didn't hurt Ryoichi, but killed a large group of soldiers, which also included those from Pulchritudinem. However, neither of those two leaders said anything about backing off.

The balance of victory seemed to incline to Jonathan's side. At this time, Rodin said: "Hey, Jonathan. Now we can talk about the bargain, right?"

"Are you out of your mind, Rodin?" Jonathan responded, "I didn't know he could be strong like that. With him, who will give a shit to your canon? I'll become the king of the entire ocean! Ryoichi, kill!"

"Little Jonny," Rodin suddenly laughed, "you really think that's all I've got? Listen. Who is this?"

"Jonathan! Jonathan! It's me! They took me!" It was Fiona with no doubt. How could she be caught?

The truth was Rodin had assigned spies in Jonathan's kingdom. Aaron was one of them, but he gradually fell in love with this smart and strong woman. When other spies tried to catch her, Aaron tried his best to help her but still failed and died. Before his death, he handed a small mysterious bag in to Fiona. He told her it was poison for her to get free without any pain. Then, she was knocked out and taken to Rodin.

Back to the battlefield.

"Your dear sister and also your queen is on my hand. I strongly suggest we continue the discussion before. I apologize for my recklessness, but I'm willing to consider the bargain you offered before. Come on, Jonny."

Heard the voice, Ryoichi also stopped. That similar invoice seemed to come from the deep side of his lost memory.

"Ryoichi!" Jonathan said, "why did you stop! Kill!"

Rodin didn't expect Jonathan would say that regardless of Fiona: "You lunatic! Are you clear? I'm having your little sister here!"

"Hahaha, Rodin. You really think I'll buy it? I can leave Katharina as your hostage, how can you predict that I won't abandon Fiona? With such powerful person, I won't trade anything in this world for that!"

When Fiona woke up and heard the name Ryoichi, the feeling of extreme anger stimulated her nerve. She believed in Ryoichi and her sister, but everything burned down after Jonathan came back with the news that Katharina was caught up as hostage and Ryoichi was the traitor. Since then, Jonathan became her only family and support, and she agreed to marry him for the baby.

Recently, Jonathan told her that Katharina was dead and Ryoichi came back with disguise again to start a war. Her anger to that person went to the climax. She was thinking of killing him all the time, while just before she could have her revenge, she was caught. Then, she also heard that Jonathan refused to trade her with Ryoichi. Her world again collapsed. Why? Questions hover in her head.

"Fiona," Rodin turned off the radio and said to her, "now you know what kind of person your brother is. I heard that you wouldn't want to accept the marriage with our kingdom just because of him. What if you just accepted the marriage then? I don't want to hurt you. Here's what I'll do."

Fiona got nothing to say. Tears couldn't stop dropping from her eyes.

Rodin turned on the radio: "You're making no sense right now, Jonny. I guess I have to talk straightly to our star right now. Ryoichi, right? It seems like you don't want me to hurt the lady, right? How about that? I will let her go, only if you drop your fancy weapon, the trident. How about that?"

"No way! Ryoichi, just kill!" Jonathan yelled.

However, without thinking too much, Ryoichi dropped it. That powerful trident slowly sank into the deep sea. Some soldiers tried to catch it but it was too heavy for one person to hold. Finally, Pulchritudinem soldiers robbed it and carried it away.

"No! You idiot!" Jonathan cried.

"Good. You're a decent man, knowing to protect ladies. I'll keep my promise and here she is."

Then, the mother ship opened an entrance and Fiona was sent out. She was sent to Ryoichi instead of Jonathan. He companioned her to swim back.

The meeting of Ryoichi and Fiona was strange after all this time. Ryoichi didn't say anything due to the memory loss, while Fiona stared at him with anger.

"Why you betrayed us?"




"Why you come back now with this hilarious face?! What are you plotting? What happened to my sister? Who killed her? It wasn't you, was it?! Say something! Answer me!"

No answer.

She thought of the poison Aaron gave her. She still had a sense of sympathy for Ryoichi, thinking that he might be forced to do all the things. But she was determined to revenge for her sister, so she stealthily got the little bag out and smashed it on Ryoichi's face.

However, she didn't know that it was not the poison for death. It was the same poison as Jonathan used for Ryoichi, which could function on memories. The fact was that Aaron didn't want Fiona to die, but he knew her, who wouldn't be willing to live under the torment and humiliation of Pulchritudinem, except that she forgot everything. He never wanted to lie to her, but that was the final one before his death.

The magic part was that poison was also the antidote. Those lost memories and vague figures gradually became clear in Ryoichi's head.

At this time, a giant missile targeted them and was ready to launch. It was the most powerful weapon of Pulchritudinem, which could just wreck the whole kingdom!

"Now!" Rodin shouted to the mic. He thought that it was not likely to rob this person from Jonathan. If so, he'd rather destroy it!

Just in time, Rodin saw something happened there and Ryoichi held his head.

"Bye-bye baby blue, wish you could see the truth." Rodin hummed.

The missile went straight to Ryoichi and Fiona.

Without the magic trident, could he survive from it?