Here came again the curse

The missile was launched and was speeding in Ryoichi's direction. He could just take Fiona and step aside, while that giant shit would surely hit the palace and the explosion would definitely destroy the whole place. Not to say that Ryoichi was affected by the anecdote and couldn't react for now. The missile would be blocked by Ryoichi's extraordinary body and eliminate the existence of this person.

Prince Rodin had a mixed feeling. He really valued such person but anyone that could not be used by him would be nothing but a threat and enemy. As the missile hit the target and exploded in the middle of the battlefield, the aftershock of explosion even took away many soldiers from both sides. Everyone tried to cover themselves up and when they opened their eyes to check, a huge sihouett showed up at the place where Ryoichi and Fiona stayed.

As the figure became clearer, everyone saw it and was astounded to open their mouth unconsciously, especially for those from Jonathan's side. Their clan was famous for controlling and training the mysterious creatures in the ocean, but everyone's talent differed. The most talented person would be able to drive the shark to fight when he or she was proficient in it. However, that figure showed up here was way more giant than a shark, even they had the similar look.

Moreover, such talent suddenly disappeared one day with no presage, so it was considered as the talent given by Poseidon and was taken back. Well it was just the time when Ryoichi conquered the test and tamed the megalodon under Poseidon. The truth was it was the talent given by the ocean God, and he just granted all power of such talent only to Ryoichi.

Seeing such person with the peerless and the ability to drive such huge creature, all the people from this side started to consider Ryoichi as the true savior or even Poseidon himself. Some of them even dropped the weapon and prayed.

"He must be the savior! The messenger from Poseidon."

"We can't hurt him or fight in front of him. That would be blasphemy!"

It was the first time that Jonathan ever saw this huge creature. He knew that this person must still have the talent to control the ocean creature, but he didn't expect a giant monster like this. He was jealous but his heart was also wild with joy. With him and the beast, no one would defeat him except for Poseidon himself.

"Pick up your weapons! Now it's the time to win!"

As for Rodin's side, he and some soldiers had seen it so it didn't surprise, but the deterrence really made them unable to move. Moreover, except for the creature itself, there was coming a deeper fear for everyone.

Look back to the megalodon. As it was tamed by Ryoichi, it automatically showed up to protect its master. However, the missile was not called as the most powerful weapon for nothing. The megalodon was special, but Poseidon still retained the weakness on its body and its mind. As long as it set its mind on someone, it would consider that person as master and protect him with no exceptions, so that, a short while ago, it just showed up and used its body to block the powerful missile even if Ryoichi didn't summon it.

It was lucky that the missile didn't blow megalodon into pieces, but that weapon still left an obvious mark on its body. A huge black hole straight to its stomach.

After a few seconds of silence, a sound of rustling became closer and clear. Others might not be familiar with that, but Ryoichi knew it very well. It was the sound of the curse of Aranea, those spiders!

Thousands and thousands of spiders were climbing out from the inside of megalodon and randomly falling to the crowd. Why was that?

Let's reverse back to the time after Ryoichi got the vessels and went back to the spider community.

Poseidon suggested that the only way to end the curse of those spiders was to kill them all, and Ryoichi now had got that power, or those spiders would suffer from endless hunger and immortality.

Seeing Ryoichi coming back, all of the hungry monsters were moving restlessly. The biggest spider who usually stayed still also turned around and used its facetted eyes to look at him.

"How's it going? You found the sacred vessels?"


"Bravo! Now release us!"

Ryoichi slowly moved in front of the spider: "I… ummm …"

It was aware of Ryoichi's hesitation and asked: "Why? What happened? Was it a lie? Can't we be released?"

"No, I'm sorry, but…" Ryoichi thought for a while and decided to tell them the truth, "I saw the God of ocean down there and got the three vessels, but all three of them could not turn you back to human. The only way to end the curse upon you is…to kill all of you."

Hearing this, all the other spiders were shocked in silence and then chattering. All of them seemed to show malice to Ryoichi.

"Are you gonna kill us?"

Ryoichi answered: "To be honest, I did think of it. I only have the power to break the net that poisoned us, not the ability to turn all of you into human. I'm afraid that letting you go might bring another nightmare to the people out there."

"Indeed, we're monsters eating flesh. It makes sense you have such thought. So what're you gonna do? Kill us? I guess you've obtained such power with Poseidon's power."

Ryoichi said: "I have a second thought. I suppose Poseidon's vessels can't be easily broken, so that I'm wondering if you guys want to get in one of it temporarily. Then, I can take it with myself, and after I get out of here, I'd be able to find if there's any other way to release you guys."

Therefore, the megalodon appeared and swallowed all of the spiders except for the king.

He refused to go and asked Ryoichi to kill him.

"I did steal Poseidon's food so I deserve his punishment. I'll accept it. I've been waiting for so long, so please just help me end this. But, others, some of them are still innocent. They still deserve a chance and they can wait."

Ryoichi accepted and used the trident to pierce through his head. Then, the giant body of spider faded into a human figure and finally faded away.

Back to the present.

Those spiders climbed out were not complete: some didn't have legs, while some lost half of their bodies.

"Liar! Liar!" The word came out of the rustlings. The stomach of megalodon had corrosive liquid, and Ryoichi knew it. He didn't want to kill them by himself so he'd rather let them sleep in the megalodon.

Those spiders fell into the crowd and gave vent to anyone around. They ate to fulfill their unsatisfied feeling of hunger. Some of them even lost their mouth or jaw in the liquid, so they tore up and kill.

Not a single normal person would have the ability to fight back. Neither armor nor cannons would work on such monsters. Those who got bitten or ate up would become the spider eventually. The only way to get out was to run.

There was wailing everywhere and the whole place just became like hell.

Ryoichi gradually awoke and saw this. Poseidon's secret prophecy came up to his mind.

"More would die if you don't kill them all right here."

He knew it now and started to regret.