The doors of the hotel room opened it was room service, a lady who looked to be in her mid-thirties opened the door carrying a bucket filled with ice and three bottles of champagne, in this split-second Enzo was distracted by the entrance and he took his eyes off his Target for a second and the man used this opportunity and rolled after from the window and took cover behind a wall and shouted

" Call the cops... Call the fucking cops" he screamed at the lady who came to deliver his champagne, the lady stood there for seconds unable to understand what was really going on at this moment, the three girls who were still on his bed were perplexed by his actions and could not connect the dots on while he was acting off.

Enzo shakes his head in disappointment, he then dials another number on the cellphone

"Looks like we are going to have to change plans, this idiot just wants to stress me" Enzo said and then continues to look through his scope

"Are you not hearing the words that are coming out of my fucking mouth, there is an assassin close by that wants to kill me, call the cops right now" the man said as he hugged the briefcase, wrapping his arms around it like it was his life.

"Sir I'll need you to calm down, I assure you that the building is safe and you are well protected and there is no assassin in the building, we have a strict security that does not allow people with firearm in the building, the glasses are made of glass-clad polycarbonate. No bullet can penetrate it" the woman spoke very calmly, she tried to reassure him of his safety, she tried to justify why he was paying $5,000 per night in this hotel. At this moment the man exhaled heavily, it was a sigh of relief but just as he was about to alter a word, a bullet flew in straight through the glass not only shattering the bullet proof glasses but also piercing through the concrete wall and hitting the man who was hiding behind the wall just above his biceps, heavily damaging his shoulder region, he started bleeding profusely.

On seeing this the girls on the bed were terrified as they took to their heels picking the few clothes which they could lay their hands on and fleeing through the door while the lady who came to deliver champagne freaked out, she screamed as she triggered the alarms while running downstairs, it wasn't long until the hotels private security was all over the place, searching room by room in an attempt to sniff out the threat which was to no avail, they got up to the room which the attack came from, strategically taking positions, six of the hotel security moved in at the same time, they were heavily armed too and we're protected with their bullet proof vest and they covered from head to toe, two of the hotel helped the man who has been shot to make his way out of the room, the man still didn't want to let the briefcase go, he held it firmly with his other hand while his shoulder was still bleeding out, the police had already been notified by the alarms that were triggered in the hotel and were already setting up parameters and road blocks in an attempt to nullify the danger, there were not less than 20 policemen around the area, investigating this incident.

The hotel guards successfully brought him downstairs, they all circled him and all turned their back towards him while facing outside, they did this in other to spot any threat which was planning on attacking, there was an ambulance close by, the hotel guards safely got him to the ambulance where he laid down and was being attended as he was being rushed to the hospital, two policemen on motorcycle accompanied the ambulance just in case there are any more attacks as the ambulance drove off.

In the ambulance, there were to paramedics that were currently attending to him, one was a boy and the other a girl, he had lost a lot of blood and was almost passing out, his sight was blurry as he could hardly see anything. The male paramedic used his medical equipment to open the fractured shoulder and get the bullet out, he put some methanol on the injury which made the man cry out loud , he then put some badges on it and applying pressure to the wound, the male paramedic washes the blood off bullet while the female still had to put pressure on the wound, the male paramedic takes off his nose mask and it was Enzo

"You could have saved us all this stress if you just complied with me" Enzo said to the man who was still struggling to make the face that was currently talking to him

"Wa... Wai... Wait... Wh.... Wha... What are you talking about?" The man said faintly. He tried to understand what was going on

"I told you what would happen if you dare cross me" Enzo said while the man tried to get up and call for help but he could not, he had lost a lot of blood already, he looked towards the female paramedic pleading for help

"He... Hel.... Help... help help me" The man pleaded with the female paramedic but she just stood there looking at him, he tried once again to get up but his strength failed him, he tried to shout and raise his voice but all was to no avail as he was too weak to do any of those

"Save your strength, you are already dead, I warned you but you wouldn't just listen, the bullet is laced with poison, it usually takes about 30 minutes for the poison to finally stop your heart and you die, so if you have anything last words or prayer now is the time" Enzo said with a straight face

"Pl.... Ple.... Please.... Spare my life." The man pleaded once more

"Too late... I told you my voice will be the last thing you hear" Enzo replied before moving close to his ear and whispering

"omnes moriendum." Enzo whispered these words to his ears as the man slowly passed out. They had just reached the hospital and the man was being moved into the hospital in a stretcher while Enzo grabbed the briefcase and made his way home with the female paramedic