Enzo was walking slowing with the female paramedic but this time it seemed like they both had disposed their uniforms and were on regular clothes, they both wore all black, Enzo grey sweat shirt and black pants while the girl was wearing a black crop top which made her stomach visible and her cute abdomen got the attention of any one who came across her, with a black leather jacket and a trouser of the same color she rocked her outfit with heels with made her tall, almost as tall as Enzo, her hairstyle flaunted her collar bone generously and made her heart shaped face glow alongside her prominent cheekbones, her hair was styled like the crown of the summer.

They both walked slowly as they got to a parking lot where Enzo had parked his sport car, Enzo hands over the briefcase to her, he then goes round his car to get to the back where he opens his trunk and grabs his suitcase which he had used to package his sniper rifle, he opens the zip and replaces the bullet which he had collect earlier from the ambulance and closes the suitcase before jamming his trunk, he heads over to her and handles over the suitcase to her as well

"Dove pensi di andare? (Where do you think you are going to?) she asked

"I have something to catch up to, Antonella I would really appreciate if you help me not be late." Enzo replied

"Come sono affari miei? Ha qualcosa a che fare con me? (how is that my business? does it have anything to do with me?)" Antonella asked

"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you are saying" Enzo replied looking a bit confused

"povero ragazzo. (Poor boy)" Antonella said

"It seems someone has been skipping his Italian classes" Antonella added using an awkward Italian accent which made the English sound a little bit funny as Enzo just stood there and smiled at her.

"What are you laughing for? I speak better English than you speak Italian, I've never been to the US but you... you have been here, how long? 5? 10? No 15 years. And you can't speak Italian to save your life Dick head ." Antonella trolled Enzo

"guarda la tua lingua piccola signorina ... non ho un ottimo senso dell'umorismo. (watch your tongue little miss... I don't have a very good sense of humor.)" Enzo proceeded with a straight face

"Oh sì papà ... il tuo bambino è stato una cattiva ragazza. (oh yes daddy... your baby has been a bad girl.) Antonella replied in amusement as she pushed her body toward him wrapping her arms around his neck and staring straight to his eyes , there was a moment of awkward silence before they began to kiss, starting slowly with Enzo nibbling her lower lip and biting it softly, the kisses began to grow intense as Antonella jumped off the ground and clinging on to Enzo with her arms and legs wrapped around him, Enzo tighten his grip on her before turning round to drop her on the top of his trunk so she could sit there.

"I'm really enjoying this but I sincerely have to go... we could continue this some other time" Enzo pleaded but the words from his mouth just made Antonella go cold and it was visible that her mood her changed. She jumped down from back of the car and slowly grabbed the suitcase

"Immagino che tu abbia cose più importanti da fare ... persone più importanti con cui stare in questo momento. (I guess you have more important things to do... more important people to be with right now)" Antonella said with a very sad face and was about to take her leave but Enzo grabbed her hand

"Dai, non essere così, sai che non è vero, ho appena fatto una scommessa con un amico e se non mi congedo ora, potrei anche perdere. (come on, don't be like that, you know that's not true, I just made a bet with a friend and if I don't take my leave now, I might as well lose)" Enzo reassured her, his reason for not staying were pure and genuine.

Enzo grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him, with her back against his chest he whispered into her ears

"sai che papà ti farà sempre perdonare. (you know daddy will always make it up to you)" Enzo whispered into Antonella's ear before using the tip of his tongue to draw a line from her lower neck slowly going up to her jawline and the sucking her earlobe, it felt so good Antonella's body vibrated and she unintentionally let out a moan of pleasure and then immediately pulls away from him before playfully hitting his chest

"Ti odio così tanto. (I hate you so much)" Antonella said while rolling her eyes on Enzo

"hahaha non è un modo per parlare con tuo padre, sai che puoi essere radicato per questo, se sai cosa intendo. (hahaha that's no way to talk to your daddy, you know you can be grounded for that, if you know what I mean)" Enzo replied with a smile and a wink, Antonella on hearing this could not hide her amusement as she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, she walk towards Enzo and hugs him tightly.

"Ti sei appena comportato in modo strano ultimamente, non mi sembra di capire perché o cosa sta succedendo, mi manca davvero stare con te. (you have just been acting strange lately, I don't seem to understand why or what is going, I just really miss being with you)" Antonella answered while still hugging him tightly

"Non ti preoccupare, arriverà il momento in cui non dovremo separarci e staremo sempre insieme. (don't worry, a time will come when we won't have to part ways and we will always be together)" Enzo reassured her again

"Promise?" Antonella asked.

"Yes, I promise... it might even be sooner than you expect" Enzo replied which made Antonella smile even more than before, she then proceeded to plant kisses on his cheekbones.

"Quando parlerai a mio padre di noi? (when will you tell my father about us?) Antonella asked.

"Cosa hai appena detto? A chi? Tuo padre? Mi prendi in giro? So che mi odi ma non sapevo che mi volessi morto, se tuo padre lo scopra mai. Sarei morto prima dell'alba. (what did you just say? to who? your father? are you kidding me? I know you hate me but I didn't know you wanted me dead, if your father ever finds out about us. I would be dead before sunrise.) Enzo said but this statement broke Antonella's heart.

"Possiamo gestirlo, possiamo combattere, scapperemo lontano da lui dove nessuno ci troverà mai, lo faremo ...(we can handle him, we can fight, we will run far away from him where nobody will ever find us , we will....)" Antonella was still talking before Enzo cuts her off and interrupts

"Tuo padre è il capo della mafia più temuto in Europa, ho visto il modo in cui tratta le persone che lo tradiscono e non voglio essere in tal senso. (your father is the most feared mafia boss in Europe, I've seen the way he treats people who betray him and I don't want to be on that end). Enzo said

"E tu sei l'assassino più temuto in tutto il mondo, devo ricordarti chi sei fratello? Il sicario, colpo fantasma, stai qui e mi parli del pericolo, quando entrambi sappiamo che sei il pericolo, nessuno assolutamente nessuno vorrebbe litigare con te, sei il peggior incubo di ogni uomo e vuoi giocare morto ora come un codardo. (And you are the most feared assassin in the whole wide world , do I need to remind you who you are brother? the gunman, ghost shot, you stand here and talk to me about danger, when we both know you are the danger, nobody absolutely nobody would want to pick a fight with you, you are every man's worst nightmare and you want to play dead now like a coward.)" Antonella said while Enzo just stood there and watched.

"E parli di tradimento, come ti innamori di me tradimento, non avremmo mai conquistato i fabbri senza di te, non avremmo mai sequestrato le altezze di ferro senza di te, sei la più grande arma e alleata dei miei padri e lo sai. (and you talk about betrayal, how is falling in love with me betrayal, we would have never conquered the blacksmiths without you, we would have never seized iron heights without you, you are my father's greatest weapon and ally and you know it)" Antonella added ready to battle any argument Enzo was planning on bringing forth.

Enzo who was reserved just took a deep breath and as he was about to say something his watch started buzzing he had 5 minutes left on the alarm he had set on his watch and would now need to make it to Mia grandmother's place in 5 mins if he was going to beat the clock and win the bet.

"Let's talk about this later, please I would catch up with you later today" Enzo said before planting a kiss on her lips before entering his car and driving off but Antonella just stood there as he drove off, she seemed angry about having to postpone the conversation.