Centre of attention

'You gotta be kidding me.' Ayame wasn't amused by the fact she hadn't even fully walked in and a couple of men came up to her. She tried to walk past them and not give them the light of day, but they continued to block her way.

"Come on, just a peek." The men were extremely persistent in getting this mysterious woman's mask off.

"No." Ayame made eye contact with the men clearly showing her annoyance.

Seeing her glowing orange eyes, they felt immediate danger and took a step back almost tripping over their feet.

Ayame then quickly walked past not batting an eye hoping they wouldn't continue annoying her.

'Holy shit I can't believe this is happening, ahhh! Why does it have to be meeee, I know I'm wearing a mask, but surely it isn't rare.' Despite her icy cold exterior, she was a chaotic mess on the inside and under the mask, her face was completely red.

'Holding this act is going to be harder than I thought.' Although her acting gave her the ability to talk to people. There was still a limit to what she could handle especially if it involved being flirted with or hit on.

'A-anyway, I need to hurry.' Not wanting to think about it, quickly made her way to the bar and start on her search.

Constantly taking glances at people who somewhat looked like Damien, sadly there were no matches. Reaching the bar, she walked around it before sitting down on one of the stools.

"Anything I can get you, mysterious miss?" The bartender saw Ayame sit down and instantly approached her, but he respected her privacy. His tone was friendly and made it clear that he was being playful.

"I'm not here to drink, looking for someone by the name of Damien." Glad she didn't need to put much effort into speaking. Decided this time to try to get information out of the people around her since she had so much ground to cover.

"Damien? I know of one, but I doubt he is the one you're after." The bartender became defensive but didn't think the woman had any wrong intentions.

"Well he called for me, but the idiot didn't tell me where he was and isn't picking up his phone." Ayame seeing the opportunity played into a fake story which may seem reasonable.

'The dude is a party guy, surely the bartender will believe it.' Confident that her fake story would work, she waited for the bartender to give in and tell her a potential location.

*Sigh* "You can find him in the VIP booths." The bartender let out a defeated sigh as if this was common.

"Thank you." Getting the information she needed, she quickly got up from her seat and headed to the special rooms that she saw when walking in.

'Phew, glad that worked.' Getting past another hurdle that could have ended badly, now felt this job wasn't going to be as hard.

'The sooner I finish the quicker I can get out of this dress.' Ayame felt the stares she was getting and constantly readjusted herself to make sure she wasn't showering too much cleavage.

Going past a bunch of blackjack tables, there were constant calls to play a game as well as men and even women trying to talk to her.

'Please just leave me beeee.' Ayame was getting flustered with each call and was finding it harder to keep up her cold demeanour. Thankfully she had reached the booths where there weren't many people. It meant it was quiet as the people inside the booths were too preoccupied and gave her time to take a breather as well as reset herself just in case anyone gets too close.

The booths themselves weren't very private and you could clearly see who was in it, but it provided a small lounge area as well as their own table for games. It was apparent in the first booth that it was meant for rich people to 'enjoy' the comfort of women and men while getting blackout drunk.

This left a disgusting feeling in Ayame as she didn't want to pretend to be some woman there just for entertainment. She also knew it would end up worse for her if her target tried to touch her since she would kill him on the spot out of pure reaction.

With her mind being reset, she looked into the VIP booths. She noticed that it wasn't just for the rich but also for people who had power since she was able to recognise most of the people in them.

'Damn I guess what they say about politicians spending taxes on women isn't all that far-fetched.' Ayame saw many people that had been on TV or were very significant political figures.

'Wouldn't be surprised if I come here again to eliminate some of these guys.' Knowing if she pulls this mission off well, the government would most likely get her to return here since it is a popular place for many targets to gather.

While stuck in her own thoughts, suddenly she ended up spotting someone who looked like her target. Stopping in her tracks, she instantly saw the kind of person Damien was and wasn't thrilled.

Many women surrounded him with one holding a bottle of wine constantly filling his drink. It was clear from his face that he was in a hysteric state and enjoying every moment.

Ayame wanted to kill him right then and there, but she had to wait and see if she could lure him to his room.

Looking around for anything she could use, she noticed that his booth had a good view of some of the tables. Ayame figured if she wanted to get her target's attention, she would need to present herself.

So her plan was to sit at one of the tables while pointing her body in his direction so that when he looked outside, she would catch his eye.

'Thank kitsune that I have this mask to hide my face.' Even thinking about the plan had her face red as she hated using her body to do her missions but it was a necessary action.

Walking over to the nearest table, she sat at the end of it which was populated by a few people playing a game of blackjack. They all looked over at Ayame wondering what she was doing at their table randomly.

"Don't mind me, I'm just watching while I pass by the time." Giving an excuse, it seemed like the people took it and continued back to playing. What surprised Aayme the most was how they just ignored her. She expected them to lust over her, but they were so invested in the game of blackjack.

'Works out for me.' Knowing that she wouldn't be disturbed, positioned herself so Damien had a good view.


[20 minutes later]

Ayame had been patiently waiting, but nothing happened and she was getting bored. Watching people play blackjack was not the most thrilling and could feel herself dozing off.

'Do I need to be more aggressive?' Ayame didn't want to use her last resort, but it seemed like she would have to.

However, before she could doze off a man in a black suit came walking up to her. She wasn't sure if it was for her, but she instantly became vigilant.

The man stopped at her table and looked directly at Ayame confirming it was for her. She tried to see if it was a government official, but there was no indicator meaning that they were working for someone else.

"Ma'am Mr Damien would like to see you." Doing a small bow, Ayame was a bit shocked, but it was exactly what she wanted.

"Hmm? How come?" Ayame knew she couldn't get excited now as it would make her suspicious. So she tried to tiptoe her way around and purposefully fall for the bait that the man would try to set.

"Well, you see he has taken great interest and would like to take you somewhere more quiet away from all the attention you must be having." The man smirked thinking he hit the mark and Ayame played right into it.

"Really? Well if that's the case take me to him." Ayame pretended to be really happy with the offer and got up from her seat.

"Follow me." The man, thinking he successfully hooked Ayame, led the way to the VIP booth.

Walking up to the same booth, the man stopped by the entrance and let Ayame continue in. Going inside there was a major difference from 20 minutes ago, the women that surrounded him were all gone.

Lust filled Damien's eyes, but she ignored it and took a seat across from him, trying not to be so close.

"Would you like a drink?" Damien picked up a wine bottle shaking it a little bit like he was trying to entice a dog.

"No thanks, I already have had some." Ayame didn't trust for a second that the wine wasn't laced with drugs.

"Fine, now what brings you here mystery lady, you have been the talk of the casino and I couldn't help but try to find you myself."