

Teleporting to some kind of old Japanese-style building, we were most likely outside the city in the mountains. I knew my family had a separate house that was quite far away, but I had never been there before since my Father never took me or allowed me to go.

"Bastard, let me go." I was being carried over Darik's shoulder, being forcibly brought back to my father, who most likely made the order to capture me. My attempt at getting Tomoe to help me was a complete bust and I doubted she would pursue me any further since Ayame was knocked out cold. 

"Just shut up, will you? Save that energy when you see your father." Darik tightened his grip, partially crushing my waist. 

"Tsk." Being cuffed with anti-magic restraints, I couldn't do anything, so for now, it was best to conserve my energy. 

"Good." Darik walked inside and looking around, I could instantly see the history this place carried. In the hallways were portraits of kitsune who were most likely my ancestors. They shared the same dark hair with purple eyes and in the background, they showed the number of tails they achieved. 

It varied quite a lot, with some only having two all the way up to eight tails. None seemed to have reached nine, which wasn't a surprise since, as far as I know, it requires divine power. And the only recorded cases of nine tails are those on the council—the ones that inherit the names of the gods. 

'I wonder how many tails Tomoe has. I don't think i ever saw her fox form.' I was curious since it had to be more than 6. She beat my father easily so there is a clear power difference, which can only be explained by the number of tails. 

However, no matter how curious I was, I doubt I will ever find an answer.

'That was probably the last time I will ever see her.' I felt tears well up in my eyes as I didn't know the kind of fate I would face now, but I knew for sure it was one without Ayame. 

'Why does my father have to take everything away from me.' I was lonely and Ayame had been the only person that I could actually connect with. I had no reason to hide my kitsune traits and it we actually had similar interests. 

Maybe I did fall a little too hard in love, but who can blame me! It was the first time in forever I got to know someone and I fucked it up. 

Thoughts of what I should of done to avoid my father's suspicion ran through my head. If I were much more subtle and didn't move out, then I doubted he would of taken such rash measures.

'Although he probably would of still banned me since he does a background check on everyone I god damn talk to.' There was a thought in the back of my head that knew this was inevitable and maybe it should of happened now rather than later. 

I wanted to reject this idea badly, but a part of me felt like I needed to accept it. It was common for every person that got close to me to be snipped from my life. 

"We're here." Without realising it we had made it to my father's bedroom and I was promptly thrown to the ground. The entire room was quite bare, being just a blank traditional Japanese room with a view of the mountainside, which made sense since this is meant to be a vacation house of some sort. 

The mountainside is theoretically a great place to runaway, but it wouldn't do me any good since they can track my every location. The very fibre of my being would do anything to defy my father right now, but Ayame's safety was at risk if I didn't comply. 

"Good to see you are back… my daughter." My father's voice echoed throughout the room and the pause he took mid sentence was deafening. I could instantly tell he was pissed and whatever comes next isn't going to be good. 

Pushing myself off the ground, I kneeled on my knees and looked towards my father. He was completely covered in bandages from the burns and was placed in a wheel chair. 

"Not that I wanted to be here." I couldn't help but mutter under my breath how I felt. Luckily, it would go unnoticed by my father, but Darik on the other hand, heard it and smacked me in the back of my head. 

I glared back at Darik, wanting to murder him, but the only thing stopping me from doing so was these damn fucking cuffs! 

Darik smirked in response to my glare, only adding fuel to the raging fire inside of me. 

"Enough. I'm sure you know why you were brought here, Kasumi." Snapping my head back to my father, I braced myself for the worst. 

"Y-yes." I didn't know the specific reason, but it was 100 percent about Ayame and us moving in together. 

"When I say you can choose to study a course at university, where in that sentence does it say you can move in with a stranger, let alone an enemy?" Hearing my father call Ayame an enemy pissed me off, but I could only sit there, gritting through my teeth. 

"Wasn't an enemy and moving is part of that experience." However, I wasn't going to sit there and take it all. I was going to bite back with my words and defend Ayame at the very least.

"And you never consulted me?" My father gripped his armrests, showing his dissatisfaction with my answer. 

"Why should I? I'm an adult now, I can make my own choices!" I felt like I was being suffocated by my father. He gave me absolutely no freedom to do anything myself and he watched me like a hawk. I had hoped to show that everything would be fine with Ayame, but he chose violence. 

"You have a responsibility to uphold in this family and you clearly don't understand since you are trying to play house with an assassin!" I rolled my eyes, as Ayame was much more than just an assassin. She may kill people for a living, but from what she told me, everyone she has killed is corrupted one way or another. 

"Why do you care? I thought I was allowed to be free, but ever since mother died yo-."

"DON'T MENTION YOUR MOTHER!" I tried to bring up my dead mum, but I was quickly interrupted by my father. It's a sensitive topic for the both of us, but I knew my father hated talking about it. 

"Why? Don't you want to respect her promise!" It was like poking a bear with a stick, but at least I know this bear can't move. 

'Heh, he is probably seething at that comment, too bad he can't do anything about it because I'm right.' It was a get out of jail free card to mention mother's promise since it was something he swore by. 

However, he has done nothing but break it, so it frustrated him when I brought it up. 

"You really are like her." My father shook his head, unable to come up with a response to my comment. It seemed like he was just going to brush it off like nothing happened, but I wasn't going to let it slide. 

"And? I thought she promised for me to live the life I want and right now, it really doesn't seem like you are doing that FATHER."

"Just shut up." Once again, my father deflected, refusing to answer why. 

"No, I refuse to be treated like some kind of toddler!" Unless he forced me to, I was going to make sure to run my mouth as much as I could. 

"Darik, go get it." Suddenly, he signalling for Darik, who had been silently watching, to go grab something. It made me worry, as when I turned to look at Darik he wore a sinister smile. 

"What more restraints to shut me up?" Despite the growing sense of uneasiness in my stomach, I still tried to antagonise my father. 

"Yes and it will make sure you do as you are told." 

"You wouldn't." That uneasiness turned into panic as an item that we possessed came to mind. 

'There is no way he will put a contract collar on?' It was a restraint that forced conditions upon a person and if they broke them, it would result in either their death or excruciating pain. 

"If that's what it takes, then yes, I would." In an unapologetic tone, I was shocked to hear how easily he was willing to stoop so low. To force his daughter to put one of these collars on… there had to be something more going on. 

"You can't be serious. I'm your own daughter! Is this what Mother would of wanted?!" I tried to grasp at any semblance of a heart, but it was useless. I wasn't even sure if I was talking to my father anymore. 

"I don't care what the bitch wanted. I'm getting what I want."