The Second Legendary Class (2) - 7

A/N: Originally, I was gonna have some fun time making a bunch of challenges about glitches, but, I guess my brother kinda dissuaded me because he said it would just be boring. So, no glitch challenges… (Badger him if you're disappointed.)

Long story short, I walked around the battleground until I saw a set of footprints but no person, and then just shot into the thin air where the footprints were last seen, and then effectively won when I saw the blood splattering around.

Blinking, when I opened my eyes again, I found myself in a different room.

Quickly figuring out the glitch in this new room, I started climbing up the clock tower at a steady pace, making sure not to wear myself out too much.

You see, although I technically could spend a week or more in game, or two weeks game time, as 1 day outside was 2 days in the game, due to the highest grade nutritional fluids that my parents had bought for me, I had to leave in a day as the weekend was ending and the fall semester of Uni was starting.

So, taking this into account, this meant that I only had a day left to get to the top of the clock tower.

Picking myself back up again, I started climbing.


It didn't even take me the whole day to reach the top of the clock tower.

After all, I had chosen this legendary class due to its pretty easy difficulty whilst also being one of the most powerful classes.

Well, it was mostly easy for me due to my high level of fighting skills that had been honed in that colosseum for 15 years. If it had been any other level 2 player, they would have been killed by the mobs a long time ago.

But, this difficulty was nothing compared to most legendary class changes, as they were all almost impossible to complete.

Now, you might be wondering why the AI designed it this way.

Well, it was all due to the fact that this class was actually a reward for finding a glitch in the game, so the trials that I had to face were really just a way for the game to try and make me believe that I had actually had to work to earn the task.

Of course, this was also so that I now filled the condition of having "earned" this class.

Anyways, when I reached the top, the class was bestowed on me, and I got my reward, the one skill that made this class one of the weirdest classes in the game.

"Glitch Master."

Like "Bookkeeper's Arsenal", this was a skill package, a skill that held many smaller skills under it to make the whole.

But, unlike "Bookkeeper's Arsenal", the skills under "Glitch Master" weren't at 100% mastery and were all at 5% mastery, making it so that I actually had to work before I became strong enough to use them.

Now, you might be wondering, how was a person supposed to increase skill mastery if they weren't able to use them?

Well, you could get skill mastery points by leveling up.

After all, the easiest way for anyone to get stronger was by leveling up.

Each time a person leveled up, they were given 5 stat points to allocate wherever they wanted, and 2 skill mastery points to put to any skill they wanted.

As for me, the glitch tower hadn't given me any exp whenever I defeated the monsters, so, I was still stuck at a measly level 2, whilst all of the other beta testers were at least at level 4 or at the cusp of level 5.

If I remembered correctly, my sister, being one of the greatest players of all time in the game, got to level 6 or 7 on her first day, and I would probably be able to confirm this when I asked her later.

Well, it was about time for me to leave the game, so I logged out.


"Winter, are you going to school?" Asked my sister as she peeked her head into my room.

Originally, her expression had been the usual cold one, but when she saw that everything was already packed and ready to go, her eyes widened in surprise.

After all, I hadn't gone to school for the past 5 years, and had only been able to move up the grade levels due to my parent's influence (cough cough, aka, very healthy "donations" to the schools).

"Y-you're actually coming?"

"Of course."

Responding curtly, I swung my backpack over my shoulder before following Aurora out of the room.

Passing through the dining room, I saw my parents having their morning coffee and breakfast, but I left before seeing what I knew were surprised expressions on their faces.

Walking into the garage, I waited to see which key my sister chose before walking to the particular car and sitting in the passenger seat.

Now, you might be wondering, why didn't we just have the family chauffeurs drive us to school?

Well, it was due to my sister's personality and how she wanted to, you know, blend in and be a normal college student.

Driving out of our garage, she stopped the car once she got out onto the streets.

"How did you know?"

Obviously knowing what she was asking about, I replied.


After all, that was the most likely explanation for how I had knowledge of the game before it was even released.


"This game is the future of this world."

Hearing my cryptic answer, she could only stay silent as she started the car again, and we sped off towards the Uni.

During the entire of the car trip, we both basked in an atmosphere of silence, as she thought deeply about my actions whilst I just stared out the window at the passing scenery.

Arriving at the Uni, Aurora parked the car, but the both of us just stayed in our seats.

"What's your name in-game?" She finally asked.

"Ash of Winter."

"Mine's Borealis... Do you want to maybe friend each other?"

Hearing this, I smiled inwardly, knowing that I had been given another chance.

"Of course, I'd be happy to." I replied, a bright smile blooming on my face.