Return to College (1) - 8

Bidding my sister goodbye, I started walking towards the undergraduate section of the snow covered university.

You see, living in the north, there was always a light snow falling, more majestic than anything, and, seeing it again after all these long years, I was just reminded about how it was the little things that we took for granted that were in actuality, the most beautiful things of all.

Watching as the snowflakes slowly descended from the sky, the red and brown buildings of the university as a nostalgic backdrop, I walked into the building where my first class was.

Finding my classroom, I sat in one of the many seats surrounding the center, where the teacher talked, as they presented their slides on the 4 screens above them, lecturing to the hundreds of students all around them.

Finding a random seat to sit in, I took out my laptop and surfed the web for a little bit, trying to see if any mention of EDEN was popping up this early in the timeline.

And, just like I thought, there was news of the first legendary class being achieved, and well, now that I knew that it was my sister, I couldn't help but laugh inwardly.

After all, she had been able to memorize my notes in such a short time, so she deserved it.

But now, I was left wondering which legendary class she had class changed into, as I had written down the locations and trial strategies for over 30 different legendary classes, all in consideration to pick out the two that I had actually been going for.

They were also all there so that I could always have back up methods to get more powerful, as my first class had actually been quite a gamble.

Now, you might be wondering why I didn't just try and obtain all the classes, well, it was because it would be much more beneficial for me to just focus on one or two of them to try and get the skill proficiencies up rather than being at a beginner level with all my skills, as the old saying goes, "Quality over quantity."

Anyways, still scrolling through the articles, I could see that there were many doubters talking trash about the quality and the graphics, saying that everything was a hoax.

Knowing that they would all be proven wrong in a month, I kept scrolling, getting all the way down to the bottom, but I found out nothing interesting.

Lamenting about the lack of articles or blogs from other gamers, I realized something.

There was an easy way for me to make more money in the game!

And that method was starting a blog about the game.

Sure, this method probably wouldn't have worked when the game had actually been released with all the actually reputable game reviewers taking all of the clout.

But, if I was the first vlogger, then the masses could only watch me for a month, completely boosting my popularity to the extremes.

This fact combined with my in depth knowledge about the game would undoubtedly make me the go to guru for the game.

I spent the rest of the time before class hashing out the rest of my plan, making sure that everything was ready, before I turned my attention back to the class as somebody tapped me on the shoulder.

"E-ex-excuse me, may I sit right here?"

Looking up and to the side, I finally noticed that a nerdy looking girl had been standing there for a few minutes, struggling to build up the courage to speak to me.

Sweeping my gaze across the rest of the classroom, I noticed that most of the seats had already been filled, and that it was only my row of seats in my sector of the 4 slice circle that was empty

Seeing that the girl had nowhere else to go, I figured that nothing was fishy so I just replied, "Sure."

Apparently happy about finding a seat, and somebody that actually didn't mind sitting next to her, the girl sat down and excitedly starting pulling out notebooks, flashcards, and multiple different pens, their ink a variety of colors that encompassed what seemed like more colors than was in the rainbow.

Seeing her wide assortment of supplies, a thought flashed across my mind.

So, using the corner of my eye, I studied her.

She was a definite redhead, her hair all frizzy and messed up, so much so that I would bet it had never seen a comb for the past few days.

The multiple textbooks in her backpack along with her glasses, freckles, and unkempt look basically solidified her image as a nerd.

But, the thing that I noticed was her green eyes, an eye color almost as rare as purple.

Of course, the eyes that both me and my sister had were an exception, being completely white for some reason, with only a faint black outline to distinguish between our irises and the sclera.

We were the only two people that had this trait in the whole world.

Anyways, her eye color was pretty unique, and I only knew of one person that had ever had this eye color in my past life.

"Is this perhaps your first year here?" I asked the girl, trying to confirm something.

"Y-yes, I'm an exchange student from Albion." (A/N: Basically England, but I didn't want to say England.)

"Oh, well I'm Winter, it's nice to meet you." I said, extending out my hand.

"L-likewise... and my name is Rose." She replied, reciprocating my handshake, her strength surprisingly stronger than she looked.

Breaking the handshake, I turned back to my desk before muttering something to her under my breath.

"Well, a fair warning, if you haven't noticed already, I'm not the most popular guy on campus. If you want to have a lot of friends, then you should distance yourself from me immediately, but if you're fine with being alone most of the time, then be my guest."

Again, looking out of the corner of my eye, I studied her reaction, only to find that she had none.

"I was mostly by myself in the library back in Albion anyways, so I'm used to it."

Hearing this, I nodded my head before looking down the lecture hall, as the teacher walked in.

Steeling my mind, I braced myself for the first boring lecture of the year.