Return to College (2) - 9

A/N: This is an AU, so I'll be refraining from using the names of actual countries and I might create my own names, just a fair warning.

After a few more classes in various different buildings, I headed to the cafeteria for my lunch break.

But then, thinking that it was better to not join in with that giant crowd, I instead found a small tree that was sitting atop a hill and sat there instead, enjoying the scenery around as I unpacked my lunch.

Finding a lunchbox that looked reminiscent of a bento, I took out my chopsticks and started eating.

You see, although my family was ethnically Asian, we were living in the west because that was where the majority of my dad's business was.

Both me and my sister were also born in the west, so, we were kind of living in a hybrid type family now, with influences from both eastern and western cultures.

Anyways, I continued eating slowly as I looked at the scene around me.

After all, I wasn't really in that much of a hurry due to the fact that I didn't have any afternoon classes, and so I only had to wait until my sister was finished with school so that she could drive us home.

Thinking about this, I had to remind myself that I needed to learn how to drive sooner or later.

Feeling a soft hand touching my shoulder, I was broken out of my thoughts and looked annoyedly at who had touched me.

"C-can I sit with you?" Asked a slightly familiar redhead.

"Sure." I replied, keeping my answer curt and short, surprisingly, not that annoyed anymore..

Sitting down next to me whilst leaning her back against the tree, Rose took our her lunch which was just a tuna sandwich.

"How was your first day of class here?" I asked her, causing her to jump a little in surprise. I mean, after all, I had never taken the initiative to start a conversation in the entire time that we had known each other.

"It was fine, turns out, I met a pretty interesting individual today."

"And what did you hear about this individual?"

"That he was a good for nothing truant. Somebody that skips class all the time and never does their work. There were also some nasty rumors going around that said that this truant actually slept with the dean to get her to pass them into the next grade."

"So, what do you actually think of this truant?"

"Although I've only known the truant for a short amount of time, I can safely say that the truant is actually smart, as they did their homework in class, faster than even I could do it. The truant is also slightly kind, but keeps on a cold persona around him. Judging from all these things, the truant is probably just a young man bored with his school life."

She looked at me with eyes that were extremely curious, curious about if she had gotten her conjectures right.

"Well, congratulations, most of what you said was true, but there was one thing that you were wrong about."

"What is it, Winter?"

"It's not that I try to be cold, I just... don't have any more faith in humanity."

Not looking at her reaction after I said this, I leaned my head back against the tree and closed my eyes.

After a few minutes, I heard the sounds of someone eating again, and so I smiled inwardly.

I knew that if she still stuck by me after I said those words, then, well, let's just say that she had the potential to be a true friend.

"I don't have any inkling of why you stuck by me, but know this, you officially have my thanks."

"Honestly, I don't know either, I just feel a sort of... something from you, something that tells me that not being a friend of yours would be like missing the opportunity to win the lottery."

'Hmm... She has good instincts too.'

"Well, do what you want to do, your honesty is refreshing enough."

And with that, I ended the conversation, as we both returned to silence.


"Well well well, what do we have here?"

Hearing the very distinctive voice of a bratty football player, I knew that trouble was brewing.

"Aurora, did you really think that you could run away from me by going over to the undergrad building?"

Processing what he had said, I immediately cocked an eyebrow and opened my eyes.

In front of me were a group of hunks that all tried to look intimidating, and would have made any normal college student piss their pants, but unfortunately, I was different.

Putting my hand into my pocket, I pressed some buttons on my phone before standing up and staring at the leader of the gang right in the eyes.

"Oooh, feisty today, aren't ya?"

Thinking that I was standing there to submit to him, he swung his arm over my shoulder and tried to walk away with me.

"Hey boss, can we take this redhead too?"

"Sure, one of you can take her, I'll be having fun with my Aurora..."


Not noticing before it was too late, I completely dented the jock's face as blood flew everywhere.

"Y-you! What'd you do to the boss?"

Not listening to them at all, rage clouding my mind as I could already guess what had happened between them and my sister, I rushed into the crowd, taking down every single one of them in a whirlwind of hands and feet until there was only one left.

He was holding Rose in a chokehold, threatening to take her hostage.

Not caring about his provocations, I took another object out of my pocket and pointed it at him.


Rose could only stand there, frozen in horror, as the head of the man holding her hostage exploded and pink blood splattered everywhere.

I just stared coldly at his falling body before going around and shooting the rest of them in the head, killing all of them.

Dyeing the ground red with their blood, I then took out my phone and firstly, called my dad, sending him all the details of the situation before calling the police.

Once the police arrived and saw the scene, a singular me standing there with a gun, surrounded by dozens of bodies, they swiftly apprehended me and took me to jail.

Sitting there in my jail cell, I just calmly waited for the storm to pass by, after all, everything would be taken care of.