Return to College (3) - 10

"You're free to go."

Putting my hands out, I let the police officer take off the handcuffs before I was led out of the police station.

Seeing my dad's car, I entered as the driver opened the door for me.

Sitting down on the right side, I looked at my dad who was on the left.

Ignoring me, he watched as the driver got into the car before ordering him to start driving.

Using a remote to raise the soundproof partition between the driver and the back seats, he finally turned to look at me.

"You did a good job... Son."

"I only did what you would have done if you were the one to witness the scene."

"That's... good, although, your mother will be mad at you."

"She'll be more mad at Aurora for letting those guys have their way with her though. She'll probably take Aurora to the doctor just to check if her hymen is still intact."

"Yeah, your mom gets a little scary when these things happen."

"I know, but, do you think Aurora will be fine?"

"I think... Well, we'll just ask her when we get back. But, one thing, Winter, why did you change? Before, you wouldn't have even cared about your sister, so, why did you fight for her now?"

"Because I realized how wrong I was. I'm sorry, Dad, I never meant to hurt you guys."

"It's okay Son, as long as you don't do those kind of things again. But, remember, this is the last time that I'll put my hope in you, if you regress back to your old self..." He looked at me coldly, even almost murderously,

"You'll be dead before you hit the ground."

"Yes, Dad." I replied, not really fazed by this.

You see, whenever it came to something that had to do with his family, my dad would spare no ends to rain punishment down on the ones responsible.

That was why he had gotten me out of jail so quick, using a lot of bribes and favors to excuse my behavior, as I was protecting Aurora after all, and that was all that mattered to him.

"And how about the game? How far have you progressed?"

"I was able to achieve an epic class, but Sister told me that she had gotten a legendary class, so I guess I still have some catching up to do."

"Where you're at is fine, Aurora's probably going to inherit the company anyways. With an epic class, you can probably serve under her. Just remember that, as you're playing the game, EDEN is literally life and death, promise me that you'll remember that."

'Wow, that was blunt... but yeah, I agree, she deserves it.'

"I promise."


And with that, we ended our conversation, and continued on the rest of the ride in silence.


As soon as I got home, I immediately jumped into the gaming capsule and logged in, appearing back in the town of Kepler.

Immediately, a notification sounded, and so I opened it up.

[Player, "Borealis", sends you a friend request, accept?"]


And just like that, I had my first friend that I could chat with using the "chat" feature.

[Yo Aurora, talk now?"]

[No, in the middle of grinding, gimme an hour.]

[Where you at? I can head over there and help you.]

[You sure? It's a level 15 spawning ground.]

[Yeah, lemme help.]

[Alright, come to the Field of Wisps, here are the coordinates.]

I could only stare at the coordinates in shock.

'Wow, she's already found a hidden grinding spot...'

I just shook my head, not being able to comprehend how lucky my sister was, as I had never put the "Field of Wisps" in my plan. I had actually put a level 20 grinding site, so...

Anyways, I quickly headed to the coordinates which were just outside the town of Kepler, and I was quickly drawn to the sound of metal ringing through the air.

I watched on from a distance as I saw my sister standing there atop a hill, wielding a swordsmanship that made it look like she wasn't even moving.

I mean, it looked like she was just standing there with her hand on the hilt of her sword whilst the other hand was placed over her scabbard.

But, all around her, wisps kept pixelating as they died by the droves, indicating that she was actually somehow moving at lightning speeds.

Seeing this, I knew that she had already branched off from her path in the past.

You see, although I had expected her to choose the job of "Swordsman", in the past, she had class changed to a Holy Paladin.

But now, instead of being a more defense oriented swordsman, she was definitely an agility oriented swordsman, something that was the complete opposite of the Aurora in the past.

Anyways, after watching her for a while, I decided that it was time for me to step in, as she was definitely getting too tired, her slowed down movements now doing no damage to the wisps, which usually, should have only been able to be hurt by magic.

The only reason she had actually been able to hurt them was due to her insane speed, breaking the barrier between the spiritual and physical worlds in the game.

So, with this line of thought, I started the incantation for a spell, one that I had heard many times before when I was on the same team as a wizard in my past life.


And, well, my ability was truly out of my expectations.

Instead of a small fireball like a lot of beginner mages, my fireball was bigger than a beach ball, and completely cleared out a whole swath of wisps, creating a break for my sister to run through.

Taking advantage of the opening that I had made, Aurora ran through the opening towards my spot, and then collapsed on the ground next to me, right outside of the grinding zone.

"You know that you could have gotten yourself killed, right?"

"Thanks for the help." She replied, as if not hearing what I had just said.

After that, she just lay there, breathing hard, trying to catch her breath, whilst I just watched the surrounding area and took care of any lonesome wisps that came our way.

Finally, as she recovered, she finally asked a question.

"Why the hell did you choose "Mage" as your class?"