Give me your first time ——-2

Zhai Tianyu knew that this question was coming, he knew that he had to face this since it was the consequence of his own actions. He parted his lips and said, " I understand that you are upset, but the matter of the heart is something that one cannot control——"

He was still speaking when Ji Yu who was silently standing on the side burst out laughing. Her laughter was raucous and mocking, a burst of laughter that he has never heard leave her lips as Zhai Tianyu furrowed his brows and looked at the woman who was laughing as if she was having her last laugh. 

" Consort what is the matter?" He asked with a frown on his face, he did not look displeased but instead was a bit stunned seeing a side of Ji Yu, that he has never seen before, which made him wonder why she was acting like this and whether or not there were things that he did not know about this woman who stood beside him with a smile that seemed crazed and unappealable.