If the queen is dethroned

Zhai Tianyu stared at the woman who asked him the impossible, he thought that he knew Ji Yu but now that he was looking at her, and taking in her frenzied gaze along with her twisted expression, he realised that he might have never known the real Ji Yu. 

True they were the best of friends but just as the Queen said, people, changed with time and most certainly somewhere when he was not looking Ji Yu, the girl who was honest and caring for all changed as well. 

Somewhere he blamed himself as well, he was the one who did not take care of Ji Yu properly, he knew that Ji Yu was having a hard time in the Ji family and which was why she relied on him a bit too much but he was stupid enough to believe that it was similar to a friend relying on another friend since he never knew what it means to be in love or like anyone.