Duel Academy?!

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The alarm clock resounded in Clay's ears, waking him from his slumber. Opening his eyes groggily, he went to get up, hitting his head on the wood above him.

"Damn!" Rubbing his head, Clay rolled out of his bed and onto the floor. He looked around the room but couldn't recognize it as his own. The walls were a yellow-brown color, not the white walls he was expecting to see in his own bedroom and there were a few desks along the wall that he didn't remember having either.

The bed he woke up on seemed to be a triple bunk bed but there was no one occupying the other bunks. He moved himself up to the desk to take a seat while he oriented himself to found out where he was.

"Where the hell am I? Did I get freaking kidnapped while I slept?" Clay leant his arm against the top of the desk, but his arm brushed against something he hadn't noticed was laying there. Inspecting the object, only one thing came to mind when Clay tried to identify it.

"No, no, no! This can't be happening!" He ran to the door of his dorm, opening it to the cool morning breeze. Clay could hear the ocean crashing against rocks by the beach, the sound of seagulls searching for an early morning snack.

In the distance a large building with multiple pillars surrounding it stood tall and proud, and only one place had something like this to Clay's knowledge.

"How the hell did I get to duel academy?!"

Clay ran back into his room, closing the door behind him and sitting at his desk. He inspected his room for anything that could have any clues for how he got into this predicament, but the only thing that stood out in the room was a red jacket lying on the middle bunk.

"You gotta be kidding me, I'm a Slifer here." Clay went and picked up the jacket and tried to put it on. While doing so he went to the mirror to see how it looked on him, but the face that stared back at him wasn't his own.

Staring back was a teenager with black hair and blue eyes and a skinny body that looked like he hadn't worked out a day in his life. His face could be considered handsome, but the rest of his body left a lot to be desired from a man.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy, why was he so skinny?" Clay was never a gym junkie, but he was someone who would always be in shape. Now with this his body was practically reset and he would have to work out all over again to reach his old body shape.

There was one thing that was on Clay's mind as he was putting on his clothes, and that was what cards this person had used in his deck before he body swapped. If he made it to duel academy that meant his deck had to be at least a small bit decent to beat the exam deck.

Clay searched around the room but he couldn't find any cards in the room. He went over to the desk and grabbed the duel disk hoping that he would find some cards with it, but there was no such luck.

"Damn it, what the hell am I meant to do now? I can't exactly duel anyone without any cards now can I?" This was a great problem that Clay had to sort out as soon as possible. He didn't know how he would do it but he had to try something. Maybe he could ask Professor Banner to lend him some DP to buy some booster packs and pay him back at a later time.

After a few more minutes of once again searching the room in case he missed anything, a knock resounded outside.

"Mr. Clay, it is time to wake up, school is about to begin, don't want to be late on the first day." Clay recognized the voice from the time he watched the Yugioh anime. Professor Banner was at his door.

Clay opened the door and saw a 2 meter tall man with closed eyes and a cat in his arms. His long black hair was tied back in a pony tail almost reaching the back of his knees.

"Ah, you are up. You should hurry, your first lesson will be soon." Professor Banner began to turn away heading to the other dorms but Clay couldn't just let him leave. At least not without trying to find a solution to his current problem.

"Professor Banner, can we have a quick word?" He called him into his room, closing the door behind him and Professor Banner.

"What is it Mr. Clay? It must be important if you intend to miss your first lesson." Professor Banner sat down on one of the desk chairs in the room, his cat still in his arms.

"Sir there's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to say this." Clay bowed his head so his body was at an almost 90 degree angle to the floor. "Sir, I misplaced my deck and can't find it anywhere. I've spent the entire morning searching with it nowhere to be found. If possible I was hoping for you to loan me some money to buy some cards and I pay you back at a later date."

Banner was shocked to hear this on the first day. A student was already asking to borrow money from him and they had hardly just met. But Professor Banner wasn't just going to make this child suffer because of some carelessness.

"Of course, I can send you 1000 DP to get started. That should give you enough booster packs to make a deck, but I cannot guarantee that it will be a usable deck. If I give you any more money the other students may think I am giving you more benefits so this is the most I can do."

Clay bowed deeper on hearing this. He really thought he would have to go scrounging around in the trash to find any cards, but his teacher was just going to give him what he needed off the bat.

"Thank you Professor Banner, don't worry I should be able to work with a few booster packs. I promise to pay the money back as soon as possible."

"No problem, now you should head to the card shop before you go to school then. Just say I sent you and it should be no problem. I can't say the same thing about your classes though so you will have to make up that class work."

Clay almost bolted straight for the door when he was told that he could go straight away. What point is there at being a duel academy if you can't even duel? He had enough restraint that he was able to leave with Professor Banner after promising to get his work done and repay his debt as fast as he could.

After his chat with the professor, Clay bolted for the store as fast as he could. If he could get there soon he wouldn't miss out on too much work and he might get better cards, even though that may have just been him being hopeful.

He arrived in about ten minutes and he was huffing and panting from not stopping. Out the front of the shop was an old lady, Ms. Dorothy, the owner of the card shop. She heard the sound of Clay panting and looked over to see a student hunched over, breathing heavily.

"Dear are you okay? Classes have almost started and it's a long way to the classrooms from here."

"Sorry, I need to buy some cards. Professor banner sent me and he said it should be fine." Clay once again bowed his head, pleading to be let into the store to find some cards he could use.

"Sure no problem, just make sure to be quick about it." She let Clay pass and he ran into the store and grabbed the first booster packs he saw. He grabbed five of them, thinking that this would be enough to fill his deck.

"I would like to buy these cards." He brought the packs up to the young lady at the counter. She looked surprised to see someone here so early but she just took the pack and processed the purchase. "Thank you very much."

With what he needed done, Clay ran out of the shop and straight to his class. The bell had already rang signaling the start of class so he knew he would be late. Then an idea occurred to him. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at the cards he had acquired.

Looking at the cards he smiled, to himself at his brilliance. He would pay back Professor Banner and not get any homework in one day.