The Small Bombers

Clay had finally reached his classroom, but he was twenty minutes late because he had to buy his cards. Entering through those doors he could feel the tension in the room. Everyone turned to face the late newcomer, some whispering about how dumb he was for oversleeping or how weak he looked.

"Ah, Mr. Clay I presume. Thank you for gracing us with your presence." At the front of the classroom was a man with long blonde hair in a blue vest. Clay recognized this person as Dr. Crowler. "I will remind you that this is a prestigious academy that has no place for slackers."

"Sorry Dr. Crowler, I had an errand I needed to run." He walked to the front of the class where the rest of the Slifer students were sitting, with one with a head of hair that reminded Clay of a Kuriboh.

"That is not an excuse Mr. Clay. Because you were late I am going to give you extra homework to catchup with the rest of the class." Dr. Crowler had a smile on his face as he said those words. It was clear that he didn't like the Slifer's but there wasn't anything Clay could do about it.

"Dr. Crowler, I have a proposal for you." Clay really didn't want to do homework and he needed to pay back Professor Banner, so there was nothing wrong with doing what he was about to do in his mind.

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"I propose a duel between me and a student of your choosing. If I win the duel they take my homework and if I lose I take their homework." This offer didn't seem like much but Clay realized that he still needed to see how his deck stacked up currently. "Why don't we start this year off with a bang, or in this case a duel?"

"Hm, interesting. I don't see why not. This will allow the students to see what duels should look like when you're at the top." Dr. Crowler looked at the students in the class and pointed at an Obelisk blue student. "You, Yamada. You can duel this Slifer for the first duel of the year."

A student in a blue jacket stood up and walked down the stairs to the front of the class. He looked confident in himself as he stood across from Clay.

"Well you Slifer Slacker, guess you will be the first loss of this year, and thanks for taking the homework for me. I expect an A on the work so don't you dare half-ass it." Yamada had already started acting like he had won the duel even though it hadn't even begun.

"Sure, keep talking big cause that's all you can do." Now with the required trash talk out of the way the duel could finally begin.

Clay: 4000

Yamada: 4000

"I'll go first, draw!" Yamada drew his first card, and began the duel. "I summon Baron of the Fiend Sword in attack mode!"

As he placed his card on his duel disk, a hologram of a large, yellow-skinned man holding a red sword appeared in between the two duelists.

Baron of the Fiend Sword: Atk 1550, Def 800

"I end my turn! How is a Slifer like you going to beat my powerful monster?" Yamada laughed as he taunted Clay. Clay just stood there stunned, looking at Yamada with wide eyes. "Look at you! Never seen a powerful monster before?"

To the spectators of the duel it may have looked like Clay was surprised or even scared looking at the monster he had to face. They couldn't hear what was going on in his head, but if they could they would think he was insane.

'Is that it?' Clay was stunned looking at the monster on the field. Anyone could beat that monster easy and he didn't even set a trap card face down. He could only think how stupid this person was, and he was meant to be an elite of Duel Academy.

"My turn, draw!" Clay drew his card and looked at his hand. His deck was just a mismatch of cards at the moment because he only just got these cards, but he could already see ways to end this duel in a couple of turns.

"I play the continuous spell Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen!" As Clay placed down the card, the scenery around the two duelists changed into that of a cathedral hall with pillars on both sides of their bodies.

"The hell is this meant to do? It didn't deal any damage to me so it's just worthless." Yamada continued to mock Clay as he played his card. Clay could only think one thing as he heard Yamada speak. 'You don't even know what it does.'

"This spell cards allows me to summon out a fairy type monster from my hand straight to the field, so I choose to summon Koitsu from my hand!" The shape of a blue man riding a paper plane appeared on the field, leaving the spectators to laugh at his little attack points.

Koitsu: Atk 200, Def 100

"Hahaha! You think you can beat my baron with those measly attack points? You must have math problems because my monster is more than 1000 Atk points higher!" Yamada couldn't help but insult Clay at this point. He had never seen such a monster before, and looking at its stats he understood why.

"Well, if you wouldn't interrupt me then you would see who has the math problems. I summon Soitsu from my hand in attack mode." Appearing next to Koitsu, a green colored man riding a paper plane appeared on the field.

Soitsu: Atk 0, Def 0

"That monster is even weaker than your other one! How do you expect to win when you don't have any attack points?" Yamada was not the only one laughing at this point. Many of the Obelisk students were laughing at the display that was happening below.

"Well, let me show you how I intend to win. I activate the effect of Koitsu, allowing me to equip Koitsu onto Soitsu." The blue man hopped onto the plane of Soitsu, while his plane slid underneath and stacked with the other.

"When Koitsu is equipped onto an 'itsu' monster, that monster gains 3000 Atk points!" As the attack points increased so did the size of Soitsu and his plane.

Soitsu: Atk 3000, Def 0

"What the hell is this?! Why is it as strong as a Blue Eyes?!" Yamada was now starting to panic. His monster couldn't take on this thing, and he had bragged so much about how weak it was.

"Soitsu, Attack Baron of the Fiend Sword with Green Nosedive." Soitsu flew up into the air and began twirling. The green man jumped off of his plane and dived down on the head of the other monster, bouncing off his head and destroying him in the process.

"ARGH!" As his monster got destroyed Yamada yelled in pain and panic.

Clay: 4000

Yamada: 2550

"I play one card face down and end my turn." An image of a large card appeared, hovering over the floor before it disappeared from view.

"You'll pay for that you damn Slacker. I draw!" Yamada looked at his cards in his hands, trying to think of a way that he could beat Soitsu, but there was nothing he could think of. He didn't have a strong enough monster. He decided to play it safe and put a monster in defense position to protect him. "I summon Whiptail Crow in defense mode."

Whiptail Crow: Atk 1650, Def 1600

"I end my turn!" Yamada grit his teeth as he said those words. He knew that there was nothing else he could do, but he was unwilling to accept defeat to a Slifer.

"My turn then, draw! I activate the effect of my spell card Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen, allowing me to summon Aitsu to the field in Attack mode." With this another man, this time red, and standing on a paper plane came into existence.

Aitsu: Atk 100, Def 100

"Next, I play my face down Needlebug Nest, allowing me to send the top five cards from my deck to the graveyard." Clay did as he said and sent the top 5 to the graveyard.

"That's it, you just wasted a bunch of cards. You really are a Slifer Slacker aren't you." Yamada once again mocked the play style of Clay.

"I hate to disappoint you but I play the spell card Monster Reborn, allowing me to special summon Doitsu, who I just sent to the graveyard." Clay pulled out the card from his Graveyard and placed it on the field. From the card came a yellow man on a paper plane eating a bowl of noodles.

Doitsu: Atk 100, Def 200

"I now activate Doitsu's effect allowing me to equip Aitsu with Doitsu, increasing his attack points by 2500." Doitsu leapt through the air and landed on the same plane Aistu, while his paper plane, similar to Koitsu's merged with Aitsu's.

Aitsu: Atk 2600, Def 100

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Yamada seeing this new development couldn't help but curse at his bad luck.

"Soitsu, attack Whiptail Crow." The green man, on his paper plane, flew through the air and passed through the bird in defense position. "And due to Koitsu being equipped to Soitsu, Soitsu can inflict the difference in the attack points of my monster and the defense points of your monster as damage to your life points."

"What?! No, please!" Soitsu continued flying, heading straight for Yamada who was begging for him to stop. "ARGH!"

Clay: 4000

Yamada: 1150

"That leaves you wide open Yamada. Now Aitsu, attack Yamada directly! Red Nosedive!" Aitsu leapt off of his plane and glided gracefully over head of Yamada. Then as if a drill was attached to him he began spinning. His descent was so quick that barely anyone could see it, only the results were visible.

Clay: 4000

Yamada: 0

"Game over!"