Spirit Well

Quick authors note here so everyone see this, I am aware what I am going to do may seem like I am changing an entire rule of the game, but as I have said in an earlier authors note, I'M THE AUTHOR, SCREW THE RULES.

Okay, so now the change I am going to make: I am going to have Life Point payment costs, for things such as cosmic cyclone where you pay 1000 Life Points to banish a spell/trap card, be treated as effect damage.

Some of you may hate me for it, but...


That may have seemed aggressive but that's just what I wanted to say. Thanks for understanding, or not, and I hope you continue reading the book.



Clay walked back to his dorm with his cards in hand, wondering how long it would take before his other cards arrived and he could start working with Riley. Arriving at his room, he crashed on the bed letting out all of his exhaustion.

His mind was racing, trying to think of more ways to make others work with him, creating his own little army for the future. But everything starts small and so would Clay's plans. It was never good to get in over your head, that was how you made mistakes and did more harm than good.

As he was thinking about the future a figure from his past soared into his room on a paper plane. The blue humanoid figure doing flips and dancing on his plane, trying to show off his skills.

"You see that Clay, I don't even need to look straight to fly perfectly!" Koitsu was obviously enjoying himself as he flew around the room. Clay couldn't help but chuckle at the little display his small friend was putting on.

"Have you seen the others? Its been a while since I've seen the crew all together." Clay looked out the window of his room, looking into the distance.

"Aw, you miss us that badly?" A high pitched voice spoke from above Clay. Looking up, the shapes of three paper planes could be seen flying into the room from the ceiling. The planes circled in the air as they descended, flying just to eye level with Clay.

"Took you long enough to get back here!" Clay was excited to see these guys again. These were the first duel spirits that Clay had encountered and he was hoping that he would be able to meet a lot more with their help. "Koitsu said you were looking for some more duel spirits, did you find any?"

"Heck yeah we did, there's a whole well on the north side of the island full of spirits, a bunch of other cards there as well, just lying at the bottom." Aitsu spoke, telling Clay about their discovery. They were all excited for what they could find in that well.

"Sweet, did you see any strong spirits or just some smaller, weaker ones?" Clay didn't really care what kind of spirits they were but getting his hands on a strong spirit wouldn't suck.

"We didn't go to far in the well, but we were able to see the bottom and it was littered with cards. We say some of the weaker spirits flying around outside but there may be stronger ones at the bottom of the well."

Clay nodded his head at this information. He had played a game that had this exact well in it but he didn't remember the game much. This wasn't a problem for Clay as it would allow him to experience it with more mystery and excitement then expecting what to happen.

"We can head to the well after school, I don't have anything going on tomorrow so it should be the perfect time." With their plans now sorted, Clay and the Itsu's began talking about what they had been through while they were separated, ranging from the Itsu's being chased by wild animals to the 20-v-1 duel that Clay had.

They talked through the night, but eventually Clay was too exhausted. He fell asleep on his bed, waiting for the night to turn to day and being ready to find the well that would house Clay's next adventure.

Morning came, school went by and nothing out of the ordinary happened. Clay was able to ace a surprise test with ease but nothing else of interest happened today. At least not until Clay was heading to the north side of the island.

"Are you sure we're heading in the right direction, we've been walking for a few hours." Walking through the dense forest wasn't really a problem, but being unfit and doing a three hour hike can really take a toll on a body.

"We're almost there, just a few more minutes and you'll see the well." Soitsu flew back to Clay to explain how much farther. He was the one who had found the well, so it was obvious he would know how to get there.

The hike continued until the sight of an old, rusted well came into view. There was no bucket that would be used to get water, obviously the well had dried up a long time ago. There was however a ladder leading down inside the well.

"That's the well I was talking about, there should be some spirits flying around up here but most of them are gathered at the bottom of the well." Soitsu flew up into the sky, placing his hand on his forehead as if he was looking for something.

"See anything?" Clay called. If there were any spirits up here that he could convince to join him then it would make it much easier to convince the others to join him.

"I don't think so... Wait I see movement coming this way!" Soitsu pointed to the north, alerting Clay to the approaching duel spirit. This duel spirit was small, had a green bean shaped body and thin limbs. Clay would recognize this spirit anywhere, Jerry Beans Man.

Jerry floated down over the well, holding his short sword and pointing it at Clay and Soitsu. He looked really cute, trying to act brave and protective of his friends.

"Go away, if you're just here to get rid of cards then you can do it somewhere else!" A very high pitched voice spoke out. This voice was obviously Jerry Beans Man trying to get Clay away from his home.

"Easy there pal, I'm not here to get rid of any cards, I actually came to grab a few." Clay raised his hands to show that he meant no harm. He was going to be honest with this spirit as he wanted to make connections with as many spirits as possible and being deceiving wouldn't really look good, would it?

"Why should I believe you? The only reason people like you come here is to get rid of useless cards like us." Jerry still held his sword threateningly to ward off Clay but it just looked adorable.

"And who said that you were useless?" Clay put down his hands, pulling a card out from his pocket and showing it to Jerry Beans Man. "Your old owner didn't see the point in keeping you around, he thought you were weak and useless, never going to amount to much. I have something that can change that."

The card that Clay was showing was the card, Amulet of Ambition. This card could only be equipped to a normal monster, and when that monster battled a monster who had a higher level than the equipped monster, it gained 1000 attack points times the difference in level.

"You have a lot more potential than you know, and you have an ambition, don't you? You want to be the strongest in the world, proving to the world they were wrong about you." Clay moved forward, Jerry Beans Man lowered his sword after hearing the words of Clay.

"You've been through a lot, abandoned, called useless, called worthless, had your feelings toyed with. I can help you show the world that you are worth more than your old user ever will be." Clay spread his arms, hoping for Jerry Beans to acknowledge Clay and listen to him.

Jerry Beans Man, much to Clay's surprise, instead of standing still and talking with Clay, jumped into Clay's arms, hugging him and crying his heart out. What Clay had said was true, he had been through a lot.

His first owner had used him for a few duels, Jerry couldn't have been happier where he was, but one night when his owner was reconfiguring his deck he replaced Jerry and called him trash.

Eventually he was given to another student who did the same thing, giving Jerry hope that he could stay with him and be helpful, only to be replaced and called worthless. Instead of going to another student or sticking in the students spare cards, Jerry was taken with the students other cards he called trash and taken to the well.

He was dumped in, forgotten over time, one with the students 'trash'. But here someone was, telling him that he was wrong, that his old owners were wrong, that he was going to be great, that he WAS great. He was so happy.


I realize that some of you may not read an actual author note so I'm gonna put this at the end of the chapter.

The duel with Titan is going to be coming soon, and I was wondering how you wanted it to happen. Do you want Clay to be the one to duel Titan, do you want Jaden to duel Titan, do you want me to ignore Titan all together, beat the crap out of him?

I'll listen to what you guys want here.

Thanks for your time.